- 603
- Poland
- mr_geez
I dont see the point in making the maps larger when 64 players really isnt enough as it is. Its hard to get into long firefights and battles over flags, most of the time people are just running from flag to flag. I'd much rather they make it more difficult to take a flag over by increasing the number of players on a map to 80 or more, so each flag has a good number of defenders and attackers. Bigger maps wasnt needed.
I also didnt like how they made enemy bases off limits. I guess this satisfied crybabies who didnt like getting killed in their base, but it destroyed the special forces aspect of BF2 where you had to sneak deep behind enemy lines to destroy key targets with C4. I also miss sneaking onto the enemy battleship on Wake Island, now that it was deemed off limits to satisfy crybabies
DLC will not doubt be a joke with this title. They're already planning it. They will probably have most if not all of it finished by launch, but will sell it to you little by little in the 18 months following launch to make you think they were actually working on it the whole time. I imagine unlocks will take even longer now to encourage microtransactions,
I wonder if they'll get rid of the dumbed down jets in BF3 and return to the more realistic ones in BF2.
And please let sanity prevail so we have a practice mode for helicopters, jets and weapons in general.
I completely disagree.
I mainly play on PS3 but I tipped my toes in PC version also. They are completely different games and not everything (minus of course obvious stuff like resolution and level of graphics overall) on PC is better, which was quite surprising. Some maps and game modes don't work very well with 64 players (Close Quarters, CTF, most of Rush maps,Metro , Seine Crossing are better on PS3). So increasing player count even more is not exactly the most important thing to do from my point of view.
Making enemy bases off limits was a good move, I remember at the beginning of BF3 when you could take enemies stationary AA gun and the game was basically over. It was awful, it didn't have anything to do with playing the objective and was just typical case of trolling. Or take for example Bad Company 2, where in conquest you could just steamroll into enemy base, take their vehicles and sit there farming frags. It was impossible to break a spawn trap. Where is fun in that? At least now, with little bit of good thinking/flanking/"spawn beaconing" you can break the trap and turn the tides of the battle, which is really cool thing to do.
Micro-transactions system is a concern, but if it is going to be the same as BF3 model, I don't see any problems. Premium was very good and the content they gave players was high quality and very diversified (maps, game modes, vehicles, aesthetic upgrades) which is always a plus. In fact, I think BF3 is one of the better uses of DLC formula in the gaming industry up to this day.
What I want from BF4? Higher player count on PS4, more destruction, maybe little bit different color palette in urban environments. The rest? I let them surprise me. Considering DICE said that they didn't even crack 50% of Frostbite 2.0 engine because of current consoles and they are releasing quality products from way back Pinball Dreams/Fantasies days, I think we can see many many great things in BF4.