1:Racing NSX TypeSzero (fully modified & custom tuned)...Fastest cornering car in the game imo (if suspension is tuned correctly) also has better acceleration than Cerbera.
2:Cerbera LM....Fastest cornering
FR car in game imo, alot easier to drive than the NSX TypeSzero, does not require s**t loads of fine tuning to achieve awsome lap times.
3:NSX GT2 LM...Not as fast as the TypeSzero through corners, also like the TypeSzero it suffers from terrible default suspension settings, luckly this can be fixed.
Thing is ...the Racing TypeSZero chassis comes with absolutly terrible default suspension settings....honestly the default settings imo fall far below what can be achieved with some time well spent sorting out the cars suspension, once you have managed to set up chassis/suspension correctly, it handles exteamly well, thats not to say the NXS will be as easy to use as the cerbera, the sharp handling and oversteer will still require nimble finger work.
Best thing i like about the Racing TypeSzero is i can brake later and turn in quicker carrying more speed through the corner than i can with the Cerbera, much to the dislike of my friends who all used the Cerbera
Overall i found the cerbera is more consistant in its lap times, in the TypeSzero even slight bumps or deviations in the track surface can cause the car to vear off coarse or dastically lose its racing line costing vital seconds
, Where as the cerbera just plows straight though with minimal upset to the chassis or its racing line.