Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
*cough* or 144hz at 144 fps.

Multiples of 30 really have nothing to do with technology limitations, at least not any more with digital sources and displays.

I always forget about 144 hz.
You can underclock/overclock the refresh rate of pretty much all modern panel types. Not a big deal, it just may not be that healthy for your display. 54Hz, 63Hz, 66Hz, 67Hz, 71Hz, etc, whatever you want.
The actual refresh rate doesn't really matter, I think when TVs became DC and digital we globally adopted 60Hz just because that's what nations with 60Hz AC grids had had all along (we Brits had 50Hz), then 120Hz came about because of shutter glasses and stereoscopic 3D from one flat display. Because the glasses for these displays shutter one eye at a time, the refresh rate is technically halved so to get 60Hz (perceptual) smoothness, the refresh rate has to double so that each eye sees 60 refreshes per second. I guess people discovered that 120Hz displays look great compared to 60Hz when displaying a non-3D image. I think that's the only reason for the 60Hz to 120Hz jump.

Aaaanyway, Battlefield 4 looks great, doesn't it? The sound seems a bit weird to me though, these gameplay clips of Paracel Storm seem oddly, I don't know, quiet. I remember being very impressed with BF3's audio even in early videos, I'm not getting the same feeling from these ones. I suppose there's only so far you can go, though. Also, Levolution? That's the best they could come up with? Horrible.
I'd urge people to take a look at Vikkstar123 and Jackfrags BF4 gamescom videos. They are by far the best examples of gameplay I've seen. Jackfrags did video on the Shorty 12g Wich is a pump action shotgun that is a secondary (we saw this in the SP gameplay reveal). He's also shown the AK 12, ACE 53 SV "sniper variant", C4, magnum and type 95 in good solid gameplay. Vikkstar123 did a video on the M416 and a great video in the SRR-61 sniper rifle, more commonly known as the "Intervention". I post this because I was fed up with struggling to find decent gameplay in the livestreams.
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Am I the only one who thinks cruise missiles, counter knifing and a few other tidbits aren't good for the game?

I can't think of much worse then having a cruise missile from nowhere with no defense coming in and ending a decent run of play potentially more than once per game. I'm struggling to see what it will add to the game other then grief. It seems like the rich will get richer and the other team will just get angry. On the flip-side it might not have a huge impact on a game in which case why bother giving the cheap death to someone.

Counter-knifing just sounds like press X not to die, the animation looks great don't get me wrong (and I bet the first few cruise missiles will be epic to see as well). I can see both of these features really starting to get old quite quickly, though I never knife because of the dangerous involved anyway.

I trust DICE not to mess it up completely, but I might not be going premium this time around if this sort of thing is going to be prominent.
I don't like the counter knifing aswell.

But the rest i've seen so far looks good.

I like counter knifing, One of the most frustrating things in BF3 was being knifed from the front. The counter knife gives You a chance to avoid that this time. If you don't know you can't counter any other knife attempts unless they're from the front. So attempts from the rear and to the side you still can't survive unless a teammate saves you.

On the tomahawk missile and other commander privileges, I understand they are quite balanced and not awarded Willy nilly. I struggle to recall seeing a tomahawk being used on the gamescom livestream, I don't doubt there was but I didn't see any. Plus, don't forget what your own commander could provide for you in return, Things such as UAVs, counters, EMPs, HVT designation, Vehicle drops Etc. Even if a tomahawk missile is used by the opponent you have to be quite unlucky to be one of the few hit by it considering the player counts and map sizes.
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I like counter knifing, One of the most frustrating things in BF3 was being knifed from the front. The counter knife gives You a chance to avoid that this time. If you don't know you can't counter any other knife attempts unless they're from the front. So attempts from the rear and to the side you still can't survive unless a teammate saves you.
Wait, so if you're grabbing someone from behind (sounds a bit dirty yeah yeah), then pull out the knife like in BF3, they can't counter, it's only possible to counter from the front?

If so, that's interesting.
Wait, so if you're grabbing someone from behind (sounds a bit dirty yeah yeah), then pull out the knife like in BF3, they can't counter, it's only possible to counter from the front?

If so, that's interesting.

That's how it works I believe yes.

Tier reloading will be a nice addition.

Yep, I agree. Nice that they included it. Will be a staple in future FPS's I feel, No reason why we should have to take the same magazine out twice anymore. :)
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I like counter knifing, One of the most frustrating things in BF3 was being knifed from the front. The counter knife gives You a chance to avoid that this time. If you don't know you can't counter any other knife attempts unless they're from the front. So attempts from the rear and to the side you still can't survive unless a teammate saves you.

On the tomahawk missile and other commander privileges, I understand they are quite balanced and not awarded Willy nilly. I struggle to recall seeing a tomahawk being used on the gamescom livestream, I don't doubt there was but I didn't see any. Plus, don't forget what your own commander could provide for you in return, Things such as UAVs, counters, EMPs, HVT designation, Vehicle drops Etc. Even if a tomahawk missile is used by the opponent you have to be quite unlucky to be one of the few hit by it considering the player counts and map sizes.

I don't want vehicle drops, EMPs, counters etc. I want to play the game and win the fight with my team on the ground. I like the commander mode itself to direct a team as to what they should be doing and perhaps provide intel but I don't want it to to become intrusive. Every time I make this comment people think my problem is that I might get killed by one such intrusion, but I don't think it's fair if my enemy is killed by one either it just seems like a cheap death for someone. As stated, I have faith DICE will not allow them to be godlike but I worry how they can make missiles be both effective and not cheap for the guys on the ground. Even if you only see one every other game it's still the commander doing your job for you/punishing you in a way which you have no control over. I just don't think the invasive features of commander is a good thing, to me they should be passive guiding hands rather than a fist of god at any point.

Wait, so if you're grabbing someone from behind (sounds a bit dirty yeah yeah), then pull out the knife like in BF3, they can't counter, it's only possible to counter from the front?

If so, that's interesting.

I believe at one of the showings of the game counter-knifing was allowed in ANY knife animation situation. Perhaps this has changed since, it certainly needs to be only frontal attacks IMO.
Battlefield 4 Battlecorder not available at launch, DICE “reworking” rented servers and more

Pixel Enemy
First off, we now know that “Battle Pickups” — weapons that are stage-specific and quite powerful — can not be resupplied. So, that means once you spend that particular weapon’s ammo, that’s it. You can’t abuse it by spawning as a Support and camp with the weapon. This is very good news since one of the weapons, which is a .50 caliber sniper rifle available on Siege of Shanghai’s collapsible building, can one-hit kill enemies regardless of where you hit them. Not only that, but you can even take out choppers with it, too.

Another thing touched upon was the dreaded Rent-a-Server option that seems to be abused in BF3. Gustavsson acknowledges this and states they’re “reworking” how Rent-a-Servers function in BF4, how they’re adding “official” settings and servers who implement this will count as ranked servers. Hopefully, this means that servers admins who want to implement no shotgun, no C4, no level 100 Colonel, etc. rules will mean their server will be non-ranked.

I don't want drops, uavs, counters etc.

You do know commander mode is a server setting that can be turned of/on right? Your not forced to play in servers with it. I commend DICE with the big additions they're adding into BF4 but it seems people are afraid of the game evolving and want the same damn thing all over again. I don't see the problem with the commanders priveleges, All I see is the opportunity for being more rewarded for teamwork and the battlefield being more than just soldiers with a few vehicles sprinkled on top. Battlefield isn't about building kill streaks for kill streak rewards so what's the problem in being killed by a missile every now and then. I'm sure I wont enjoy getting flattened by a huge cruise missile as much as you, but I can live with it because of the privileges my own commander could implement and provide for me. Then again all this is irrelevant because as I said above. It was said that it is a server setting that can be turned on or off. So there you go.
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You do know commander mode is a server setting that can be turned of/on right? Your not forced to play in servers with it. I commend DICE with the big additions they're adding into BF4 but it seems people are afraid of the game evolving and want the same damn thing all over again. I don't see the problem with the commanders priveleges, All I see is the opportunity for being more rewarded for teamwork and the battlefield being more than just soldiers with a few vehicles sprinkled on top. Battlefield isn't about building kill streaks for kill streak rewards so what's the problem in being killed by a missile every now and then. I'm sure I wont enjoy getting flattened by a huge cruise missile as much as you, but I can live with it because of the privileges my own commander could implement and provide for me. Then again all this is irrelevant because as I said above. It was said that it is a server setting that can be turned on or off. So there you go.

A server setting which might make it unranked for all we know now.

The long and short for me is I don't see capture flags get a missile as any better then killstreak reward regardless who actually fires it. I don't see it being game breaking as it shouldn't be frequent, I just don't see what it really adds other than the random free death or advantage depending which way it falls. Again other commander features I like as it SHOULD give direction to your team and help you do your job rather than do it for you.
It depends a bit on how they implemented it, but I'm not too worried about cruise missiles just yet (seen only one movie so far). Enemy Territory: Quake Wars had a similar thing (many, many years ago I may add :D) and it was definitely a force to be reckoned with, but there were also counter measure possible (in ETQW it was a shield, but you could image more Earthly mechanisms in BF4), you had time to respond to it (you were alerted of a launch) and the range was limited. Definitely a worthwhile addition to gameplay in that game. The defense mechanisms could also be destroyed by the enemy, so it led to interesting parts of the battle.
A server setting which might make it unranked for all we know now.

The long and short for me is I don't see capture flags get a missile as any better then killstreak reward regardless who actually fires it. I don't see it being game breaking as it shouldn't be frequent, I just don't see what it really adds other than the random free death or advantage depending which way it falls. Again other commander features I like as it SHOULD give direction to your team and help you do your job rather than do it for you.

Lars Gustavsson said that the changes that might make the server go unranked will be the type of things BF3 server admins used to incorrectly set as rules such as certain weapons, playstyles, vehicle combat and such. Thats how i interpreted it anyway, As playing with or without the commander mode isnt a radical change to the the core of the game and shouldnt be unranked if people choose to play without it.

I just don't see what it really adds other than the random free death or advantage depending which way it falls.

What it adds is a something that a big part of the community has asked to come back since BF2, But what did DICE give us? Not only the commander, But a commander mode that not only uses intresting and original ideas (IPAD, Android Etc.) But is effective and influential in match but also looks fun to play. They couldnt really have gone back to the old commander type not just because of the arrival of the next gen and thus more power and scope for evolving and improving games but lets be honest here, It is a bit daft to have the "Commander" on the front line getting stuck in is it not?
I'm interested in the Commander thing because sometimes I just want to sit back and watch other people play. If I can join games people I know are in, watch them play and help them out, that would be awesome, especially if I can join PS3 games via my PC. Then I get to watch my brother play like a tryhard and call him out on it... Only he'll be able to do the same to me, so...
I'm interested in the Commander thing because sometimes I just want to sit back and watch other people play. If I can join games people I know are in, watch them play and help them out, that would be awesome, especially if I can join PS3 games via my PC. Then I get to watch my brother play like a tryhard and call him out on it... Only he'll be able to do the same to me, so...

I like it because if I'm not feeling like playing a game or my friends aren't available to squad up I could just lie down and relax with my ipad and be a part of a match helping a team and level up my commander progression.
For the record, I think the commander mode and tablet implementation is a great idea. The missiles/gunship part feel like they're trying to sex the role up a bit, the principles of calling in an airstrike makes sense don't get me wrong but I am worried it just won't feel very balanced. BF has always been rock paper scissors to a degree, rock paper scissors missile just doesn't seem like Battlefield to me.

I hope I'm wrong or it's not as big a feature as it's been made out in the commander mode trailers/webpage.
But commanders have other commanders to deal with, and the loss of abilities as the game goes.

Which brings me to something I was curious about, has anyone actually seen a way for commanders to actually spectate the game through Battlelog? 'cause from what I understand, commander's done exclusively through web-interface and you never join the game. Spectator mode won't work on a tablet... so I'm assuming commanders will be essentially blind, unless VOIP's included.

Shouldn't be a big deal, would be kind of cool actually, much more RTS immersed. Not like BF2, where you had to pick a good hiding spot before commanding.


Wow! Seems like just after I ask this question I find this pop up on /r/battlefield_4.

REALLY interesting!
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Edit: Just seen the above article, that's help put my mind at ease. Cruise missile warning is the counter, if that gives enough time to run out of the proximity I'm happy. It becomes more of a crowd control tool then rather than direct attack.
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Battlefield 4 Official Wired Controller for Xbox 360 and PS3




Behind Games
Battlefield 4 Official Wired Controller for Xbox 360 and PS3 revealed, The controller designed by PDP available at Amazon for $49.99 and will be release at the game’ s launch.

This custom controller features zinc alloy triggers for a realistic trigger touch, illuminated logos, and detachable breakaway cable for security. Superior analog stick performance with SmartTrack will allow for enhanced target tracking, cornering, and greater control. Dual multi-function wheels on the rear of the controller will allow you to remap up to six actions, so you can keep your thumbs on the control sticks to stay on target and engaged in the action.


-Zinc alloy triggers
-Superior analog stick performance with SmartTrack
-Dual multi-function wheels offer 6 programmable actions
-Illuminated logos
-Detachable breakaway cable

They should spot that "Made For PS3" mention on the X360 controller box, easy fix.
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Has anyone heard if it will be easier in bf4 to actually play with your friends? I haven't been able to convert my group of COD players to bf3 because there are more than 4 of us. It's really hard to take a group of say 8 players into battlefield and all be on the same team. We tried it when it released but it would always put us on different teams and split us up it by the time the 2 bad squad tried to join our game it would be full.
Has anyone heard if it will be easier in bf4 to actually play with your friends? I haven't been able to convert my group of COD players to bf3 because there are more than 4 of us. It's really hard to take a group of say 8 players into battlefield and all be on the same team. We tried it when it released but it would always put us on different teams and split us up it by the time the 2 bad squad tried to join our game it would be full.
Squads are bigger now. 5 instead of 4...
Squads are bigger now. 5 instead of 4...

That's helps very little. It's weird that a game that supposedly wants you to work as a team makes it so hard to play with friends in your team.
I've thought the same thing! When I want to join a game with my roommate or vice versa i have to go to the menu and invite him into my squad then find a server if I try to join his game it'll say he lost connection and kick him back to the main menu. It's soo frustrating!

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