Best Car 2008 Series : The R8 Takes It!

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
You're doing what is tantamount to sticking a quantum physics question in front of a viking beserker.

Just ignore him until he learns to think before he types.

I just wish i could be bothered for find the ignore function

Well, here is the deal. We can be nice, try to point out his faults with constructive criticism, or just be mean, fight him, or just ignore it all. I'm choosing the constructive end, because thats the kind of person that I am. If you do not wish to deal with it, by all means, you do not have to.
Can I ask what you mean by that? Because I'm a little confused... If you're defining "import" solely as something that comes from Japan, you're mistaken. Under the premise of your arguement, you could certainly say that anyone who owns a Civic Si or a Toyota Celica GT is in the same poseur category. I love my American cars more than anything, and second only to that is my love for Volkswagen, but I own and operate a Celica GT. I like the car, but its bone-stock, and I have no plans to change it. Am I a poseur for buying a car that would otherwise be something "showy" as well?

Well to me yes I define imports as something that comes from Japan. I didn't know what you mean by the word "poseur" but I'll just act like I knew what you meant by that. You do own a nice Celica but who said that you had to change it, it's an import still as ever bone-stock, and there's also nothing wrong with the Celica being showy either, since I'm taking Reventon's advice about not to believe everything I see on TV

And I see you guys think I'm stupid don't you? For me saying everything in bias instead of logic.
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Well having a bias is dumb, so generally I think you're stupid. [Not in an entirely bad way, but yeah you get the point](No offense) Although I cannot speak on behalf of all of GTP. But when you just go off of what you think is right instead of taking the time to research it a bit. You start to look dumb. It's not a good thing.
Well having a bias is dumb, so generally I think you're stupid. [Not in an entirely bad way, but yeah you get the point](No offense) Although I cannot speak on behalf of all of GTP. But when you just go off of what you think is right instead of taking the time to research it a bit. You start to look dumb. It's not a good thing.

Well I think I should start doing that, although it's no fun to do that but if that will make things better then I'll do it :)
Well to me yes I define imports as something that comes from Japan.

So how do you define a Swedish made Volvo or Saab, a German made BMW or Mercedes, or a British built Mini, if they're not imports?

Making a generally ill-informed statement like you have there, on a forum like this where the interest base centers around most things automotive, is not likely to get a good reception, especially as we have numerous members here that are auto-industry insiders.
Please bear this in mind before you post in future. People here have been relatively tolerant of you so far, and have behaved with the restraint that we like to see here in that you've not received any nasty direct insults.
However, we would ask that in general you should think before you go posting any random and generalised thing that pops into your head without having a good means of backing up your claims.
Okay sorry everyone, I got too out of hand. It won't happen again, I'll start over, and I'll be logical this time. I didn't mean to hurt anybody's feelings :guilty:
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Look at the previous winners: if it's not a hatch, it's a small car. Or a minivan.

That page is heavily biased towards small cars or hatches.

But then again, with a few notable exceptions, most of GTP is heavily biased towards super expensive sports cars they've never driven. So maybe you're right after all.


I think that's what they at least used to call the 'European Car of the Year' awards. It's the most incredibly corrupt organisation ever. Basically all the 'judges' were heavily bombarded with 'gifts' from manufacturers. I'd say that GTP's awards are probably much less biased and a truer reflection of what the general public think.
I remember hearing about that one... simply put... trying to put everything on one sliding scale immediately handicaps the specialist cars and rewards whatever is the most practical for the least amount of money. Never mind whether they're categorically better than anything else... it's more a consumerist award than anything else, and about as meaningful to your average petrolhead as a JDPowers Sales Satisfaction report.
So the R8 won eh? Well it's interesting to see what the majority of GTP seems to want, I'm über suprised that something from Japan didn't win.
Speaking of which, were the LF-A and new NSX (assuming they'll be the GTR crushers they claim to be) in it, would this have been different I wonder.... I know, from spy videos I've seen, I'd have voted the NSX against anything from Europe and half of USA.
So the R8 won eh? Well it's interesting to see what the majority of GTP seems to want, I'm über suprised that something from Japan didn't win.
Speaking of which, were the LF-A and new NSX (assuming they'll be the GTR crushers they claim to be) in it, would this have been different I wonder.... I know, from spy videos I've seen, I'd have voted the NSX against anything from Europe and half of USA.

The competition was for cars available in 2008. Neither the LF-A or NSX replacement are out yet. Although that didn't stop the Merc SL Black Series being nominated... :rolleyes:
The competition was for cars available in 2008. Neither the LF-A or NSX replacement are out yet. Although that didn't stop the Merc SL Black Series being nominated... :rolleyes:

Oh I know, I'm just theorising a bit. If they were already released how could/would it have changed things I winder.
So the R8 won eh? Well it's interesting to see what the majority of GTP seems to want, I'm über suprised that something from Japan didn't win.
Speaking of which, were the LF-A and new NSX (assuming they'll be the GTR crushers they claim to be) in it, would this have been different I wonder.... I know, from spy videos I've seen, I'd have voted the NSX against anything from Europe and half of USA.

I thought the NSX was out of production for good
Can I ask what you mean by that? Because I'm a little confused... If you're defining "import" solely as something that comes from Japan, you're mistaken. Under the premise of your arguement, you could certainly say that anyone who owns a Civic Si or a Toyota Celica GT is in the same poseur category. I love my American cars more than anything, and second only to that is my love for Volkswagen, but I own and operate a Celica GT. I like the car, but its bone-stock, and I have no plans to change it. Am I a poseur for buying a car that would otherwise be something "showy" as well?

The concept of imports gets even more confusing if you're from the UK. Technically the Honda Civic and Nissan Micra aren't imports...
Well to me yes I define imports as something that comes from Japan.

So everything else not made in America is not imported? Such as, say, Audis, BMWs, Jaguars, SAABs, Volvos, Mercedes, Porsches, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, etc...

Honda Accords are made in Marysville, Ohio. Are they still imports?

And lets not forget that in Japan, American cars among others are "imports". That changes by what country you live in... and America is not the only country that imports or exports cars.

Why do you define "import" as "made in Japan"?

And I see you guys think I'm stupid don't you? For me saying everything in bias instead of logic.

It does make it awfully hard to have intelligent discussions with you, when you make leaping generalizations with no backup like "All imports are from Japan" and "Japan makes the safest cars". When you make bald, unsupported statements like that and won't follow them with any details, where are we supposed to go with them? Here's an example:

You: Japan makes the safest cars.

Us: Why do you say that? What about Volvo? They've got a long record of innovations in safety technology. Or Renaults - those cars are engineered to protect the occupants from real crashes. Some American cars are good at impact absorption, too. Why do you think Japan makes the safest cars?

You: I don't feel like proving anything this time, having information backed up on an opinion is certain no no to me

Us: ... *shrugs and wanders off to argue with nd4holdenspd*

Do you see my point? What is the value of discussion that is nothing more than "I think this because I think it"? That's why you believe we think you're stupid.

Out of curiosity, how old are you?
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Sensitive much? :rolleyes:

I don't like what you're implying.:odd: Was that light hearted or something personal?

Edit: @ buickgnx88, consider me as the Incredible Hulk, I'm big on muscle (cars) and short on fuse (temper). When I'm getting a little annoyed or suss on something I'll start to turn green. When I'm actually getting ticked off I will turn all green.💡 I figured that's the repuation I have here now so I may as well use it to personalise the way I post.
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I don't like what you're implying.:odd: Was that light hearted or something personal?

It's a gag, nd. The same as your greeny font. You characterise the moderators as having something against you (and have more than once claimed we deliberately bait you so we can ban you). Duke's joke is that, since he can't generate any form of sport from gator of kana, he'll start an argument with you instead, playing to the persona you impress upon us.
It's a gag, nd. The same as your greeny font. You characterise the moderators as having something against you (and have more than once claimed we deliberately bait you so we can ban you). Duke's joke is that, since he can't generate any form of sport from gator of kana, he'll start an argument with you instead, playing to the persona you impress upon us.

Oh, well that's not what he said:

I was implying that you need to get over yourself a little. Now I'm stating it directly.

Said the high and mighty acting Duke.
Yeah, after you took umbrage at the initial gag.

Relax, man. It was just a funny.
Note that the United States is not on the little Car Of The Year circle thing. Thus its severely biased towards things of the small variety.

You do realise that not everyone in Europe drives around in Minis, right? ;)
Out of curiosity, how old are you?
Oh yes, everyone would like to know that. If you were really that young and posted those stuff, we all could forgive you for your immature posts. Its not like we all start bashing on you when you post something "that seems right to you", just make some analysis and research on your arguments before posting. Saying that "imports" are from Japan is just shallow minded. Not everything from Japan is perfect........ ;)

Anyways, I don't find it surprising that the R8 won. Maybe there are a few here that disagrees with the outright winner of the tournament (me included) but we all did agree that the votes were all done fair and square. 👍

So like, whats gonna happen now? :D