Some knob was driving around and harassing folks in a room I was in last night with a few crew members. He sniped me while I was just playing around riding the metro, actually, just out front of my apartment. Utterly unprovoked. He ran away immediately after, only to circle back a few minutes later. The guy was at a high level too, mid-90's for sure, so I expected him to either act better, or be a bit more careful coming into the intersection down the street...
I returned the sniping favour, stole his car, and drove it through the city until I got it wedged on an angle up against a poll. Just as I went to take a picture, I disconnected from the room, and couldn't find a way back. As a side note; can Rockstar change around the method of joining crew members, or really, any other rooms in general? I really can't stand selecting the option to join someone, agreeing at the confirmation screen to leave my current room, attempt to join the new one, and only then be told it's a friends-only room. Couldn't you figure that out before you took me out of the current one?!
A little bit later, I had two little 🤬 spray the ever-loving crap out of my pink Tornado as I was just cruising around. When I respawned, I went to go collect it, and another random player came up to me. Not assuming the worst, I didn't shoot him on the spot - he had a pistol - and we walked for a block or two. Once I saw my car, I started jogging up to it... and then I was shot in the back of the head. What an ass.