Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Wow, can't wait to see what they bring to the table with Battlefield 4. :D

But I'm concerned about one thing though, "Fight your way up to commander with real time awards and unlocks including artillery support, scans and mobile spawn points." sounds a lot like Call of Duty. :scared:
Wow, can't wait to see what they bring to the table with Battlefield 4. :D

But I'm concerned about one thing though, "Fight your way up to commander with real time awards and unlocks including artillery support, scans and mobile spawn points." sounds a lot like Call of Duty. :scared:

Sounds more like Battlefield 2 to me... This has actually gotten me interested in BF4, maybe it won't be BF3 2 after all?
Sounds more like Battlefield 2 to me... This has actually gotten me interested in BF4, maybe it won't be BF3 2 after all?

I guess so, since I've never played any other Battlefield other than 3.

With that coming from a Battlefield series vet, I'm less worried then.
Take it with a grain of salt.
Personally I'm more interested in Arma 3. Anyone else? It looks great and all but we've been shown nothing new to grab new fans and surprise old ones, like me.
What does "exclusive acces" exactly mean?
You can play the Beta if you have Battlefield 3 Premium, the Limited or Digital Deluxe Edition of Warfighter, of have pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe edition of BF4 from Origin.
Speedy Samurai
They can't release a playable beta for a system that's not available.

Well that makes sense....

You can play the Beta if you have Battlefield 3 Premium, the Limited or Digital Deluxe Edition of Warfighter, of have pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe edition of BF4 from Origin.

Cool.. last year I missed out on the BF3 Beta, and watched YT videos of it a couple of days later. So this will be a nice change
From the FAQ page:
Q: I am a Battlefield 3™ Premium member. What platform will I be able to access the exclusive Battlefield 4™ Beta on?
A: You will get access on the same platform that your Battlefield 3 Premium membership is tied to (PC, XBOX 360, or PlayStation 3.) this exclusive Beta will be available world-wide on all platforms, with the exception of Japan and rest of Asia on PS3.

This sucks so bad.

I'm a Battlefield 3 Premium user, living in Asia, playing on a PS3.

I guess it's just my luck. :mad:
From the FAQ page:

This sucks so bad.

I'm a Battlefield 3 Premium user, living in Asia, playing on a PS3.

I guess it's just my luck. :mad:

I am also in that situation. What a joke. I don't know if DICE is aware of this or not but there are quite a few people in Asia. Some may even be interested in purchasing their product.
But on the other hand it is just the beta. I played cod alot when I first got into FPS, and I tried the bf3 beta and it made me not want to play the game. After a few months of cod boredom I rented bf3 and loved it bought the game and I'm playing it as I'm typing this haha. You'll see the YouTube vids so you prolly won't miss much.
But on the other hand it is just the beta. I played cod alot when I first got into FPS, and I tried the bf3 beta and it made me not want to play the game. After a few months of cod boredom I rented bf3 and loved it bought the game and I'm playing it as I'm typing this haha. You'll see the YouTube vids so you prolly won't miss much.

I'm the opposite actually. Didn't play much games other than Gran Turismo and COD. Played the free BF3 beta and loved it so much I bought the game and haven't touched much else since.
But on the other hand it is just the beta. I played cod alot when I first got into FPS, and I tried the bf3 beta and it made me not want to play the game. After a few months of cod boredom I rented bf3 and loved it bought the game and I'm playing it as I'm typing this haha. You'll see the YouTube vids so you prolly won't miss much.
I'm in the same boat as you. When I first played the Beta, I wasn't a huge fan of it (although I loved the cover feature it had). I got the game for Christmas the same year and never looked back. :D
I'd like to see the auto-lean function that was in the BF3 Beta. A similar mechanic's in FC3. You take cover and when you aim you automatically pop out with your sights up.
OMG!!!!! That was the coolest preview for a game I have seen. It seems 64 Player Multiplayer is in for consoles, as well as a new "Commander" mode where you control things like artillery and missile strikes. They displayed fully destructible terrain in a city. What better way to display that then blowing up support pylons to pancake a tank, then collapsing an entire skyscraper. Holy hell was that incredible!
上海地图拖车围困 | Siege of Shanghai Map Trailer:

指挥官模式与创意总监的Lars Gustavsson的卑微 | Lowdown on Commander Mode with Creative Director Lars Gustavsson:

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