Bin Laden At It Again?

  • Thread starter Lee
I wasnt specifically talking about america you were the one that brought it up. I was talking about us. My country and your country and some other countries that do as we say.

America does have religious freedom but earlier you said it was religious free..
Uh you sure seemed like you were talking about America since we are the ones getting a majority of terrorist attacks.

I count one so far. We have had one and spains had several. Ireland has had several aswell, nevermind the amount in africa or middle eastern countries.

Terrorist strikes on my and your soil has been thankfully limited.
Actually I should have said Americans not just America, now that I think about it.

But who's Bin Ladin's main target?
I cant say. The thing with terrorist is that they strike but they never make it clear as to why or what they hope to achieve with doing so.
So your media would leave you to believe but yes ultimately bin laden hates america the most but hes dishing out his bombs to quite a few countries.

But then its hard to say if bin laden is indeed responsible for all those bombings. Look at the bombings that happened in egypt.
Actually common sense would lead me to believe since Bin Ladins videos pretty much shows his hate for the Americans.
Yeah but with your media they only show you the part of the video clip that applies to you and your fellow country men. They do the same thing over here aswell.
Uh you can watch the entire video at Al Jazerra's website, and you can easily find it translated into English on the internet. In fact I think CNN might even have it.
Yes I have, and it's very directed towards Americans and that they are planning an attack.
b*stards. We are undoubtley a big target for them aswell even though we openly bend over backwards to make muslims etc feel welcome. We even got rid of christmas in some parts of london for them.

I wish instead of striking us they would get some of those openly racist and fascits countries instead.