- 563
Well, it could be... If you smoke... done, you're paying for medical care. You don't get put on a list for lung and heart transplants. There are many things that could void the warrenty, but as you may have noticed, this is the "Big Tobacco" thread, so I made my point accordingly. We could nit pick little details or strange situations that could even stump Dr. House, but in the end, it's a lot more simple then all of you make it out to be. We could argue the fact the the tobacco didn't cause a lot of the problems, or we can say for sure is that it didn't help things out. What I meant was, if the guy comes in with a broken arm/leg, stabbed, shot, burnt, poisoned, and various other problems one might find in an emergency ward, he's covered. Other then that, being a smoker voids the warrenty and you have to pay if it's found that it could be something smoke related... I don't care if he has a third nipple, and it's really deep, so it tickles the left atrium of his heart which give him angina and he smokes. It wasn't the smoke, it was the third nipple, but he's a smoker. Case closed. He shouldn't be smoking and since he made his bed, he must sleep in it. If it a well known fact that this kind of thing would happen and people still choose to smoke they're taking a very big risk both financialy and healthwise... People just don't get it, so they have to be smacked in the face with the cold hard fact that it's bad for you, it kills you, and society simply won't put up with taking care of your sorry ass at 45 cause they were stupid enough to start, or too stupid and stubourn to quit.