Biggest lie ever?

  • Thread starter lemonsky

To keep this relevant to the lies thread, lies about sex are another big one that is told to children. A lot of children don't learn about sex for a long time, and when they do it's often a highly censored version of it that doesn't really make sense.

The only psychological issues involved are when the people around the children make them feel bad for being naturally curious about their bodies, the bodies of the other gender, and where they came from. Children should be curious about that stuff, and I'm not surprised that the negative reaction that they get asking for help tends to mess them up sometimes.

Likewise adults who are so uncomfortable with porn and sex that they don't take the time to explain it to their children are not helping either. Porn actors and actresses are mostly professionals, they do things that your average person doesn't. If a kid watches Formula 1 and asks "so, is that how you drive too Daddy?", you explain carefully that these are professional drivers in a specific situation and that it's different to the ordinary everyday driving that you do.

Why exactly is sex and/or porn a bad thing? I think demonising porn use is shifting the burden of responsibility from where it should be; namely, squarely on the shoulders of the caregivers.

Porn is fine when used appropriately and with an understanding of what it's for, just like sports programs or action movies. You don't let children watch Die Hard without explaining that this is just a fantasy for fun, we don't go around shooting hundreds of people with machine guns like this in real life. Why shouldn't porn be treated the same way?

You can't shield your children from everything, far better to get in early and educate them how you want them educated before the world does it for you.

That, or put them in a bubble.
Thankyou for that very well thought out post. For the record, I have no issues with porn as used or viewed by any educated viewer. Sure, it is the parents responsibility to make sure the kids are understanding of the fantasy aspect. This is a discussion that I'm sure most parents fully expect to have at some point.

The thing of it that still remains however, is that upon discovering their 7 year old watching what could be rather graphic content most parents would likely be caught wholly unawares and as such unprepared. Mant parents put in that position may simply say "that's bad" or "that's just for adults" because they do not want to have the bigger discussion that is actually required. The porn vs sex and birds and bees talk that they tend to put off as long as possible to maintain the illusion of innocence.

All that only apples of course, if the parents actually find out they're watching it. Kids know they aren't meant to see this stuff so they will hide it from parents and caregivers. Likewise, they know their friends will want to see it and it spreads as such. Parents may never actually have a chance to have that talk until this child's become completely normalised and inclined towards certain acts after possibly years of viewing.

Ultimately, careful supervision and Internet filtering can go a pretty long way if parents are careful. For the vast majority though, I don't believe these steps are taken and these issues arise.

My original point is that I feel it makes kids grow up faster and that I didn't particuarly like that. Childhood is an incredibly important part of learning and development and retrospectively (in a modern, western society) a lot of fun. I just think kids deserve to be unaware of certain things for a while. Particuarly those found In the very darkest corners of the Internet.
Practice Makes Perfect and all those other messages to tell people to keep trying, especially when they don't take account the idea of Natural Ability.
Practice Makes Perfect and all those other messages to tell people to keep trying, especially when they don't take account the idea of Natural Ability.

It's not really a lie though. For some people, practise really does make perfect, and you don't know whether you're one of those people or not until you actually do the practise.

It's at worst an optimistic statement based on incomplete information.
Dutch: "op elk potje past een dekseltje"

English translastion: "every Jack has his Jill"

Biggest lie ever!
The Dog Ate My Homework.

Seriously, in my opinion the biggest lie ever is “I'm Okay/Fine/Good”
It's one of those things that after a while you become so used to saying that you actually start to believe it yourself, even when you are not.

Practice Makes Perfect and all those other messages to tell people to keep trying, especially when they don't take account the idea of Natural Ability.

I know I am probably wrong and being naive but I still like to think that determination and hard work can actually take on "Natural Ability". Probably because I don't think I have any or a Natural Ability.

IMO The biggest lie out there is any Canadian stereotypes. Trust me, our health care is free, but it sucks. I also know a lot of people who aren't polite or accepting. Sorry for breaking everything you see in us.

Seriously, in my opinion the biggest lie ever is “I'm Okay/Fine/Good”
It's one of those things that after a while you become so used to saying that you actually start to believe it yourself, even when you are not.
Some lies are preferable to telling the truth, and this is one of them.

Responding to the quotidian question, "How are you?", can and should be as much a matter of policy as it is a statement of fact.

In lieu of the rote responses, "I'm okay/fine/good/well", feel free to substitute more colorful and entertaining quips such as, "I'm swell/super/tip-top/jim-dandy/and my fav, rip-snorting!"
Some lies are preferable to telling the truth, and this is one of them.

Responding to the quotidian question, "How are you?", can and should be as much a matter of policy as it is a statement of fact.

In lieu of the rote responses, "I'm okay/fine/good/well", feel free to substitute more colorful and entertaining quips such as, "I'm swell/super/tip-top/jim-dandy/and my fav, rip-snorting!"

Indeed. If I am guilty of one intentional fib - and I make it a point not to lie - it is this one. I use it every single day without fail. xD

My easy response is "I am acceptable" or "I am rather well" or "I am quite alright" or "Fine and dandy, thank you".

I know. I am a posh git. Sue me. :P
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I know I am probably wrong and being naive but I still like to think that determination and hard work can actually take on "Natural Ability". Probably because I don't think I have any or a Natural Ability.

IMO The biggest lie out there is any Canadian stereotypes. Trust me, our health care is free, but it sucks. I also know a lot of people who aren't polite or accepting. Sorry for breaking everything you see in us.
You live in the GTA don't you?:lol: I know a lot of Canadians that are not always polite or accepting. But I've also visited several foreign countries and in my experience, it's about as good as it gets here.
You live in the GTA don't you?:lol: I know a lot of Canadians that are not always polite or accepting. But I've also visited several foreign countries and in my experience, it's about as good as it gets here.

Was it that easy to tell? :lol: I live about an hour or so north west of the GTA, so i am the rural/redneck version of it (which isn't any better, and maybe even worse). The furthest I have ever been away from home was Florida for a few family vacations, so I don't know what its like much else where.

I do remember that there was basically only country music and crazy yelling preachers on the Georgian radio stations when we drove through, so I guess in that sense we might be a bit more accepting and varied. But they were still polite and everything as far as my 13 year old self was concerned.
Was it that easy to tell? :lol: I live about an hour or so north west of the GTA, so i am the rural/redneck version of it (which isn't any better, and maybe even worse). The furthest I have ever been away from home was Florida for a few family vacations, so I don't know what its like much else where.

I do remember that there was basically only country music and crazy yelling preachers on the Georgian radio stations when we drove through, so I guess in that sense we might be a bit more accepting and varied. But they were still polite and everything as far as my 13 year old self was concerned.
I lived in the GTA for 24 years but I was born in Newmarket and lived in Bradford until I was 5. I still curse my Dad for ever moving us to the big city:mad::mad: The Big Smoke was starting to have some issues that all bigger cities have, like you described, rudeness, agrression, lack of common courtesy etc. and it wasn't a place for me to raise my family because at the time I couldn't afford a home in the GTA. Moved to Kitchener and eventually Windsor and don't regret it for one second. A few weekends a year visiting my brother in Richmond Hill is enough for me:eek::eek:
I lived in the GTA for 24 years but I was born in Newmarket and lived in Bradford until I was 5. I still curse my Dad for ever moving us to the big city:mad::mad: The Big Smoke was starting to have some issues that all bigger cities have, like you described, rudeness, agrression, lack of common courtesy etc. and it wasn't a place for me to raise my family because at the time I couldn't afford a home in the GTA. Moved to Kitchener and eventually Windsor and don't regret it for one second. A few weekends a year visiting my brother in Richmond Hill is enough for me:eek::eek:

Yeah, despite the flaws of small towns and rural areas I can't stand being in the city. A trip there a couple of times a year is plenty for me. I live in between Orangeville (which has about 27,000 people) and Shelburne (which has 6000 people and is where i go to school).

People here are more courteous and polite, but we also lack some the same health care quality, and can have trouble accepting new technologies and ideas.

My history teacher explained that Canada has been typically less agressive and more polite because there is distance between everyone and you aren't in everyone's business like in other areas of the world. I guess most rural areas work that way too.
@Turbotwin01 @Johnnypenso,
You guys need to move out west :)(make sure you go farther west than Calgary). I was born in North York, moved out west as a child, then went back to Kingston for University. There is definitely a more uptight, less cordial attitude, in Southern Ontario than in other parts of the country. I spend some time in Nova Scotia as well...extremely nice people.

My buddy's wife is from Columbia, and she always rants about how we are too nice, almost to a fault.

Also, I agree with @Imari. We live in a sheltered world today. Today, we look at a 12 year old boy, and can come up with a massive list of "inappropriate things". Not that long ago, 12 year olds were being shipped off to war.

Western society has shifted the paradigm to this whole "preserve the innocence of childhood" ideology, and so many people are convinced it is the way to go...but has the method been around long enough to be proven to be the best method? We don't know.

I'm not saying we should be shipping out 12 year olds off to war, or showing bukake videos to our 5 year olds; but at the same time, I don't think the whole "preserve the innocence of childhood" is necessarily smart, at least not to the extreme degree that Western society has taken it.
Organic Chemistry being easy.

Nah, it was pretty easy. Guess it depends on how you're taught and how your brain is wired. I used 4 different textbooks from what my class required, just for different perspectives on how to explain things for when I went on to tutor it.
Nah, it was pretty easy. Guess it depends on how you're taught and how your brain is wired. I used 4 different textbooks from what my class required, just for different perspectives on how to explain things for when I went on to tutor it.
Maybe I got a bad orgo teacher then. The concepts were a lot less calculated and more abstract than the other chemistry stuff that we did. It was more difficult to understand cause we're only taught orgo to a basic level, so it was more down to memorization than understanding.