Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Had a $3000 bounty on myself, and two guys coming after me for it. Hid around a corner up a set of stairs and set up sticky bomb traps. Got both of them in the first try. One of them tried to come back again, as he apparently didn't learn from the first attempt. The other guy went down the street into an area where he couldn't see me.

I think one of them tried throwing tear gas at me, but I think they missed wildly. I ended up with the $3000.. they must have thought a level 24 character would be an easy target.
I had a guy join a Gerald mission I was doing last night. I don't remember the name of the mission, and it doesn't really matter. Anyways, he killed me twice by running me over. Pissed me off, but hey it's GTAO. What do you expect? What really got to me was he then proceeded to drive around for twenty minutes without completing the mission. Why would somebody do that? Sure, maybe with they were a low level and didn't quite get the idea of the joint missions. But the guy was a level 47. Needless to say, I reported his shiny little butt.
I remember back when I went into random public lobbies with bounties on my head...I hid in the sewer system used in the first heist. At the point where you veer left and drop down and start heading towards the LS River, there is a small tunnel on the right that makes a U-turn into the subway system. I hid in that tunnel because if viewed correctly on the map, it would look like I was just sitting on the highway above it like a sitting duck.

It was hilarious watching all the people try to get me and rage on the mic. Heck, there were several times where randoms would kill each other right above me. And the best part? Nobody ever got me.
I had a fun moment yesterday when a bunch of randoms were going around picking everyone else up in a Granger. It may not have been a particularly tasteful Granger (Cream with Hot Pink secondary :yuck: but I still think that's what randoms should aspire to. AAAADVENTUUUUUUUUUURE!!!!!!!!
A level 999 guy just entered the lobby I'm in. He has 'swagger' in his username, he's rank 1 in his crew, and do you want to know what he was blasting on his mic?

Squeaker profanity? No.

Generic hip-hop thinking he's the cool kid on the block? No.

Are you ready?

Are you sure you're ready?

Let It Go. From Frozen. This guy had Let It Go from Frozen blasting on his mic.

I don't even know what to say.
Some tank drivers are very persistent once they know you have an RPG. A level 72 tanker bombarded the hell out of the LS Police building I was on after I fired one on him, even circling the building try to blast me. Eventually I was on street level and he paused for a minute, just long enough for me to destroy his tank with the grenade launcher.

I kill him a few times until he fled to an area where I know there's a wall breach..and leave him alone. He then sends me a text saying "U scared?". Really, this former tanker just stayed in the same spot for about 10 minutes and he has the nerve to call me scared as I drove around Los Santos.
A level 999 guy just entered the lobby I'm in. He has 'swagger' in his username, he's rank 1 in his crew, and do you want to know what he was blasting on his mic?

Squeaker profanity? No.

Generic hip-hop thinking he's the cool kid on the block? No.

Are you ready?

Are you sure you're ready?

Let It Go. From Frozen. This guy had Let It Go from Frozen blasting on his mic.

I don't even know what to say.
This guy knows what's up. You should of totally added him.
I would have shot him in the face to be honest. That said, I'm quite impressed that someone who is clearly under the age of 7 figured out how to glitch his rank. Although he probably just followed some godawful 'Domislive' tutorial.
A level 999 guy just entered the lobby I'm in. He has 'swagger' in his username, he's rank 1 in his crew, and do you want to know what he was blasting on his mic?

Squeaker profanity? No.

Generic hip-hop thinking he's the cool kid on the block? No.

Are you ready?

Are you sure you're ready?

Let It Go. From Frozen. This guy had Let It Go from Frozen blasting on his mic.

I don't even know what to say.

If only they didn't patch the North Yankton glitch...
Someone was camping on the roof top directly in line with the LSC shop who kept sniping a lower level user trying to respray a car wanted by Simeon. I just happen to be cruising around in my tank, so I roll in and blast him off the roof a few times until he realizes he better get out of there. I usually use my tank against tank griefers but this guy needed to be taught a lesson.
Today a friend and I were having a classic freemode ping-pong deathmatch against two other guys. I was flying around with a Lazer blowing up their tanks and personal vehicles. At one point the battle calmed down and I thought I'll see what's up with the gathering by the 400k apt. There was a guy with a bounty and maybe 5 other blips trying to kill him. Apparently he was on the roof of the building. Clever. I got him the first time though :lol:. Then I get a PSN message, apparently from one of the 5 bounty hunters. It was some rank 45-or-so guy and the message said "ur K/D is only 1.6 u must suck" :lol: I had a laugh and didn't even respond to it. After a few minutes, though, I see he's heading towards the military base. Obviously to get a jet and "show me how much I suck". I land on the Maze Bank building and watch his blip on the pause menu. He's heading towards me. Soooo I go off the radar, get behind him and fire a couple rockets to get things started. Once I started to fire the miniguns at him he left the game :lol: Then I get a message "u still suck my K/D is 32 urs only 1.6". True story. :lol:
Today a friend and I were having a classic freemode ping-pong deathmatch against two other guys. I was flying around with a Lazer blowing up their tanks and personal vehicles. At one point the battle calmed down and I thought I'll see what's up with the gathering by the 400k apt. There was a guy with a bounty and maybe 5 other blips trying to kill him. Apparently he was on the roof of the building. Clever. I got him the first time though :lol:. Then I get a PSN message, apparently from one of the 5 bounty hunters. It was some rank 45-or-so guy and the message said "ur K/D is only 1.6 u must suck" :lol: I had a laugh and didn't even respond to it. After a few minutes, though, I see he's heading towards the military base. Obviously to get a jet and "show me how much I suck". I land on the Maze Bank building and watch his blip on the pause menu. He's heading towards me. Soooo I go off the radar, get behind him and fire a couple rockets to get things started. Once I started to fire the miniguns at him he left the game :lol: Then I get a message "u still suck my K/D is 32 urs only 1.6". True story. :lol:

Who cares about K/D anyway? If you're not dying much you're not having fun.
Also the fact that he leaves when he realizes he's completely outmatched is probably why his K/D is supposedly so high :lol:
Who cares about K/D anyway? If you're not dying much you're not having fun.
Also the fact that he leaves when he realizes he's completely outmatched is probably why his K/D is supposedly so high :lol:
Probably the same people who care about killing others for no reason and drive chrome supercars. :lol: I care about it just in a way that if some scrub kills me for no reason, I am not going to let him get away with it. Still remember that tank driver we killed 30-or-so times after he blew us up :lol:
My K/D is 0.4444444, most of which happens when I'm in passive mode trying to take action snaps of P vs P fights.
Probably the same people who care about killing others for no reason and drive chrome supercars. :lol: I care about it just in a way that if some scrub kills me for no reason, I am not going to let him get away with it. Still remember that tank driver we killed 30-or-so times after he blew us up :lol:
The other day there was a tank driver who had a $9k bounty, but he was just sat at the side of the road not really paying attention. I parked my car round the corner, wandered over in passive mode, pulled him out of the tank, then blasted him to bits. He was so angry. :lol:
The other day there was a tank driver who had a $9k bounty, but he was just sat at the side of the road not really paying attention. I parked my car round the corner, wandered over in passive mode, pulled him out of the tank, then blasted him to bits. He was so angry. :lol:
So much for invincible tanks :lol:
Good - Guy blowing me up in a tank. He then headed to Ammunation, I followed, entered said tank and waited on his exit. He came out, ate a missile and left the session.

Bad - Trying to take someone out with the fighter jet and in the process removing myself from play by hitting a building.
@Jet Badger - You should give lessons in effective Lazer usage. Like @gnomefromnome said, Lazer 101. I managed to dogfight some griefer out of his buzzard last night but failed on the follow up kill on the ground. I think I was close but, there was no cigar.
So, I met someone that is really freaking good at using a sniper rifle.

I get sniped driving out of LSC. Damn. He gets onto the roof of the Maze Bank tower. I try to take him out in an Annihilator. Sniped and he barely misses the wreckage. I try to get a Buzzard. Sniped from several miles away. I try to get him from another rooftop. You know what happens next.

Kamikaze. Nope. Airstrike doesn't reach the rooftop. Dammit.

He flies down to a lower building. I manage to get a shot, but miss. What does he do? He calmly walks to the other side of the building, out of my line of sight like nothing is happening. After all of that, just when I have my chance, he walks away. This game is not for me.

A level 999 guy just entered the lobby I'm in. He has 'swagger' in his username, he's rank 1 in his crew, and do you want to know what he was blasting on his mic?

Squeaker profanity? No.

Generic hip-hop thinking he's the cool kid on the block? No.

Are you ready?

Are you sure you're ready?

Let It Go. From Frozen. This guy had Let It Go from Frozen blasting on his mic.

I don't even know what to say.
Kill on sight.
So, I met someone that is really freaking good at using a sniper rifle.

I get sniped driving out of LSC. Damn. He gets onto the roof of the Maze Bank tower. I try to take him out in an Annihilator. Sniped and he barely misses the wreckage. I try to get a Buzzard. Sniped from several miles away. I try to get him from another rooftop. You know what happens next.

Kamikaze. Nope. Airstrike doesn't reach the rooftop. Dammit.

He flies down to a lower building. I manage to get a shot, but miss. What does he do? He calmly walks to the other side of the building, out of my line of sight like nothing is happening. After all of that, just when I have my chance, he walks away. This game is not for me.

Kill on sight.

I'm pretty sure you can't snipe people from over half a mile or so away due to the draw distance. I tried sniping someone from not even halfway up the big construction site and none of my hits would register. The game wouldn't even render your player character or the buzzard at that distance. I'm calling aimbot.
It is possible if they're in a vehicle. You can't see the player themselves, but you can see them driving. Pop a .50 into the drivers seat and you're good to go. I've done it a few times.
@Jet Badger - You should give lessons in effective Lazer usage. Like @gnomefromnome said, Lazer 101. I managed to dogfight some griefer out of his buzzard last night but failed on the follow up kill on the ground. I think I was close but, there was no cigar.
I'm not sure I'm in a position to teach :lol: There are people who are miles better than me with piloting a Lazer. Though if there's a demand I can post some tips on piloting a jet :) There is this "Tonksi" guy on Youtube making pretty good videos on the subject. They're a pretty good watch if you're interested in it :)
Good: I was flying around LS in a Buzzard when I saw three random players trying to outrun the police near the chemical factory. They must have all been wanted because they couldn't shake the police even when they separated up. After about a minute of watching them drive around the same neighborhood without losing the heat I decided to act.

I wish I had a video of the action, because for the next five or so minutes I did strafing runs with guns and rockets, as well as keeping the skies clear of choppers, while on the ground these three randoms had set up a barricade of cars at either end of a short street and had an awesome fire-fight with what got past me.

The best bit was at the end when we had killed everything that came at us and lost the wanted levels I actually received a message from one of them saying thank you.
Playing in a lobby with a tank and a few high level players, I shoot and kill someone with my sniper (with my level 81 PSN account). I get a text from him asking for a truce. I agree, we group together to fight off the horde.

Then the game freezes and I reload....all my weapons were gone except the pistol. Spent about 200 grand to regain them. The accessories (extended clip, suppressors and whatnot) were checked off but I had to buy all the ammo wtf Rockstar
I hope you didn't lose a Gusenberg Sweeper if you had one originally. I still think it's stupid they took away all of the Valentine's Day stuff from the stores.
Well, me and another friend on here came across a GTP crew fellow, we delightfully approached him to only see that he was tank griefing everyone in the server.

To our surprise he then hosts a coveted playlist in which me and my friend joined. It was all going well for the first two bouts in which me and my friend did nothing and they did the mission solo.

On our third and fourth bout, the GTP fellow started to destroy our cars that spawn on the road. In which this guy starts to destroy them but has to pay insurance :sly:

We fail the third mission, start up with the fourth mission with both our most expensive cars as personal vehicles, except this time the GTP crew member decides to get a tank.

We oblige by making him crush our cars, essentially losing all his pay from the first two missions.

To top it off from this GTP member, apparently he's sent some reports through in order to try and ban my account.

What a fun session that was :lol:

Oh, and we griefed him back by running him over in free mode :D
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