Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Anybody else have the bomb stuck under the rubble after the tower falls? Yup, can't be picked up and with no game timer the match doesn't end. I think it's in its third hour now.
Obliteration can be very fun. The very first game I played, the squad I joined was communicating and working together. That squad alone was able to swing the game in favor of the team I was on. Subsequent games have not been as fun, as the teamwork has not been there.
So I finally got round to 'playing' BF4; I could spawn and see my character's POV in the little display on the bottom left, but I couldn't actually control him, then the game crashed. Then I rejoined the same lobby and could see that I was controlling a camera because the loading screen didn't actually fill the screen, then it went black with the word 'loading' flashing on it and stayed that way for a minute or so until I quit.

So far, so good; I'm not buying this.
So I finally got round to 'playing' BF4; I could spawn and see my character's POV in the little display on the bottom left, but I couldn't actually control him, then the game crashed. Then I rejoined the same lobby and could see that I was controlling a camera because the loading screen didn't actually fill the screen, then it went black with the word 'loading' flashing on it and stayed that way for a minute or so until I quit. So far, so good; I'm not buying this.
what platform are you on ?
Second patch made a massive improvement for me in terms of performance. Far less stuttering and now she's running 60fps at 1920x1080 with drops to 30-40.

So now I have faith that the final product will be ok. Might even pre-order!

As for obliteration I don't think this map is a great place for it, and they added a 20 minute time limit due to how hard it can be to ever take an objective. But it is fun and provides some intense moments.
I have, is about the same apart from a few performance tweaks.

As far the game goes, is kinda ... meh, I mean is cool like BF3, but I have played so much BF3 that this honestly feels like it with a setpiece and some added weapons. Customization is nice, however it doesn't take away the fact that the game is pretty much the same.

I had a ton of fun with BF3, in both 360 and PC, however having played other stuff that have evolved in nearly all areas (like ArmA III) is really hard for me to get back and play this.

The game is good, the game is great in fact, however it seems like a rehashed things made out of older games (like CoD incidentally) and it ends up feeling ... dull after a short while(coincidentally like MW3 felt to me back at the day).

I might get back to it to check out some of the game modes that DICE might drop into the Beta, however this will not be a release buy, or even a buy at all for me.
I am ready for the full game. I am tired of Siege of Shanghai. Obliteration has been fun when grouped in a squad that really pushes teamwork, but some variety in the maps would be even better. The same can be said for Conquest or Domination. I would also like to play some Rush.
Me and ENDURANCEGUY are the best team on BF4... ever. Repeated knifing, burning, shooting, and blowing up your teammate shows how close we are as a team. We are better than the MLGest of the most MLG PRO hardcore players in the universe (Yes, BF4 is played on other planets). Our advice: You don't want to mess with us.
Me and ENDURANCEGUY are the best team on BF4... ever. Repeated knifing, burning, shooting, and blowing up your teammate shows how close we are as a team. We are better than the MLGest of the most MLG PRO hardcore players in the universe (Yes, BF4 is played on other planets). Our advice: You don't want to mess with us.
My best teammate lives right next to me.

Why isn't there an intergalactic BF4 Tournamental Tournament?
Why isn't there an intergalactic BF4 Tournamental Tournament?

We kicked their asses, plain and simple.
This was pretty much my 3rd time playing an FPS. I first tried Payday The Heist, but got frustrated after one try and uninstalled it. Tried out Dust 541, ridiculously complicated menu for a new player, didn't last one round, uninstalled and will NEVER try it again. Played BF4 today, still a newb to FPS games. I was playing with ENDURANCE/NFSGUY for about a half hour just screwing around in an empty lobby, then went to an actual server, got killed a few times, round was over shortly after I joined. Game crashed when the next round started and I logged off. I don't think I will play again. Kinda confusing and I don't like how the controls are different from what I'm used to. X doesn't sprint, L2 doesn't aim, R2 doesn't fire, driving vehicles is just strange, way too many buttons for me to remember :lol:
we kicked their asses, plain and simple.
this was pretty much my 3rd time playing an fps. I first tried payday the heist, but got frustrated after one try and uninstalled it. Tried out dust 541, ridiculously complicated menu for a new player, didn't last one round, uninstalled and will never try it again. Played bf4 today, still a newb to fps games. I was playing with endurance/nfsguy for about a half hour just screwing around in an empty lobby, then went to an actual server, got killed a few times, round was over shortly after i joined. Game crashed when the next round started and i logged off. I don't think i will play again. Kinda confusing and i don't like how the controls are different from what i'm used to. X doesn't sprint, l2 doesn't aim, r2 doesn't fire, driving vehicles is just strange, way too many buttons for me to remember :lol:
Well.... Isn't freezing much these days. I've been playing alot of domination with my brother and we just might be able to conquer the Universe.

I'm creating project Ultima in GT5. Tomorrow I'll be busy so probably no BF4 until monday.
Domination is pretty fun when you unlock that 200 bullet LMG which name I can't quite point out as I'm not into guns.

Also if your team doesn't suck. I'm pretty new to the BF front but I'm quite skilled at shooting faces off, Uncharted 3 trained me a bit in this fast paced shooty shooting.
I wanted to give it another chance after several days of not playing it.

Somehow the "Quick Match" option loves to throw me into the laggiest (unplayable) servers they have... great. :rolleyes:
Of course, I do know how to use the server browser, just saying.
Played conquest for 30min and it pissed me off again. Levolution? Yeah that thing went down after just about 1min and then that was it...

The elevators might look fancy at first, but as soon as everybody figured out that you can perfectly place explosive right in front of the doors...

I like the posts on the street though, untill someone decides not to lower them and wait for you to do so, just so that he can steal the vehicle...

I'm not too sure if it's more the map (terrible map btw) or the players, but the game is extremely chaotic.

Did anyone say the vehicles drive better? Well, I don't think so.
Or maybe it's just the awful controls that has an influence on how I see them...

In my eyes, so far, it's just a BF3 with awful controls, terrible map, combined with some useless "fancy" stuff, a game mode that just doesn't work (domination), levolution which can ruin an entire game (tower falling on bomb...), tons of dust, horrible hit detection, etc.

BF4 will be the game with nice graphics, nice visual effects, explosions, but at the end substantially be about as much of a game in gameplay terms as a (big scale) call of duty (with vehicles and more explosions).
EDIT: Regarding being a COD "fanboy" - I didn't buy or have ever played BO2 and didn't play MW3 online. I'm not saying it's better or good, don't confuse that.

I thought it's definitely going to be a day 1 purchase, but now I'm no longer sure about that. Maybe it will be better than BF3, but honestly BF3 wasn't that great either in my opinion. Dice seems to know how to make games worse.

EDIT: It's not what BF4 is meant to introduce, it's just, they seem to have overlooked essential parts of a game that make it well playable. They're adding layers and layers of fancy stuff (levolution, more vehicles, more guns, more, more, more), but forget to make a good frame/core first.

EDIT2: Or perhaps the map is just so 🤬 awful that I can't get a reasonable point of view.

EDIT3: I started switching from COD to the BF series because it was more fun to play BF, but it's starting to turn the other way round. BF4 is no fun as of now, sadly.
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But I like domination :(
i would like it a lot better if it didn't show where the bomb carrier was and just told which team has it. That's my problem with sabotage on COD too. Both those game modes would be a lot more fun if it didn't show the bomb carrier like demolition did on socom. If their afraid of people hiding with it they could show for a few seconds each minute or so but not the entire time someone has it. At least give the option to hide bomb carrier in custom servers.
i would like it a lot better if it didn't show where the bomb carrier was and just told which team has it. That's my problem with sabotage on COD too. Both those game modes would be a lot more fun if it didn't show the bomb carrier like demolition did on socom. If their afraid of people hiding with it they could show for a few seconds each minute or so but not the entire time someone has it. At least give the option to hide bomb carrier in custom servers.
Domination has nothing to do with bombs :odd:

Obliteration is about the bomb.
Played conquest for 30min and it pissed me off again. Levolution? Yeah that thing went down after just about 1min and then that was it...

I have seen games where the tower comes down very quickly and I have seen games where it stays up for a majority of the game. Your mileage is likely to vary.

The elevators might look fancy at first, but as soon as everybody figured out that you can perfectly place explosive right in front of the doors...

By going up an elevator that makes noise when the door is about to open, the people outside the elevator should have the advantage on the people trying to get out of the elevator. Not only do the people outside have a pretty good idea on when the doors will open, but they also have the advantage on being able to position themselves in a variety of locations. It is generally a bad idea to use an elevator to get to the top of a building. I have killed quite a few opponents because I could hear the elevator noise and knew I needed to turn around to engage hostiles.

I like the posts on the street though, untill someone decides not to lower them and wait for you to do so, just so that he can steal the vehicle...

Let teammates lower the posts. Scumbag vehicle thief is always going to be a scumbag vehicle thief, posts or not.

I'm not too sure if it's more the map (terrible map btw) or the players, but the game is extremely chaotic.

The map is terrible for Domination. Allowing roof access was a terrible design decision. Remove the roof access and the map likely works better. However, even with that change, the map still probably needs to be a bit larger or use a different portion of the map. As it is now, the map reminds me somewhat of Scrapmetal in BF3. I did not like that map because the routes to the objectives were awful. It was constant death all around. The other three Close Quarters maps were better about access routes.

However, the map works fine for Conquest and Obliteration. The skyscraper is a great launching point to the objectives in both game modes. Having trouble with one team using the skyscraper too effectively, then bring that thing down. Instead, if your team is effectively controlling the point and the map, then protect that objective and use it as an asset.

Did anyone say the vehicles drive better? Well, I don't think so.
Or maybe it's just the awful controls that has an influence on how I see them...

Vehicles handle differently. Better or worse? I go with somewhere in the middle. I have yet to have a tank drift like the T-90s liked to annoyingly often do in BF3. The jetskis like to do 180s if one tries to turn too quickly. The LAVs handle just fine and I have noticed little difference from BF3 to BF4. I find flying the attack and transport choppers a bit easier. The MRAPs are similar to the HUMVEEs; I find less turning input is required in BF4, but that is the only big difference as far as I can tell.

In my eyes, so far, it's just a BF3 with awful controls, terrible map, combined with some useless "fancy" stuff, a game mode that just doesn't work (domination), levolution which can ruin an entire game (tower falling on bomb...), tons of dust, horrible hit detection, etc.

I had a bomb reset to a new location after the tower fell on it last night. Maybe that is something that was fixed in one of the PC beta patches.

BF4 will be the game with nice graphics, nice visual effects, explosions, but at the end substantially be about as much of a game in gameplay terms as a (big scale) call of duty (with vehicles and more explosions).
EDIT: Regarding being a COD "fanboy" - I didn't buy or have ever played BO2 and didn't play MW3 online. I'm not saying it's better or good, don't confuse that.

I thought it's definitely going to be a day 1 purchase, but now I'm no longer sure about that. Maybe it will be better than BF3, but honestly BF3 wasn't that great either in my opinion. Dice seems to know how to make games worse.

EDIT: It's not what BF4 is meant to introduce, it's just, they seem to have overlooked essential parts of a game that make it well playable. They're adding layers and layers of fancy stuff (levolution, more vehicles, more guns, more, more, more), but forget to make a good frame/core first.

Seems that BF4 has picked up where BF3 left off with some changes. I guess that if you did not particularly like BF3 that much, then you are probably not going to like BF4. BF4 looks to be an evolution of BF3 and does not seem to be trying to reinvent the wheel.

Levolution is/was way overblown. It is the same as any other type of destruction, except it is on a larger, scripted scale. Destroying the skyscraper in Siege of Shanghai changes how the map is played. Adapt and overcome.

EDIT2: Or perhaps the map is just so 🤬 awful that I can't get a reasonable point of view.

I have noticed that when I have not enjoyed playing the BF4 Beta, it has mostly corresponded to playing Domination. Switch it up to Conquest and I have had a lot more fun. Obliteration can also be fun, but it can be more hit or miss because it depends so heavily on team coordination.

EDIT3: I started switching from COD to the BF series because it was more fun to play BF, but it's starting to turn the other way round. BF4 is no fun as of now, sadly.

Maybe wait for more maps? Right now, this is like playing Operation Metro over and over and over and then complaining about how crappy that map is. And yet still continuing to play that crappy map while still continuing to play on only that map.
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i would like it a lot better if it didn't show where the bomb carrier was and just told which team has it. That's my problem with sabotage on COD too. Both those game modes would be a lot more fun if it didn't show the bomb carrier like demolition did on socom. If their afraid of people hiding with it they could show for a few seconds each minute or so but not the entire time someone has it. At least give the option to hide bomb carrier in custom servers.
In Socom, I think there was a point either one team had it. It was either the Seals or Terrorists not a neutral bomb. ( granted we always planted a Claymore or C4 by the bomb...) I just hated the tactic to use the hostage as shields...though I did it sometimes.
In Socom, I think there was a point either one team had it. It was either the Seals or Terrorists not a neutral bomb. ( granted we always planted a Claymore or C4 by the bomb...) I just hated the tactic to use the hostage as shields...though I did it sometimes.
it was neutral in socom. It started in the middle of the map and you both had a base to defend just like on bf4 and cod only it was just one base and the bomb only showed up when no one had it. It made it much more strategic. If the other team got the bomb you had no idea when they were going to plant or where they were coming from.
Domination has nothing to do with bombs :odd: Obliteration is about the bomb.
thats right. I got confused. I never play battlefield modes with no vehicles. I'm not even sure what the object is or how domination works. Once I seen no vehicles I backed out.
Domination is like Conquest, but on a smaller map with only three objectives and infantry only. Objectives are also quicker to capture.
it was neutral in socom. It started in the middle of the map and you both had a base to defend just like on bf4 and cod only it was just one base and the bomb only showed up when no one had it. It made it much more strategic. If the other team got the bomb you had no idea when they were going to plant or where they were coming from.
Was it? It has been years since I play Socom II...:lol: All I remember is that I was the look out on the highest point with a M87LER or SR-17SD while my team mates took both sides.
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I guess that if you did not particularly like BF3 that much, then you are probably not going to like BF4. BF4 looks to be an evolution of BF3 and does not seem to be trying to reinvent the wheel.
Although I did play BF3 quite a lot (about 260 hours), I can't say it's the best game I've ever played, not even close.

If a new game comes out, I want something new, something different. I don't just want to see an expanded predecessor. Not that anybody understands me wrong, I can understand if people like that game. Just me... sadly not so far.

Domination is like Conquest, but on a smaller map with only three objectives and infantry only. Objectives are also quicker to capture.
To me it purely depends on how good your team is at capturing objectives together, the better organized you chaps are, the more likely your team is to curbstomp the other team :D

Also how good you are with that trigger. I love destroying the other guys with my M88 LMG :D
Playing with NFSGUY (Enduranceguy) and fastGTP_04 (idk GTP name). They're not on my friends list. (PS3) funny how we somehow found each other.