Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Wow, if Team Awesome THRTHSTETHSA DORIFTO is only playing Battlefield for the singleplayer... something's wrong.

Trailer was pretty cool, heavy on the atmosphere, cinematic, same old stuff. The setting's interesting though, and this is all supposed to just drum up hype for them to show off the MP stuff during the Summer anyway. Business as usual. Also, yet again, they for some reason chose to have one of the developer's 12 year old kid brothers to play through the demo for them.

But wow! That building collapse was intense! And I've never seen a leg be cut off so easily before! Best surgeon ever!

I do like how they showed off how you can switch between iron-sight or scope on the fly, that's awesome 👍
That super-spot device seems cool, hopefully it's recon only so more people have incentive to play it.

Don't like how they seem to have kept that same cryptic map style 👎

As long as the maps are a little more destructible, I get my commander mode, and we get a full third faction, I'm good to go.

Should be fun tracking this along the year.

You seriously think that is official?

It's hosted on deviantart and in the URL is "by mussedesign". :lol:

Oh sorry my mistake, I forgot it's physically impossible for anyone else to take the IGN logo and apply it to something not associated to them.

LOL, who's laughing now?

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I do like how they showed off how you can switch between iron-sight or scope on the fly, that's awesome 👍

Danger Close already did that with MOH: Warfighter. FYI, some details about how you can access the beta later in the year.

People who pre-order the Digital Deluxe Edition (which also grants access to a Premium Expansion Pack), own the MOH: Warfighter Limited/Deluxe Digital Edition or have a BF3 Premium Membership will get exclusive rights to play the Beta. They said they'll reveal more info later.
I have to admit that I loved BF2 and BF3, right up to the point of the servers going rental, after that I found it frustrating to say the least finding matches that I enjoyed. Which is a pain given that the maps are still great and I shelled out for premium.
It looks good, but I'll beliebe it looks that good as soon as I see the final version looking like that. I won't put it past EA to pull an Aliens: Colonial Marines with BF4. Also, I fully expect it to be filled to the brim with micro transactions.

I'd almost be willing to bet that you now have to grind even longer to get semi-good weapons and stuff - unless you fork over some cash.
I'd almost be willing to bet that you now have to grind even longer to get semi-good weapons and stuff - unless you fork over some cash.

I don't mind that, except for the cash part. I liked in BF2 how some ribbons etc were really hard to get and ranking up took much longer, for example. 👍
Not a FPS die hard fan,but pretty stunning looking visuals,switching between the scopes is awesome and looks like we will get to use more vechicles in SP.

Yet somehow still looks alot life BF3 no major changes
We'll see if EA/Dice learned anything from how BF3 was released.

Let's hope not! Seems like the key things they've learned are:

- You can ship a broken game and it will sell by the truckload, but only if you hype it enough and make sure it looks pretty,

- You can charge the price of the game again for DLC that doesn't exist yet and people will actually buy it, and they apparently don't mind if you can't decide what that DLC will actually include


- You can take your time over fixing imbalances and serious glitches and people won't even notice enough to stop playing the game.

For the record I preordered the game and bought Premium on day one so I'm definitely part of the problem, but here's hoping DICE at least know how to balance BF4 early on. I wonder if they'll stick with the ludicrously powerful vs. infantry jet cannon, if only they'd made that as weak as the AA cannon (only vs. infantry) I'd be a very happy boy.

Still, I can't really see myself preordering BF4, I might not even buy it at all. I think I'd rather spend my time with Arma III now, BF3 is too fast for me most of the time. I have to play it during the day to be alert enough to cope with it and I can't do that any more!
Just had an old person, moment.

It's crazy how far game engines have come. I mean, I remember when this was the top of the line, polygon pushing powerhouse. The cream of the crop.

Look at the incredibly limited draw distance. You can barely see 10 feet in front of you before the thickest fog in the known galaxy steps into play. A thing of the past.

And it's not just visuals. Sound and music is at it's best yet, and load time waits are almost entirely non-existent.
Well that's exactly the problem, it will be ready because it won't be that different to BF3! MOH: Warfighter preorderers get access to the BF4 beta, it's really not that far away. It makes sense, too, as Q4 2013 means it'll release approximately 6 months after the last BF3 DLC is out.

I completely forgot that I will have access to the beta because of my Warfighter pre-order. :ouch:

About 64 person games, I don't even play them because I feel they're far too hectic. If there was some sort of logic and order to them I would love to play them, but as they are now it's just people run and gunning like they're playing cod (too far?).

On the same maps, I have played 64 player games where it has felt like the game needed more players and I have played 64 players games where it felt like the game needed less.

Danger Close already did that with MOH: Warfighter.

That was one of my favorite features (switching between two different sights) in Warfighter. I also really enjoyed sliding to cover.
BF3 is stil one of my top favorite mp of all time. Didnt care for the Bad Company mp much at all. The single player was decent but some of the advertised events like massive earthquakes and massive building damage ended up only being scripted in the campaign.

So far this is looking really good. Pc graphics always look so dang good. Hopefully the next gen consoles look that good.

Looking forward to seeing how the weather effects turn out in BF4. The teaser image showed weather so I am glad thats confirmed. Hopefully the new engine has no problems processing weather in game. Usually weather kills the FPS and creates other online issues. So if they can pull it off with that many people in the game without sacrificing other features then I will be very impressed. Wish more games had weather effects and I am sure we will see more on the next console for sure.
I think that's Azerbaijan's flag.

As far what I see thus far, I'm not ... really interested on this, in fact this looks rather average, like MoH average, you see...

Visuals are good, but similar(if not the same)particle effects that were used in BF3, same for some textures and the way the game process lighting is somewhat identical to BF3. Events look as scripted as BF3 ones, and the level design is somewhat similar to BF:BC2 (The "Sangre del Toro" level feature about the same design mechanic, and about the same level design structure, a bit more open than say ... COD, but still not as open and dynamic as actual MP, and that is considering that the first BF:BC had a design philosophy based on sandboxness and actual attachment for older BF's multiplayer, like BF2 and BF1942).

Apart from the rather impressing building collapse (which is somewhat the exact same thing in that happens MW3 when yuri and Soap get blow up by an IED in the tower, and the building collapse from Bf3's first level shows a similar trend). And the bit were the cut the leg off(as in heavy rain), all I see is the exact same BF3 with higer res textures and more elements on screen.

I'm not trying to hate on this, in fact I'm pretty sure the MP will be brilliant, as it was on BF3, but ... I can't help but feel like if this is just what COD does, a huge expansion pack advertized as a new game, and that's a shame because it's EA, they will grab people's money, and then grab them money via DLC and then they will grab people's money via microtransactions, so it's ... a rather grim outlook for the future, no one can't stop people buying this idioticly from EA, just like in Sim City V and stuff.

I, for one, will stick to ArmA III, it's inuitive enough to actually be enjoyable and somewhat fast paced, is better strutured, is more complex, bigger, more complete, modeable, has a better comunity and is ... far better.

Maybe the plot will keep me interested, but ... they better count with better writers, just to see if it can be a somewhat interesting Singleplayer.
The colours are clearly the latter. Plus with a name like "Fishing in Baku", it's pretty obvious that it's in Azerbaijan.

Ok you're right. I saw black at the top due to the light even though the Libyan flag has black in the middle.

I am tired ok. :lol:

I knew the map was Azerbaijan I just thought that maybe that was a hint of a different map.
Fair enough.

Having though about it, even if I did show some interest in getting BF4, I probably wouldn't do so in the end like with many other games in the past few years. I never enjoyed BF3 multiplayer whenever I got a chance to play online, while almost everyone else I know who has BF3 loves it. When I hoped that the larger scale maps would be great fun, I simply ended up struggling to get into any game played on them. Although this can apply to some other FPS titles I've tried online recently.

I'll keep an eye on this once it's available anyway. I don't even know what platform I'd choose really if I ever do go for BF4.
Preorders open now. Will be doing so as soon as its confirmed as a ps4 title.
PC! :sly:

I'll wait some time before I pre-order.

I have BF3 premium, (and MOH:WF, but that we don't talk about) so i'll get my hands on the Beta anyway.
- You can ship a broken game and it will sell by the truckload, but only if you hype it enough and make sure it looks pretty,

- You can charge the price of the game again for DLC that doesn't exist yet and people will actually buy it, and they apparently don't mind if you can't decide what that DLC will actually include


- You can take your time over fixing imbalances and serious glitches and people won't even notice enough to stop playing the game.

Indeed. I forgot to include "How not to release a product" in that sentence.....I hadn't completely woken up hahaha!
PC! :sly:

I'll wait some time before I pre-order.

I have BF3 premium, (and MOH:WF, but that we don't talk about) so i'll get my hands on the Beta anyway.

Very true about pc, but i like the plug and play that consoles offer. A ps4 is already planned in the family budget, whereas there is not a desktop in the house. So building a pc is a ground up project, and i have a slight addictive personality and would become an upgrade addict. ( going by past hobbies)
and i have a slight addictive personality and would become an upgrade addict. ( going by past hobbies)

It's the most slippery (slipperiest?) of all slippery slopes, that's for sure! I bet there'll be very little difference between the console and PC version, maybe more in the way of draw distance, frame rate stability, anti aliasing and resolution on PC but I bet the gap won't be anywhere near as big as BF3 was. They'll have the same player count for sure, they must do, the difference in player experience between the PC and console in the last game was so great there's no way they'd want to do that again.
Nailed it with draw distance.
I play once a week at a buddies for a few hours on a very high end pc. I can deal with the lesser fine detail etc on console, but draw distance is what gets me on pc (aside feom player count) I have literally gotten confused as to location on maps like oman because i can see much further away.
Preorders open now. Will be doing so as soon as its confirmed as a ps4 title.

Same. I would like to get it on the ps4.

Actually just noticed something. Won't this be the first Battlefield where you can have 2 different sights on your gun?
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I don't like the whole personal, movie feel. To be completely honest none of the Battlefield games had such character relations (except for BFBC series). Battlefield 3 touched upon it but it was still realistic to the point where it felt like war and not small personal battles with your squad. This to me looks like Bad Company and not "Battlefield 4". The Battlefield (not BFBC) series has always been pretty dull towards it's characters (which I like) and gave you some realism of war (kinda like Arma). I have a feeling this might have the character development of a Call of Duty game. (Not criticizing, just comparing).

Edit 2:

Bahaha is it actually for PS3? :lol:


Oh god, yes it is :lol:, DICE and EA are the biggest trolls, I'm so glad I got a PC. Now they're going to make everyone switch over too. 👍
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Ok, now, what is the point of BF4, if it is going to be on the PS3?? Everyone was hyped about a PS4 title, and now EA confirmed a PS3 release???