Beater or Sleeper? GT6 Car of the Week Thread

What kind of sorcery happened? i only bought it yesterday not even realising it was the focus of this week.

As for the car itself, you can just tap the brake button, accelerate, and turn to the desired direction, most likely clearing the turn, its rather easy to steer because of that. But what i really like about it, is its Ultraspoke wheels :lol:
Good car. 10/10, would RL

Also, what stops me from saying "I bought it in red, but decided to paint it dark blue"?
I really do associate it with Dark Blue, its unlike any other Alfa where i associate them with red.
Well, maybe i associate the 75 with Skoda Green... But the dark blue does fit the GT in my eyes.
Well, its better than light grey.
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It's absolutely heaven to drive, perfect in every way! Even the wheels don't need to be touched!
Its an Alfa, of course its absolutely heaven to drive and perfect in every way.
Alright, so what we found out about the Alfa Romeo GT, is that its a brilliant FF, It likes challenging other GTs their Suzuka lap times, its rival is an audi, it turns very well, Lewis painted it in yellow, and also found out that the Alfa Romeo GT, is an Alfa Romeo.

Don't worry about McClarenDesign's empty threats, he's all talk and no trousers.

I painted my the brightest, most fluorescent yellow I could find and he never said a word.
Im pretty sure he is more concerned about me returning to this thread.
And i will probably keep track of things that we will learn later about the Alfa Romeo GT.
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Too bad you couldn't put your money where your mouths were last night.

(That's what she said)

One day, Hamilton.... one day...
Dang it, i was expecting you to say "The Alfa Romeo GT likes being red" just so i could say "Now we have learned that McClarenDesign is being bribed by his own Alfa GT to convince everyone to paint their Alfa GTs red"
And im already overrun by Red paints, including the Rosso Alfa paint.
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Seems like business as usual last night then. :P :lol:

I had some drive time with the Alfa whilst chasing down Mr @SuzukaStar time and I've come to a roughly identical conclusion as @McClarenDesign .

It handles very well for a FF with a V6 and it pulls very well too, but the best part is that it lived up to the expectations of its well designed coupe styling, unlike a certain turbo, front drive coupe. :sly:

On the subject of what paint is good for an Alfa Romeo, I bought mine in blue, but then decided to pick another Alfa for that and gave the GT a very nice Competizione Red. 👍

Be assured though, one Alfa WILL get painted in a very sacrilege paint scheme. :mischievous:

The GT doesn't deserve that fate as it's a sleeper. ;)
Well it seems like so far the majority of us liked this Alfa Romeo GT! Myself included... it was a pleasant surprise to drive this Italian work of automotive art, as I was expecting another 3 dressed up as a 9 type scenario. I would have never picked it but now I'm glad somebody did. A total shocker as I am really not a fan of the FF drivetrain, but hey, this was an alpha in my books. Nice styling, above average handling for the terrible weight distribution numbers and good power... Tre bella!

Alright, so, i was hoping that my short review would be enough, but as it turns out, it wasn't.
I would end it right here, because of the title card, but what is it gonna do? cut me o-

....And some other Alfas.

Oh wow! it did! anyways, The Alfa Romeo GT was relaxing at Syracuse, when the Brera and the GTV
came up to him and started arguing about which is the better Alfa

They argued for 5 minutes, and then the sensible 156 got done with his meeting.

He saw the other Alfas arguing, asked what was going on, and then replied
"You blithering morons! Arguing won't give you answers to that question, how about whoever gets the fastest time on a certain track is declared the best Alfa?"
"And which track shall that be?" asked the GTV
"I... Hadn't really thought about that."
Then the Alfa GT said "I know! how about we tune ourselves to 500PP, and do 5 laps to get the best time on Suzuka East?"
The others agreed, so then the other Alfas tried inviting some other Alfas, without much luck.
GTV tried inviting his twin, the Spider 3.0i, he agreed, but broke down on the way.
156 tried inviting his older brother, 155, but as it turns out, he was racing 40 laps on Nurburgring.
Brera tried inviting the 8C, seeing as he was 500PP already, but he declined because the other Alfas aren't rich enough.
So the next day, the 4 Alfas went to Suzuka East, with the Brera going first because he is premium.
He did 2 Laps without getting penalties, the other 3 he did because he accidentally went off-road. His best time being 1:02,045
Next it was the turn of the 156, but as it turns out, he wasn't that slow at all. Getting a 1:01,273 as the best lap time.
Next, the GTV did his attempt, but despite the potentially better handling, he did it in 1:01,581.
(also, can i mention how glad i am that the GTV ingame has the original look? the 2003-2004 version's front makes me go "GEHGH-GEH-G-GHG" :eek:)
Finally, it was the turn of the GT, which just CRUSHED the 156's laptime down to the ground, getting a 0:57,852
The leaderboard being
0:57,852 - Alfa GT
1:01,273 - Alfa 156
1:01,581 - Alfa GTV
1:02,045 - Alfa Brera

So the GT is the best Alfa under 100k Credits, you can imagine the GTV's reaction to finding out he was slower than both the GT AND the 156.
However, despite the fact that the GT is the best Alfa for racing, the other 3 are infinitely better for drifting, As they do have smoke comming out under their tires after turning for a while without handbraking, the GT, doesn't
And on THAT bombshell, it is time to end the review, thanks for viewing and GOOD NIGHT!.... or Day!
I took the '98 166 V6 for a spin during the week the Nissan Primera was "Car of the Week", and wasn't really that impressed with how it handled. But whatever Alfa did between that car and this car, it certainly worked out well. After seeing a front drive car done so very, very wrong with the Eclipse, it was refreshing to drive a car that did it very, very right. Combine it with decent power and tasteful styling, and it's pretty much impossible to fault this COTW selection.
Ya know, it's one thing to think like a blasphemous idiot, but it's entirely another to post about it in a public forum. Now look at what you've done!

Congratulations CSMDuty11!

Its an Alfa, of course its absolutely heaven to drive and perfect in every way.

It was a great car, but perhaps someone should mention that to the 8C. Tell us what's you've got in mind...

Hmmm... i think i need to look through the car list to decide...

Okay, i actually can't do FF cause it would be too redundant and because we found the best one.
Alright, i figured out the car that will be used next week with a random number generator

Well... at least it isn't FF.

The '93 Alfa Romeo 2.5 V6 TI!


Just try to paint your precious little Alfa now...

Just try to paint your precious little Alfa now...
Painting an Alfa Romeo isn't the problem, its the fact that the random number generator generated the number of said Alfa, which allows me to blame the Random Number Generator instead of myself.
....I blame the random number generator.
.....Atleast i grinded beforehand to prepare for the review of said Alfa.
if anyone is wondering if it beats the Alfa GT's time on Suzuka East, it does, with 0:51,250
was a great car, but perhaps someone should mention that to the 8C. Tell us what's you've got in mind...
Don't worry about that either, i think my Range Stormer already rammed it head on....
Bought and tested for the first time this evening...Gave it the business for 24 miles at Suzuka.

2:11.125 on Sport Hard tires is my best time. 2:10 can certainly be done with more practice.

Garage stats:

413 hp / 11,500 rpm
217 ft-lb / 7,500 rpm
1,010 kg (2,227 lbs)
524 PP

Verdict: Neither a beater nor a sleeper, obviously because it's a dang RACE CAR.

I believe this car is its closest rival in terms of lap times...

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So two Alphas in two weeks, not bad, but could be Beta. :lol:

So the 155 TC, made its debut alongside the Calibra TC as the first DTM cars to race in GT2 (the CLK TC did too but was only obtainable by tweaking the games code).

I like to believe some of the 155's high revving madness came from an earlier Alfa project, the 164 Pro-Car. :drool:

Made in 1988, the Pro-Car was built for a proposed support race series for F1 and it looked slightly normal at first glance, but then you notice the slick tyres, the bare interior and when the back of the car is open, a 3.5 F1 V10 making 620hp in a car weighing 750kg. :eek:

Sadly, the series didn't get enough interest and Alfa only made one Pro-Car, but if you chopped off 4 cylinders of the V10 you would end up with a V6 with a 2.5 displacement which the 155 has ( I know it's a coincidence but one can dream :)).

The 155 TC was quite successful winning 38 races in its DTM life and was also very successful in 2.0 4 cylinder form in the BTCC.

It's good fun to drive here in GT6 when everything's considered, it's definitely no beater but to say a racing car is a sleeper is like swapping the badges on your car and saying it's a Ferrari when it's clearly an Toyota MR2, you're not fooling anyone. :D

Verdict? Neutral
Why? Because Racecar. :P
Well due to technical difficulties, I couldn't get to race in this Alfa racecar this week, but I do have quite fond memories of this Alpha Alfa. It was the first Alfa Romeo I actually liked to drive in Gran Turismo. One of the most recognizable liveries in the DTM series, this car drove just as well as it looked. Nothing bad to say about this car, but racecars are racecars for a reason...

Baron you really didn't miss much as it was just JackRyan, MC, and I on tuesday.

As for the Alfa Romeo 155 2.5 V6 TI, it's not to bad of a race car. I know from racing it on Ascari you can just throw it around on time section 3 and keep a fairly good speed and hold it around 4th gear. Also when you race it on Grand Valley Speedway, you can carry 4th gear into turns 3,4,5. You just have to back off the throttle a little and you can make through those turns with ease.
Not a ton of activity last week, so we'll go outside the box with this week's winner. Anyone catch the news out of Monterrey, CA this week? If not, simply search #LongLiveTheRoadster.

Congratulations Mazda!

Your hot new Miata earns you this week's Car of the Week. HOWEVER!... Your failure to include it in GT6 means that it IS NOT qualified for this year's Car of the Year awards show at the end of the year. Sorry, but there's always next year.

This week's car...


The '07 Mazda Roadster RS (NC)!

You might be thinking "awww man, not a chick car!" Well, this chick car took down a certain F1 ace (@Lewis_Hamilton_) in a '78 Pontiac Firebird. A "muscle" car (which proves you know squat about Net vs Gross hp, and the differences between torque and horsepower, twit). Want proof?


Oh, and...

So, if Your Royal Highness, Pretty Pretty Princess Polly Prissy Pants is ready, please join us at the track.
You know...

...if you're "man enough".
To quote the T-800, " I'll be back". :lol:

I've been busy sorting out stuff for my new part time cleaning job and hopefully I'll be back racing next time round. 👍

I'll probably get a write up on the MX5/Miata done at some point. ;)
Another week goes by and even more DNS errors... had more server errors in the past 5-6 weeks than I've had in the past 5-6 years. :mad:

But hey, sorry to miss the one Miata that I've had in more than one GT game. This very model I have used in both GT5 and GT6, and I have used this model early on in GT6, (maybe in one of the one make races???) and will keep it in the garage for anytime use. A stable and predictable ride, it is my favourite of the MX5's.

I would like to get my hands on the latest and possibly greatest version, but that's another waiting game in it's own right. So now to wait to see how the people who did race with it this week judge it...

Better late than never. :lol:

The MX5 has always been the first choice for a cheap, fun to drive and easy to look after sports car and since the brand new MX5 was unveiled recently, I figure it would be fitting to review the NC version of the MX5. ( the fact that my fellow colleagues at MC's Race and Review raced the NC MX5 recently is purely coincidental. :D)

Although this MX5 is bigger and heavier than the previous model, it's still very light at 1100kgs and 165hp gets it going pretty quick.

My NC MX5 is a little bit more potent, like almost 400hp sitting in a near 900kg body potent. :eek:

Admittedly, the MX5 isn't a sleeper by normal means, if anyone sees you drive one they'll probably start saying, "TRACKDAY BRO!!, GET SOME HOOSIER TYRES BRO!!" Etc. :lol:

But as a drivers car, it's one tough act to follow and here's hoping that the new model goes one better as it's dumping some weight and going back to its roots.

Verdict? Sleeper. 👍
Why? Miata Is Always The Answer. :sly:
Admittedly, the MX5 isn't a sleeper by normal means, if anyone sees you drive one they'll probably start saying, "TRACKDAY BRO!!, GET SOME HOOSIER TYRES BRO!!" Etc. :lol:
Who needs Hoosier tyres when you can get an old Miata with stripes?
Also, the reason i forgot to do a review on this MX-5 is the same reason i forgot to do a full one for the 155.
I kept delaying it till "Tommorow"
Congratulations Lewis_Hamilton_!

Once again, the choice of our next car drifts across The Pond. Perhaps when you're done letting Scotland go, you could pick a car?

This week's car... the 1970 Plymouth Superbird!


Ok, I'm sold. Anyone feeling up for a BONUS race or two tonight?
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Well I know I'm guilty for not doing a Superbird review due to the new stuff like Sierra... I'm damn near addicted!!! But I will get one done along with this latest victim. But yes, I will be there on race night barring any glitches with my internet. Besides, with that pic of the Superbird... what more needed to be said? :lol: ;)

So from classic Hemi power to turbo charged 4wd grip. :)

I actually have a nice little story from GT5 involving the Galant at the Ring which I might tell at some point. ;)

Now on to the Superbird or to give its full name, the Plymouth Road Runner Superbird.

Based on the Road Runner in the same way that the Dodge Daytona is based on the Charger, the Superbird was built for the 1970 season of NASCAR and racked up 8 wins in the hands of Richard Petty.

If we go by the looks of the Superbird then it's not a sleeper. :confused:

I mean come on, it's about as subtile as a kick in the nuts with that huge rear wing ( which is that size so it could clear the trunk when fully opened). :lol:

Having said that, it drove quite well when we raced it despite the length of it and it even handled surprising well too.

My only real complaint on how it drove is the same one as a few other muscle cars, I don't like one tyre spinning away all the power. :ouch:

Overall though, it was quite fun racing around the ovals nearly bouncing of the limiter and going on a 16.7 mile sailing trip around Sierra. :sly:

Verdict? Half-Sleeper 👍
Why? Good performance, but not sleeper looking.
Flight risks!!!
Well it's time to play catch up, so here's a Two for One deal for people to snack on.

Good luck to ya Wile E Coyote!

The 1970 Plymouth Road Runner Superbird


So in trying to keep up with demands, Plymouth puts out a 7.0 litre 425hp monster called the Superbird. The engine wasn't the only big thing either... a huge wing made sure you knew what kind of car you were looking at. Not convinced? Get buddy to toot the horn for ya then!


At 486pp after the oil change, 442 ponies get this 1,755 kilo Road Runner up to take off velocity in no time flat thanks to 510 ftlbs of torque. No wonder these things were racing!


With only about 1,000 of these things produced, it can be considered a rare bird indeed. I was rather impressed with the handling not only on race day, but afterwards as well. On the latest and greatest track addition to GT6, it really didn't seem as heavy as it is, or compared to the other COTW victims in the same weight class. In stock form, it gets up to top speed almost too quickly... it's a sprinter not an endurance Road Runner.


I agree that it can't be a Sleeper... but it's no Beater either. It's show and go, and it had no choice. Just imagine something this audacious being slow. You'd never live it down. EVER!!! :lol:

A Galant Effort...

The 1989 Galant DOHC Turbo VR-4


A Sports Sedan??? Well history has proven such an animal exists, and this is one of them... if you believe everything you read. Unlike the Superbird, this has a chance of being a Sleeper... 4 doors to keep insurance rates down, but the Turbo VR-4 designation brings those rates right up again.


Tipping the scales at 408pp/202hp/217ftlbs torque propelling a 1,340 kilo body, it's numbers are fairly decent. Driving it in GT6 however, its driving Ms. Daisy feel left me wanting more. Maybe I'm just greedy, or just fresh off a torque monster, it just didn't have the ooomph that history remembers the car having.


This was more of a disappointment to me knowing it's history, but expectations can be deadly. That in itself killed my impressions of the car in it's stock form. I found it slow and rather unruly under braking... and you need more braking distance than you should for such a light car. The fun factor came only from the choice of tracks MC made, and the friendly competition from those who showed. Sorry to say, but this one gets a Beater status from me.

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