I finished a very fun game of Conquest just a bit ago. I started out playing as Recon with my freshly unlocked AK 5C. Carbines being all kit weapons is going to be awesome. That option is going to make Recon much more useful on a more regular basis. The addition of C4 and the mobile Laser Designator, as opposed to the SOFLAM, are going to be great additions. I managed to destroy two tanks with C4 and like always, it does not get much more satisfying than using C4 to destroy tanks.
However, I did not stick with the AK 5C. I grew tired of being killed by building top campers and was struggled to help my team because I was constantly being picked off from a variety of directions. After a death, I noticed that I could spawn on one of my squad mates and be in a good position to cause the other team issues, including those building top campers, if I switched to a bolt action. I picked off quite a few players, both on top of buildings and below on one of the objectives. The guys on the buildings took some time before they zeroed in on me, but by the time they had, I had done my fair share of damage.
The variable zoom attachment looks like it could be very useful. Being able to switch from 8x to 14x depending on the engagement range is nice. I mostly used the 14x zoom, but being able to switch to 8x on the fly made the weapon a bit more effective for ranges that 14x is overkill.
The AK 5C is a nice weapon. It is hard to say where the weapon will end up in terms of effectiveness. Within the beta though, the weapon is a good one. The iron sights are lacking. The rear ghost ring is a hair too thick and obstructs too much of the screen. It is not terrible, but not great by any means. The front sight post is much too fine. The post is a bit too small and slightly tough to pickup. Some tritium in the front side would work wonders for visibility. However, these complaints about the iron sights are not really relevant considering that some kind of sight is always going to be used.
Earlier in the thread, I mentioned how the Coyote sight is likely going to be the sight of choice. I found this on Reddit earlier today and it is a nice comparison between the Coyote and American red dot sight.