Ummm.... I never said that.

Must have meant to quote Pupik, it's nice to know I'm in your thoughts.
Doh! Stupid son of a...
I am glad to hear that some people got to vote on this as here in Kentucky we did not. It was decided on by a city council that was urged to create this ban by an external group made up of people who were
NOT even residents of the commonwealth, much less the individual cities.
Now, can someone explain to me how an anti-smoking organization from New York can come to Kentucky and persuade our city councils to pass smoking bans in the heart of tobacco country? We grow the most tobacco in the country (or used to, I think it has changed) and had the highest smoking rate. Polls showed that it was close as to who wanted it and who didn't.
The fact is that long before it passed multiple restaurants had gone non-smoking voluntarily. The entire Applebee's chain did. At least half the fast food places were going that way. It was no longer necessary for this to pass in order for people like Carl to find a non-smoking restaurant.
An interesting story is how this English-style pub (run by an actual Englishman) that my brother and I liked to go to allowed smoking and one night we are in there eating and drinking (mostly drinking) with our wives. Both our wives smoke and were doing so. This place was a redone house and actually had separate rooms. We had chosen an empty room so we could pretty much keep our conversation private. This couple comes in with two kids and starts going room to room looking for a place without smoke (in a pub!). Well, they happened to look in the room we were in at a time when no one had a cigarette. A little while later my slightly drunk wife lights up without thinking. The husband gets up and turns the ceiling fan on high and both our wives start freezing. My brother stands up and turns it off as soon as my wife puts her cigarette out and we just sit and enjoy our drinks. A little while later they get up to leave and tell the waitress they were just getting drinks as they had reservations elsewhere. So, after both parents drank alcohol they left to drive with two kids in the car.
I am curious, who goes to a pub-style establishment looking to avoid smoke? Then who takes kids into what is advertised to be a local bar, and then drives them around after having a couple of drinks?
As a side note: that pub shut down six months after the smoking ban went into effect. I guess no one thought the bangers and mash was any good without the cigarette. Of course I can't prove the ban caused them to shut down, but the coincidence is better evidence than anyone has that second-hand smoke causes lung cancer.
And someone was asking for documented evidence that businesses have been harmed by smoking bans. This guy found enough to devote two whole Web pages to links.
I hope that's enough.
I guess the struggling businesses, waitresses, and bartenders are a necessary evil so that you can walk on to other people's property all you want and never smell smoke. Maybe you should give bigger tips the next time you go to a bar and enjoy the clean air and notice hwo much easier it is to get a seat at the bar/table.