Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Looks like they might focus on weather judging by the cover. That would be awesome but I wont get my hopes up. Weather takes a lot of processing power in games. So if they add weather to this game on the 360, they will have to take away something else. BF3 is currently one of my favorite mp games on the 360, but I am not ready for another BF game. Hopefully this gets bumped at least another year or more. BF3 was terrible at launch with a ton of problems. Its a great game now but they need to take their time with BF4. Just push it to the next gen console.
Last I heard BF4 is a 2014 title so you got some time to prepare.

I am getting a bit burnt out on BF3 at the moment, but it has been my main game ever since it was released, I`ll probably stop playing it over the summer. I will try to motivate myself enough so I get to rank 100.

I am also pretty sure BF4 will be a next generation title.
How do you guys feel they can Improve on BF3? ,what can they do aside from new locations and better visuals?
How do you guys feel they can Improve on BF3? ,what can they do aside from new locations and better visuals?

Naval barrages. Just remembered we already have artillery on some maps.
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How do you guys feel they can Improve on BF3? ,what can they do aside from new locations and better visuals?

Night time maps that aren't just loads of blue light, more gamemodes like some objective based small team thingy (okay okay I just want like 4(attackers)v12(defenders) on a big night or snow map with loads of trees doing some tactical sniper mission that is SnD-like), more damn trees on big open maps, ghillee (how to spell) suits, INVR that actually works, being able to talk to more than just a party in game with out needing to use skype/teamspeak, more diverse gun play/classes, LMG's that don't actually shoot where you aim when not using a bipod, no suppression, flashlights that actually work during the night and do nothing (hardly) in the day, dynamic weather/map updates (like how aftermath was supposed to have buildings crumble from earthquakes but hardly did at all), etc.
How do you guys feel they can Improve on BF3? ,what can they do aside from new locations and better visuals?

Much more polish for a less glitchy experience. Weather, day & night options for all maps. Much more polish for a better launch experience. Fix the lag issues with control. Have enough official servers for launch & beyond. More than just 2 factions. Oh & more polish!
Last I heard BF4 is a 2014 title so you got some time to prepare.

Unfortunately, you may be wrong about that. Here's an official image I found:


And also, take a look at what platform it is on top of the cover. Perhaps the PS4 could be releasing sooner than expected.

Leaked Battlefield 4 details:

This info comes from the same source who was the first to leak the Battlefield 4 artwork / teaser, and who was also spot on about EA releasing a teaser trailer. So we’re pretty confident in this information.

Battlefield 4 will stick with 64 players. Maps are larger and more detailed.
Three factions: US, Russia, and an unnamed “Eastern/Asian” faction.
4 classes with “additional features and tweaks” compared to BF3
Shipping with same amount of maps as BF3, there are plans for lots of DLC.
DLC is already in planning stages.
Battlefield 4 Premium will be available on day one and include some perks.
Most of the guns and vehicles from BF3 will return.
More squad features.
Commander feature returns, but won’t be the same as in BF2
Battlefield 4 is coming out on both current and next gen systems, and PC as well.
Game is more of an evolution rather than revolution of the series. Both technically and gameplay wise.
Will ship with more game modes than BF3
Will ship with more close quarter infantry maps than BF3
Frostbite 2 engine is pushed further in BF4. Better effects, higher res textures, more detailed game worlds, etc.
BF3 will still be supported after Battlefield 4 launches.
There is plan of some sort of integration between BF3 and BF4. Could be Battlelog-only.
Battlelog will be updated for Battlefield 4 with more social features and more detailed stats.
Single-player and co-op will return, new writers involved this time.


Stolen from NeoGaf

Interesting stuff. Bad Company 1 was the last time there were more than 2 factions in the game. That was the US, Russian and the Middle Eastern faction called Mercenaries.
Unfortunately, you may be wrong about that. Here's an official image I found:

And also, take a look at what platform it is on top of the cover. Perhaps the PS4 could be releasing sooner than expected.

Hm, well well, I am actually hoping for a 2014 release as I want more time between BF3 and BF4, also I think that the game will be delayed from the October date, actually I think they might know this already and just hype it up for more pre-orders.

Also from the other post about possible BF4 info:

Battlefield 4 will stick with 64 players. Maps are larger and more detailed.
Disapointing if we do not get more players, at least on PC, but bigger maps is one of my most important requests so that sounds good

Three factions: US, Russia, and an unnamed “Eastern/Asian” faction.
Good goody

4 classes with “additional features and tweaks” compared to BF3

Shipping with same amount of maps as BF3, there are plans for lots of DLC.
DLC is already in planning stages.
Fair enough, not a huge fan of the DLC, but there is no way around it now I guess

Battlefield 4 Premium will be available on day one and include some perks.
I dont like this if the perks give an advantage in game, which I assume they do, though it will probably be like BFBC2 so its tied to unlocks

Most of the guns and vehicles from BF3 will return.
Fair enough but still sounds like copy-paste if its to much of the same

More squad features.
Commander feature returns, but won’t be the same as in BF2

Battlefield 4 is coming out on both current and next gen systems, and PC as well.
Dont matter for me, I am PC only

Game is more of an evolution rather than revolution of the series. Both technically and gameplay wise.
Hm, not sure what to think, skimming the cream and re-skinning or actually a worthwhile game, still BF4 sounds like what alot would expect from BF3

Will ship with more game modes than BF3
Can go both ways, options are usually good, but to many game modes means empty servers and a possibility of a divided community

Will ship with more close quarter infantry maps than BF3
Sigh, well I like infantry but the amount of close quarter infantry maps was ok with BF3 I think, a higher amount will not sit well with the hardcore BF fans, me included

Frostbite 2 engine is pushed further in BF4. Better effects, higher res textures, more detailed game worlds, etc.
If that would not be the case, what would be the point

BF3 will still be supported after Battlefield 4 launches.
Good, but we will see :-P

There is plan of some sort of integration between BF3 and BF4. Could be Battlelog-only.
Battlelog will be updated for Battlefield 4 with more social features and more detailed stats.
Sounds ok

Single-player and co-op will return, new writers involved this time.
I liked both features in BF3, but I only play them once basically so it needs to be better in BF4
Unfortunately, you may be wrong about that. Here's an official image I found:


And also, take a look at what platform it is on top of the cover. Perhaps the PS4 could be releasing sooner than expected.

You seriously think that is official? :lol:

It's hosted on deviantart and in the URL is "by mussedesign".
Take a look at the bottom right. It clearly mentions IGN. I am still hoping it's legit.

Oh sorry my mistake, I forgot it's physically impossible for anyone else to take the IGN logo and apply it to something not associated to them.
It's not there now so either they removed it or someone edited the page to add that. The latter is more likely.
Orange/Blue contrast everywhere :lol:

Anyways, am I the only one who, by now, would like to see something more along the lines of Battlefield Vietnam? Okay, I'm biased, because that's what me and my friends played to death during LAN parties, but still...
You can bet on it you'd need to being Battlefield.
I know....but then again I don't feel done with BF3. I do think however they should give current premium members some kind of discount.
Orange/Blue contrast everywhere :lol:

Anyways, am I the only one who, by now, would like to see something more along the lines of Battlefield Vietnam? Okay, I'm biased, because that's what me and my friends played to death during LAN parties, but still...

Yes please. BF Vietnam was one of my favorite BF's.
Orange/Blue contrast everywhere :lol:

Anyways, am I the only one who, by now, would like to see something more along the lines of Battlefield Vietnam? Okay, I'm biased, because that's what me and my friends played to death during LAN parties, but still...

This, the same old orange and blue, WHY? why use the same colors? it feels like a BF3 DLC extension. I hope we can see some new stuff
Am I the only one who wants a "World Domination" multiplayer campaign in BF4, where you choose one of the three factions to fight for control of the globe? Kind of like Tom Clancy's EndWar, but in an FPS environment.
I dont see the point in making the maps larger when 64 players really isnt enough as it is. Its hard to get into long firefights and battles over flags, most of the time people are just running from flag to flag. I'd much rather they make it more difficult to take a flag over by increasing the number of players on a map to 80 or more, so each flag has a good number of defenders and attackers. Bigger maps wasnt needed.

I also didnt like how they made enemy bases off limits. I guess this satisfied crybabies who didnt like getting killed in their base, but it destroyed the special forces aspect of BF2 where you had to sneak deep behind enemy lines to destroy key targets with C4. I also miss sneaking onto the enemy battleship on Wake Island, now that it was deemed off limits to satisfy crybabies

DLC will not doubt be a joke with this title. They're already planning it. They will probably have most if not all of it finished by launch, but will sell it to you little by little in the 18 months following launch to make you think they were actually working on it the whole time. I imagine unlocks will take even longer now to encourage microtransactions,

I wonder if they'll get rid of the dumbed down jets in BF3 and return to the more realistic ones in BF2.

And please let sanity prevail so we have a practice mode for helicopters, jets and weapons in general.
About 64 person games, I don't even play them because I feel they're far too hectic. If there was some sort of logic and order to them I would love to play them, but as they are now it's just people run and gunning like they're playing cod (too far?).