Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Wish I could Adam, current system can't run it well enough. Waiting for my brother to bring back his rig so I can swap out this HD7770 for my old GTX 570 I let him use, hopefully then it'll get better.

I have been messing around on empty servers though, trying to get a feel for things, and yeah, the water's intense.
Battlefield™ 4 Beta (PS3) @ Siege of Shanghai - Conquest, 02-10-2013

In the first minutes you can see how levelution works on the PS3.
Nice vids! I really like the water.

Anyone wanna squad up on PC?

I may already have you on my friend's list, but I am not sure. Though, the time zone difference makes it tough during the week. However, I can jump into games during the weekend and will try to do so when I see you on.

EDIT: Double checked this thread. Yep, I already have you on my friend's list.
Wish I could Adam, current system can't run it well enough. Waiting for my brother to bring back his rig so I can swap out this HD7770 for my old GTX 570 I let him use, hopefully then it'll get better.

I have been messing around on empty servers though, trying to get a feel for things, and yeah, the water's intense.

Yeah I'm only running like 35 fps xD ... on low. Just bearable.

Cool Brett if I ever see you on I'll give you a message or join your game.
Well thank god this works instead of GTA. Having fun so far. Figuring out the XM25 airburst was a bit weird but I think it's one of my faves now.

For anyone that does not know how the XM25 Airburst works, this video should help explain how the weapon functions.

I now want to try the weapon. I had no idea how the weapon worked and now that I have seen how the weapon functions, I can see the thing being quite useful.
Just went 27-2 with a lot of help from the Little Bird. There were times when I just circled around the Skyscraper Flag (before and after it fell) and took down several squads in a few minutes. I'm quickly getting used to the different physics of the Scout Choppers and it's really paying off. :D
Just went 27-2 with a lot of help from the Little Bird. There were times when I just circled around the Skyscraper Flag (before and after it fell) and took down several squads in a few minutes. I'm quickly getting used to the different physics of the Scout Choppers and it's really paying off. :D

Ohhh..... So you're one of "those" guys huh? :grumpy::D
That chopper has extremely powerful mini guns. Way over done.
I actually think it's more difficult than BF3 - main reason being that the aim indicator isn't accurate. It seems about the same damage-wise as BF3, and it can't take down tanks.
It two hits infantry and 5 or 6 for the big rig trucks.
At least on the recieving end.
I havent gotten the hang of the controls yet, even on legacy or whatever. Prob because i have them set dif on bf 3. vehicle controls are a little weird aswell.
Diving is cool as is being able to sidearm and knife in water.
I havent counter knifed yet because i always hit r2, and i get killed all the time trying to spot and ending up on battlelog because of select.
I have also been blown up in vehicles way to much from pushing the wrong button trying to get out with like 3 % health.

Yeah, i kinda suck right now.

The airburst is awesome. My first 10 seconds in my first game i parachuted on a squadmate, switched to airburst and took out a full chopper with it as i was parachuting in.
I have to try it then I haven't yet! You can disable the battlelog deal on select button for ps3 go to options gameplay then it says something about battlelog just switch it to hide.

Haha. 2 counter attacks in one game and it was epic once I gutted dude in the stomach! I'm starting to enjoy this more.
I think the Coyote red dot sight is going to be the sight of choice in Battlefield 4. My first battlepack had the sight in it for the MX4. The Coyote is a big improvement on the American red dot sight. The sight picture is much less cluttered and the dot finer. The two combined make for a much easier to use sight.
does anyone know what time GMT the beta for PS3 will be available ?

Never mind, found it in the PSN store ... downloading now
How did you find it?

I went into the PSN store and searched for Battlefield, then selected the full game version, then it showed me 3 trailer's and 1 demo.

Downloaded and installed it, but at the moment when I try to play online it shows me the following error

"You have lost the connection to the EA servers. Online features will be unavailable"
So i played my first game on the ps3 and my quick thoughts.

Graphics are poor (i know its a ps3 and beta)
Too little action even though it was 12 v 12

Will see if my impressions change but PC gaming here i come :)
For those playing the Beta on PS3, I have discovered a hilarious glitch that I'm sure you guys will enjoy. First, this can only be done with the Assault kit and you must have the Defibrillator unlocked for your Assault kit. And what you want to do is bring out your Defibrillator and hit R1 then press R3 a split-second afterwards. If you've done it correctly, the Defibrillators will be invisible. But switch to your primary and secondary weapons you will discover they are also invisible. Have fun running around and shooting invisible guns!
I've not DL the beta, but been watching a lot of gameplay on youtube:

1) New kill cam mean recons will be incredibly hard to play with sniper rifles now as even the most intelligent camping spots will last one kill now.
2) New map looks a bit empty - so many open spaces.
3) Is it my imagination or do people die really quickly now - seems almost instantaneous?
I've not DL the beta, but been watching a lot of gameplay on youtube:

1) New kill cam mean recons will be incredibly hard to play with sniper rifles now as even the most intelligent camping spots will last one kill now.
2) New map looks a bit empty - so many open spaces.
3) Is it my imagination or do people die really quickly now - seems almost instantaneous?

I've had good luck with people dieing fast for me. I also am dieing fast. I don't mind it as long as they are dieing fast to. Far too many clips have I wasted on a dude only to have them turn around and single shot kill me in BF3. I honestly hope it stays this way. Single shot RPG's are taking down choppers to. Love that! I mean, if you can hit a chopper with an unguided RPG, it should go down IMO.
I finished a very fun game of Conquest just a bit ago. I started out playing as Recon with my freshly unlocked AK 5C. Carbines being all kit weapons is going to be awesome. That option is going to make Recon much more useful on a more regular basis. The addition of C4 and the mobile Laser Designator, as opposed to the SOFLAM, are going to be great additions. I managed to destroy two tanks with C4 and like always, it does not get much more satisfying than using C4 to destroy tanks.

However, I did not stick with the AK 5C. I grew tired of being killed by building top campers and was struggled to help my team because I was constantly being picked off from a variety of directions. After a death, I noticed that I could spawn on one of my squad mates and be in a good position to cause the other team issues, including those building top campers, if I switched to a bolt action. I picked off quite a few players, both on top of buildings and below on one of the objectives. The guys on the buildings took some time before they zeroed in on me, but by the time they had, I had done my fair share of damage.

The variable zoom attachment looks like it could be very useful. Being able to switch from 8x to 14x depending on the engagement range is nice. I mostly used the 14x zoom, but being able to switch to 8x on the fly made the weapon a bit more effective for ranges that 14x is overkill.

The AK 5C is a nice weapon. It is hard to say where the weapon will end up in terms of effectiveness. Within the beta though, the weapon is a good one. The iron sights are lacking. The rear ghost ring is a hair too thick and obstructs too much of the screen. It is not terrible, but not great by any means. The front sight post is much too fine. The post is a bit too small and slightly tough to pickup. Some tritium in the front side would work wonders for visibility. However, these complaints about the iron sights are not really relevant considering that some kind of sight is always going to be used.

Earlier in the thread, I mentioned how the Coyote sight is likely going to be the sight of choice. I found this on Reddit earlier today and it is a nice comparison between the Coyote and American red dot sight.

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F-Bomb on the upper left. Here's a replacement

I didn't like the red dot sights in BF3 (RDS nor the Kobra), preferring either iron sights or the Holos. The Coyote looks nice though, and I assume that a lot of people will be using it due to the massive difference in how they look :lol:.
F-Bomb on the upper left. Here's a replacement

Thanks for the catch. Image replaced. 👍

I didn't like the red dot sights in BF3 (RDS nor the Kobra), preferring either iron sights or the Holos. The Coyote looks nice though, and I assume that a lot of people will be using it due to the massive difference in how they look :lol:.

I played much of BF3 with the US Holo sight. Towards the end, I made the switch to the Kobra sight. I am not really sure which one I like more, but both work well. It is easier to be more precise with the Holo since there is a small bit of zoom on the sight. However, the slightly lesser sensitivity because of the zoom hurts in close quarters and makes the Kobra better for those situations. :indiff: