- 24,553
- Frankfort, KY
- GTP_FoolKiller
- FoolKiller1979
The question is: Why are they low income? Cigarettes are part of it.dbartucciThe drawback is it tends to affect lower income people more severely as they tend to spend a great absolute amount on these goods and certainly a greater proportion of their disposable income.
I worked with this woman (she quit abouta month ago) and she always had trouble paying her electricity and water and cable, etc. I couldn't figure out what the problem was since she started at the same pay scale I did and had a husband that she claimed made more money that her. Combined this would mean they made more than my wife and I, but we make all our bills and and have free spending money after savings. I consider ourselves to be lower-middle to middle class, and so does the market and IRS. She even said that she had her electricty shut off for three days.
I couldn't figure it out until she was talking about how she and her husband both go through about three packs a day.
I think I found her budget problem.
So, when you see someone living impoverished but chain smoking you know that they can probably live better. I have no sympathy, especially after you figure in the fact that many have a satellite or cable with at least HBO (can't miss Sopranos) and usually a couple other movie channels.
And her burden on the healthcare system is minimal since she refused to go to the doctor.
Of course this is just one case, but I figure there are others like her. It's just when you watch someone chain smoking and complaining about money just remember that they are smoking a chunk of their money.