Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Devs have posted on the battlelog forums that they will most likely patch the beta for PC. Fingers crossed!
I got a couple of freezes earlier today, but my biggest gripe, is the -lean right/left mechanics on the consoles; sometimes, it does it for you, or it glitches out. I really don't see the point. Also, I'm guessing that levelution has decreased on current-gen consoles due to the hardware restrictions. I tried knocking down a pillar in an underground parking lot; didn't work :(

Also, one thing that takes getting used to, is the elevator doors. When you enter, you interact with the button, and face the direction of the button, only to be torn apart when the doors behind you open up.

The controls, we've mentioned. Even when you change it to veteran, the controls aren't exactly the same, due to the added Comms. feature that you see on a PC. Other than that, it's a solid game.
Also, one thing that takes getting used to, is the elevator doors. When you enter, you interact with the button, and face the direction of the button, only to be torn apart when the doors behind you open up.
All elevators (apart from one set) open up to the opposite side. The only set are the 'service' elevators on the Skyscraper that reach the very top of the roof and they open up on both sides.
All elevators (apart from one set) open up to the opposite side. The only set are the 'service' elevators on the Skyscraper that reach the very top of the roof and they open up on both sides.

Yep. Just takes a game or two to get used to.
I am a longtime COD player, since the first Modern Warfare, but I am considering switching over to the BF series. I do like a bit of run and gun with SMG's, but I tend to like sniping the most in the COD games. Do you all think that I would get on with the sniping in the Battlefield series? I like to play in a stealth style I guess, but I also can quickscope a bit when I have to. I'm not really sure that I'm into vehicles all that much. Can you still enjoy the game if that's the case?
Kept on crashing to desktop tonight. Had some great, top scores, lost to the "Battlefield has stopped responding...." UGH.

Disabled SLI and all my problems went away.
I am a longtime COD player, since the first Modern Warfare, but I am considering switching over to the BF series. I do like a bit of run and gun with SMG's, but I tend to like sniping the most in the COD games. Do you all think that I would get on with the sniping in the Battlefield series? I like to play in a stealth style I guess, but I also can quickscope a bit when I have to. I'm not really sure that I'm into vehicles all that much. Can you still enjoy the game if that's the case?

Sniping is quite different to the last COD I played (MW2) in that bullets dip over distance, they also have different bullet speeds between different rifles and also the ranges you shoot at can be up to 1km. Fortunately there are a range of attachments that can tailor the rifle depending on how you want to play, from huge magnification scopes and bipods to no scope at all, a laser sight and straight pull bolt so you don't have to interrupt your next shot with a bolt cycle. So yeah, it's quite different but I think it's more satisfying than learning how to use certain weird game mechanics. I'm not sure if quick scoping is really a thing in Battlefield given that you can just not use a scope at all, but it is possible to use a bolt action rifle up close.
Man, I can't kill anyone in the east coast servers. It's brutal! What's the optimum ping that you guys have found to give you the best hit response?
I am a longtime COD player, since the first Modern Warfare, but I am considering switching over to the BF series. I do like a bit of run and gun with SMG's, but I tend to like sniping the most in the COD games. Do you all think that I would get on with the sniping in the Battlefield series? I like to play in a stealth style I guess, but I also can quickscope a bit when I have to. I'm not really sure that I'm into vehicles all that much. Can you still enjoy the game if that's the case?

Teamwork is the name of the game in Battlefield. Call of Duty is much more lone wolf focused. While one can lone wolf in Battlefield, doing so is not very beneficial to helping with the objectives.

Running and gunning is somewhat viable, though the map sizes make that a bit difficult to consistently do. The most running and gunning I have done is with a shotgun. Getting up in the face of the opposition with a shotgun can be incredibly fun when it works.

Sniping is fine in Battlefield, so long as you are not being a bush wookiee. When people camp it up near the faction spawn and just try to pick people off at super long distances, it can be frustrating. Since those people are not really contributing much of anything to the team, a spot on the team is being wasted and that team is playing a person down. Overcoming multiple people being bush wookiees is difficult and ruins the experience. Do not be that guy.

Further, the chances of picking people off at those distances is slim. Factor in having to dial in the correct amount of bullet drop and needing to lead the shot, the chances of being successful lowers tremendously. Instead, those people need to move up and support their team from closer distances. Anything under about 200 meters is not too bad. However, a range between 75-150 meters is more ideal. The other weapons lose much of their effectiveness around 75 meters and bolt action can more easily compete.

Quickscoping does not really exist in Battlefield, at least like in Call of Duty. Attempting to quickscope someone with a higher zoom scope is a recipe for repeated deaths. The other weapons are too good and the bolt cycle too slow. Now, with precise aim and a lower zoom scope, some closer action can be done. Not necessarily as effectively as with a more appropriate weapon, but it can be done. The player just needs to be more aware of the limitations of the weapon at those ranges and play accordingly.

When it comes to vehicles, I mostly avoid vehicles, except those designed for quick transportation between objectives. I will hop into a tank, especially when no other teammates are near. Grabbing a tank when no one else is near is a good idea and prevent the other team from grabbing it. At times, I can do quite well in a tank. Chopper piloting or gunning can be fun, but I only do so when the team has not grabbed a helicopter for what would be considered a long time. I essentially do not use jets. I am a terrible jet pilot and jumping into one completely wastes that asset for my team.

Man, I can't kill anyone in the east coast servers. It's brutal! What's the optimum ping that you guys have found to give you the best hit response?

Since I have had under about a 50 ping on every server I have joined and have not had a whole lot of issues with hits registering. My failings to kill have been more due to my poor aim, hitting legs or arms instead of upper chest or heads. I have to do a better job of keeping my sights high and aim for upper chests and headshots.
Thanks for the replies guys. Very informative. I can imagine how frustrating that would be to have a number of extreme bush campers on your side. The leading and bullet drop actually sounds more appealing to me because it seems like it would make the good snipers more skillful in comparison to COD.

Regarding the team play, I am in graduate school and I don't have very much time at all to play games these days. Would I still do fine playing the game solo, or do you really need a team of friends that you consistently play with?
Shotguns are MAD OP on conquest. I destroyed people like 15-3 just by running, emptying my boom tube, and reloading on the fly. Amazing.
Regarding the team play, I am in graduate school and I don't have very much time at all to play games these days. Would I still do fine playing the game solo, or do you really need a team of friends that you consistently play with?

You do not really need a team of friends to consistently play with. It certainly does not hurt. If you are consistently pushing objectives with your teammates, then that is good enough.

Shotguns are MAD OP on conquest. I destroyed people like 15-3 just by running, emptying my boom tube, and reloading on the fly. Amazing.

I have not unlocked any of the primary shotguns just yet. I only have the M26 MASS and have not really used it. I did however see you tearing up the leaderboards.

I have been playing Support the last few games and I am really liking the Magnifier. The 2x zoom that the Magnifier offers is quite nice and is not too much or too little zoom. Being able to flip between 1x and 2x is also nice. The U-100 MK5 is a pretty good weapon, so long as you are aiming down sights. The hipfire on the weapon is atrocious. The XM25 Airbust is also pretty handy for reaching out and nailing those pesky guys behind cover. It looks like Support might be a better class to play in BF4.

I also unlocked the PP-2000 yesterday. I gave it a bit of a run earlier this morning. The weapon is quite similar to the PP-2000 in BF3, that is low recoil, low rate of fire, but very controllable and a nice enough weapon. Fortunately, unlike in BF3, the PP-2000 comes equipped with 41 round magazines. I definitely like the weapon better than the MX4. The MX4 may be a bit better in close quarters because of the higher rate of fire, but the weapon is not great past anything but short distances. The PP-2000, while not great, can actually reach out and be somewhat useful out to mid ranges.
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I find the ACR is ridiculous. Much better than the PDWs. I run carbines on all classes except Assault. Except when I'm playing conquest and using the shotguns. LMGs suck. Sniper rifles suck too. If I'm going to snipe someone they need to be one shot kills. Otherwise it's useless.

I love the classes though. Support is actually support again and recons absolutely needed C4. It made no sense to give C4 to support in BF3. The airburst is a perfect counter to pesky snipers and would have been perfect to end the stalemate situations back in BF3 on Metro.
Hey guys I'm looking to upgrade my PC for BF4 as running on low settings is a bit dull.

My specs ATM are:

Intel Quad core I5 3570k CPU @ 3.40GHZ (3.80GHZ don't know what that means :lol:. Overclock setting maybe?)
Gigabyte GA-Z87-HD3 Motherboard
16GB of RAM
128gb SSD
Nvidia GTX 650 Card (2GB)
Novatech PowerStation 600W Power Supply
3 Gigs out of 5.6.

I need to get better internets, might be server load, but I swear BF3 downloaded twice as fast through Origin (faster than Steam, oddly enough, not today though).
PS3 freezes every few matches or during a match. So frustrating and I'm not the only one with these issues :ouch:

Also, the game looks like a prettier Dust 514 on the PS3 :yuck:

Otherwise I've had fun capturing objectives when I'm not getting killed by someone I can't see. I'm more used to fast paced multiplayer shooters but I'm decent enough to help win a few matches here as most people I've played with have an understanding of teamwork and work together (A surprise in this era of online gaming).
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PS3 freezes every few matches or during a match. So frustrating and I'm not the only one with these issues :ouch:

Also, the game looks like a prettier Dust 514 on the PS3 :yuck:

Otherwise I've had fun capturing objectives when I'm not getting killed by someone I can't see. I'm more used to fast paced multiplayer shooters but I'm decent enough to help win a few matches here as most people I've played with have an understanding of teamwork and work together (A surprise in this era of online gaming).

Are you freezing the moment you try and spawn at the beginning of a new match?
Hey guys I'm looking to upgrade my PC for BF4 as running on low settings is a bit dull.

My specs ATM are:

Intel Quad core I5 3570k CPU @ 3.40GHZ (3.80GHZ don't know what that means :lol:. Overclock setting maybe?)
Gigabyte GA-Z87-HD3 Motherboard
16GB of RAM
128gb SSD
Nvidia GTX 650 Card (2GB)
Novatech PowerStation 600W Power Supply

Those settings really don't seem that bad. I'm not familiar with that Nvidia card, but with a 3.4GHz processor and 16GB RAM I'd be surprised that you have to run the game on low settings. It is also possible to overclock the Nvidia cards separate from your CPU, which could give you a bit more performance perhaps.
Played some of the beta on the 360 yesterday. The graphics are absolutely horrible. Has Dice said anything about this? I've took part in a ton of alpha and beta tests and usually the graphics are really close to the final product. Is what we are seeing now suppose to be close to the full version or is this a really, really old build?
Played some of the beta on the 360 yesterday. The graphics are absolutely horrible. Has Dice said anything about this? I've took part in a ton of alpha and beta tests and usually the graphics are really close to the final product. Is what we are seeing now suppose to be close to the full version or is this a really, really old build?

PS3 are poop 2.
Got the beta on PS3 a few days ago. Admittedly, this is the first of any Battlefield I've ever played and wow do I love it. First battle I did pretty good, was an effective player I'd say. Also tried flying the helicopter of course, and promptly changed the controls to Veteran after going sideways into streets. :lol: Is it just me, or is the Little Bird harder to fly then the Z11?

Also unlocked the SCAR-H last night and can't wait to use it!

So far, I haven't had much problems on PS3, it has only frozen on me 3 times, twice when loading a battle and once when picking up one of those special weapons.

I might download it for PC as well since it looks so amazing, but not sure how much of it my computer can handle.

PS3 are poop 2.

It's good up until the skyscraper falls.
Those settings really don't seem that bad. I'm not familiar with that Nvidia card, but with a 3.4GHz processor and 16GB RAM I'd be surprised that you have to run the game on low settings. It is also possible to overclock the Nvidia cards separate from your CPU, which could give you a bit more performance perhaps.

The thing is I don't know how to overclock anything so if anyone is willing to tell/teach me then I could have a go. If that fails I could go for a better graphics card. Is the GTX 770 any good?
The thing is I don't know how to overclock anything so if anyone is willing to tell/teach me then I could have a go. If that fails I could go for a better graphics card. Is the GTX 770 any good?

I honestly don't suspect you'd need to overclock though. Does the game lag when you are playing high settings?

I have an i5-2500K that I rarely overclock, and it's usually running about 3.3GHz. I've not really had any issues trying to run any games at full settings, so my guess is that you should look first at a new graphics card. I'm using an nVidia 560Ti, which was not overly expensive and still has very good performance. I just looked up some reviews comparing it to your card and they rate it much higher.

As far as overclocking goes, it's fairly simple to accomplish. However, you shouldn't mess with that until you've read up on it quite a bit. Your CPU will run faster, but much hotter. In either case, I'd recommend a free app like CoreTemp to keep an eye on your CPU temperatures. You will see that as soon as you start overclocking your temperature will jump up, and that means you will likely also have to invest in a cooling system that's better than your stock heatsink if you want to continue to overclock. If you are getting temps of 85ºC and above you really risk the chance of damaging or killing your CPU.