Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
I love the counters whenever someone tries to knife you. I've gotten about three knife kills coming up from behind, and two counters when someone ran up at me.
Defibrillator can kill now :D. SICK! Just killed a bad guy who came right up to me :P.
You could use the Defibrillator in BF3 as well! It was a just a tad more difficult to use; you had to hit someone in their centre of mass while they weren't moving and you had to hold it down.

I've already gotten four defib kills. I'm hoping for a lot more :D
I honestly don't suspect you'd need to overclock though. Does the game lag when you are playing high settings?

I have an i5-2500K that I rarely overclock, and it's usually running about 3.3GHz. I've not really had any issues trying to run any games at full settings, so my guess is that you should look first at a new graphics card. I'm using an nVidia 560Ti, which was not overly expensive and still has very good performance. I just looked up some reviews comparing it to your card and they rate it much higher.

As far as overclocking goes, it's fairly simple to accomplish. However, you shouldn't mess with that until you've read up on it quite a bit. Your CPU will run faster, but much hotter. In either case, I'd recommend a free app like CoreTemp to keep an eye on your CPU temperatures. You will see that as soon as you start overclocking your temperature will jump up, and that means you will likely also have to invest in a cooling system that's better than your stock heatsink if you want to continue to overclock. If you are getting temps of 85ºC and above you really risk the chance of damaging or killing your CPU.

Ok thanks. I'll consider upgrading to that then :)
Anyone know how to completely remove the stuttering from PC version of BF4? I've got it down to where it's okay but I'd like to know how to completely remove it.

PS: I've enabled Adaptive V-Sync on the NVIDIA control panel, GameTime MaxVariableFPS 60, and set the CPU Priority to low which makes the stuttering very minimal when it happens, which is also a lot less frequent. Still it's annoying... :lol:

So far my opinion of the Beta is as follows.

Takes what was great about Battlefield 4, then improves it greatly. Can't wait to get this game when it comes out!
Anyone know how to completely remove the stuttering from PC version of BF4? I've got it down to where it's okay but I'd like to know how to completely remove it.

PS: I've enabled Adaptive V-Sync on the NVIDIA control panel, GameTime MaxVariableFPS 60, and set the CPU Priority to low which makes the stuttering very minimal when it happens, which is also a lot less frequent. Still it's annoying... :lol:

So far my opinion of the Beta is as follows.

Takes what was great about Battlefield 4, then improves it greatly. Can't wait to get this game when it comes out!

There's nothing we can do to completely remove it, the game needs to be optimised. Dice have said they are working on a fix for it, and may patch the beta soon.

I have tried every method of fixing it (aside from upgrading to windows 8) and nothing helped much except for installing an older nvidia driver. Game runs like absolute garbage on the lowest settings on a low resolution. Massive fps drops where it will sit at 5fps for up to 10 seconds making the game unplayable.

From what I have seen though the games mechanics are awesome, movement feels more realistic and will be a great game when it works properly.
Anyone know how to completely remove the stuttering from PC version of BF4? I've got it down to where it's okay but I'd like to know how to completely remove it. PS: I've enabled Adaptive V-Sync on the NVIDIA control panel, GameTime MaxVariableFPS 60, and set the CPU Priority to low which makes the stuttering very minimal when it happens, which is also a lot less frequent. Still it's annoying... :lol: So far my opinion of the Beta is as follows. Takes what was great about Battlefield 4, then improves it greatly. Can't wait to get this game when it comes out!
I haven't followed bf4 on PC but for bf3 if you had hyper threading you had to turn it off. Not sure if it applies to bf4 or if you even had it but I figured it was worth mentioning.
I haven't followed bf4 on PC but for bf3 if you had hyper threading you had to turn it off. Not sure if it applies to bf4 or if you even had it but I figured it was worth mentioning.

I dropped my 6 core AMD FX-6300 down to 4 cores and it definitely helped the frames, though I never had to do that for BF3.
I cannot alt+tab, that makes the game crash.

BF3 in ultra runs at 60 with no problems whatsoever, this struggles with server load and thus generates a lot of lag and screen shuttering.

Good thing they release a beta before official release on PC, at least that give them time to work around these issues (hopefully).

As for the game itself, is a bit of an improvement from BF3, a mayor one however not having a fluid experience with the lag and screen shuttering issues makes it hard to me to give an actual assessment of how the game is actually like.
Played Obliteration on Paracel Storm at the EB Games Expo for this. Literally drove my boat all the way over to the windmill blocking the naval destroyer so I could destroy it and let the waves carry it over to the beach. Got a few kills with the attack boat as well.
So I had my Graphics set to auto, most of everything was set to high, V-sync on. I was getting spikes of FPS lag like most everyone else, and I was feeling risky. I switched everything to Ultra to see how much of a slideshow it would become, and now I get a solid 60 FPS with very minimal spikes. (Even when it happens it only dips to about 50) Confused the hell out of me but now I can enjoy the game the way it was meant to be enjoyed! :D
Every time I try to bring down the graphics to medium instead of the default for me, which is high, the game crashes.
Well they patched the beta and..... did not fix much. If anything they made it worse for a lot of people. Reports of people who had no fps/stutter issues now do and the loading screen problem is still there.

Couple of days ago they were asking for info from the forum users to try and isolate the fps/stutter problems so they are working on it. But this means it is a genuine unforeseen issue and is not just a case of it being a beta.
Anyone else seeing soldiers with bright arms?

The bright arms have to do with emblems. If the person makes an emblem with a color that covers the entire background, then their sleeves will also be that color.

Well they patched the beta and..... did not fix much. If anything they made it worse for a lot of people. Reports of people who had no fps/stutter issues now do and the loading screen problem is still there.

Couple of days ago they were asking for info from the forum users to try and isolate the fps/stutter problems so they are working on it. But this means it is a genuine unforeseen issue and is not just a case of it being a beta.

The patch has helped with a few of the issues I was encountering. The performance is still not great, but it is better.
The Beta's now got Obliteration! I joined a match and managed to detonate a base straight away! :D Whoever piloted transport chopper was awesome. He always stayed around the bomb offering to pick us up when we got it. We managed to win two flawless games in a row because of him!
What exactly is obliteration? I've been a bit to preoccupied with other games to follow this much. :P

I will be on again at some point though.
What exactly is obliteration? I've been a bit to preoccupied with other games to follow this much. :P

I will be on again at some point though.

Each team has three bomb sites. There's one neutral bomb that each time fights for. You try and blow up all 3 of all the other teams bomb sites. It's rush on steroids.
Each team has three bomb sites. There's one neutral bomb that each time fights for. You try and blow up all 3 of all the other teams bomb sites. It's rush on steroids.

On a console, it's Rush on a Protein Shake. On a PC, it's Rush on Steroids. Playing on PC, one becomes Terry Crews...

“Hey! Ultimate game-mode coming up right now! Feel the POWAH! Feel the RUSH! DESTROY a base!"


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