
  • Thread starter 194GVan
I know this isn't the PC Bioshock thread (is their one?) but I have read about the issue some have with the limit the game puts on installing and uninstalling the game on your PC. You can only do it twice it would seem.
Is this usual for PC games?
Can't say I've seen it. But generally I rarely need to uninstall a PC game. But I guess if there was a problem it could be a problem. It does seem odd.
I'm not a big PC gamer anyway. Consoles like the 360 and PS3 are more than enough for me.
Still really looking forward to Bioshock!👍
Now 2K Games is saying the lack of any response to these issues was because they were on vacation yesterday:

A Note from Ken on the Widescreen Concerns
Posted on Tuesday, 8/21/07 at 11:44 PM by irrationallevine, Moderator on 2K Games Forum
Hey guys-

Sorry about all the conflict. IG development people (specifically Chris and Rowan who are both on vacation) were trying to take a day off today (we've been working about six months 6-7 days a week). I'm trying to see what everybody's concerns are and consult with the staff.

I know people are frustrated, but we are dealing with internet time here. It wasn't until 7 pm EST that I was able to even talk to anybody in our Australian studio, which is open today (9 AM their time).

I hear you that not everybody was thrilled with the PC launch. And I'm trying to collect information and see what the facts are. PC game development does not function in a matter of seconds or hours, especially when most of the team is on vacation. But I hear you, and we're looking into the issue. I'll only ask you have a bit of understanding as to the time scale that software development issues must occur in.

Best regards,

Ken Levine
What game developer sends their key development officers on vacation on the day their highest profile game is released???

BTW: The "official" response from 2K Games right now is a pretty funny read, but their comment about "It's not that the widescreen POV has less, only that the 4:3 has more." and "Reports of the widescreen FOV being a crop of the 4:3 FOV are completely false." really are great comedy club fodder. :lol:

The good news is that at least there is a hint of admitting they goofed, and that they are working on a fix for this and some of the other issues:

"We understand that not all users might not be happy with these choices and we will be looking into options for allowing users to adjust FOV settings manually. But as we mentioned earlier, changes to video game code do not happen in minutes or hours. We appreciate your understanding."

Of course what they wont admit is that it isn’t possible to patch for an uncropped widescreen POV. I guess we will have to wait for a future Bioshock release if or when they address this problem. Considering the tremendous negative response to this issue, that has now been picked up by various news media, they may have to update and re-release the game just from all the public pressure.
I seriously don't understand all this bickering. If you like the game, shut the hell up and play it. If you don't like the game, shut the hell up and dont play it. Theres no reason to argue. A game is a game is a game. Does it really matter if the image is cropped? If it's a good game, it's still worth playing. Geez. Who cares about AA? Should AA be a make or break deal on weather you play a game or not? Man some people complain too much.
I seriously don't understand all this bickering. If you like the game, shut the hell up and play it. If you don't like the game, shut the hell up and dont play it. Theres no reason to argue. A game is a game is a game. Does it really matter if the image is cropped? If it's a good game, it's still worth playing. Geez. Who cares about AA? Should AA be a make or break deal on weather you play a game or not? Man some people complain too much.

Maybe it's due that gamers don't like to be lied to. It's even worse when a developer won't come out and say they were wrong.
Is the game fun? Play it. Who cares. It's just a freaking video game. If youre' that upset about it, boycott the developer and don't buy the game. It's that simple.
I seriously don't understand all this bickering. If you like the game, shut the hell up and play it. If you don't like the game, shut the hell up and dont play it. Theres no reason to argue. A game is a game is a game. Does it really matter if the image is cropped? If it's a good game, it's still worth playing. Geez. Who cares about AA? Should AA be a make or break deal on weather you play a game or not? Man some people complain too much.
I dont understand the complaining. This is seriously the best FPS that I have played out of all the games over the years since Half Life 2.
Half Life 2 WAS the best FPS I ever played until, Bioshock. And I havent even beat Bioshock yet but the few hours I played are just that good. 👍
My friend surprisingly called me to say he was thinking of getting a 360 just to play Bioshock. He though it was better than upgrading his PC. I told him he'd better get a warranty. He proceeded to tell me what his whole outlook on gaming these days was. :lol: :scared:
What's it like!? What's it like!?
Err, unless TVR&Ferrari_Fan has another 360 he can't say as his died. Unless you knew this already, cheeky!
I'll have mine tomorrow. I'm surprised there aren't more posting their impressions of the game!
Err, unless TVR&Ferrari_Fan has another 360 he can't say as his died. Unless you knew this already, cheeky!
I'll have mine tomorrow. I'm surprised there aren't more posting their impressions of the game!

There was like 3-4 people on my friends list playing last night... it's pretty cool to just select them and see their profile say "Attempting to survive an underwater madhouse" or "fighting splicers in Port Neptune". :lol:

I'm going to see if I can get BioShock soon... 👍
For the people who are still waiting for there Collectors Editions I post up some images of the Collectors Edition later on, but I must say the making of DVD is great and the soundtrack included in the Collectors Edition box is also great.

However I can tell you one thing about the game case feel, it is rough on some parts, to give it that old feel and it gets a little bit smoother near the BioShock logo.
I went into Gamestation today and they said that there are two collectors edition cases. One contains a fugurine of Big Daddy which is around £55-£60.

The other collectors edition has a tin case and is the same price as the normal copy, which is nice but it's obviously on a first come first served basis.
I seriously don't understand all this bickering. If you like the game, shut the hell up and play it. If you don't like the game, shut the hell up and dont play it. Theres no reason to argue. A game is a game is a game. Does it really matter if the image is cropped? If it's a good game, it's still worth playing. Geez. Who cares about AA? Should AA be a make or break deal on weather you play a game or not? Man some people complain too much.

Forums are not just for positive things you know. :sly:
However I can tell you one thing about the game case feel, it is rough on some parts, to give it that old feel and it gets a little bit smoother near the BioShock logo.
And I suppose the discs are shiny on one side and have holes in the middle..?
Someone must give there thoughts on the cases, because remember the standard case is more different, and remember when you buy something like a Collectors Edition, then the special things you get with the Collectors Edition needs to not only expand to the goodies you get with it.

Also owning a Collectors Edition needs to expand outwards to make the case feel like sometime of goodie as well. However, I could be crazier and join a wine tasting show. Then again, people thinking different things about my thoughts make me sound like Andrew Ryan.


What the Collectors Edition looks like


WOW this game just keeps getting better and better every time I play. I dont want to spoil anything but holy crap the graphics get better and the gameplay gets extremely intense. At one point I almost sharted last night playing this.:lol:👍
TVR you should pull the Big Daddy figure out and show everyone that.
I wasn't going to buy this but I had a few games lying around at home so I part exchanged them in. only paid £11.99 with the exchange. Really looking forward to playing it now.
WOW this game just keeps getting better and better every time I play. I dont want to spoil anything but holy crap the graphics get better and the gameplay gets extremely intense. At one point I almost sharted last night playing this.:lol:👍
TVR you should pull the Big Daddy figure out and show everyone that.
I am not taking it out of the casing around the Big Daddy, because I rather keep it in mint condition.
I am not taking it out of the casing around the Big Daddy, because I rather keep it in mint condition.
Oh ok. My friend took his out of the case and sent me a bunch of pics with the Big Daddy doing different positions with one of his Shrek figures. It was hilarious. :lol:
The musical score has been released as a free download.

Composer Garry Schyman created the orchestral masterpiece that serenades you through your journey into the heart of Rapture. Today, we are releasing the 12 tracks that create the eerie string compilation in Rapture so that you can take the world of BioShock wherever you go. We have archived these 12 mp3s into a zip file for you for easy download. Grab it and take a listen -- and remember the first moment setting eyes upon the sunken city, your first battle with a Splicer, when you first battled a Big Daddy, or the time you decided to save (perhaps harvest?) a Little Sister.

Download link (ZIP file, 23MB)
Bioshock has all the right elements to be made into a good film.

I've just been playing for a looong time since it came through the post early afternoon. IT definitelty gets better later on - and some of the atmosphere and overal enviornments are pretty stunning. There's a major twist in the story I got about half an hour ago, which makes things even more interesting. ;)

Definitely one of the best looking games I've ever played. Some tough fights too, and this is only being played on normal mode!
I don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but I think the PC demo is buggy. I never saw over 25fps or so before going into the elevator thing, and at the point where you see the whale I was actually at 15fps. This was at 1280x1024 res. It also crashed out and left me in windows using 640x480, 4-bit color, and everything looking like I was in safe mode.

And yes, I was using the new Forceware 163.44 "Bioshock Approved" BETA drivers.
Well, I finished the game (yes, already :P) and the ending was pretty dissapointing... The only thing that kept it together was the end fight was tougher than I thought it would be, and I'm glad there wasn't any Vita-Chambers. It'll be very difficult to beat on hard, I bet!

Few games make me want to play it again because I know what's going to happen, but this certainly makes me want to anyway. 👍
Well, I finished the game (yes, already :P)

and the ending was pretty dissapointing... The only thing that kept it together was the end fight was tougher than I thought it would be, and I'm glad there wasn't any Vita-Chambers. It'll be very difficult to beat on hard, I bet!
Sometimes there are hidden "harder" modes in games. Maybe after you beat it on Hard it will unlock another difficulty level?

Few games make me want to play it again because I know what's going to happen, but this certainly makes me want to anyway. 👍
It definitely has a nice non-linear feel. I wouldn't even mind a game option where all the "enemies" are removed so you can just spend the entire time exploring and soaking up all the great environments and visuals.
I've been playing Bioshock since yeserday (maybe 6 hours in total). It's very good. As atmospheric and pretty a I thought. It runs well (I have it "unlocked" so it runs at 60fps but with tearing which is no problem) nice and smooth. Controls are fine. Sound is excellent.
Two complaints though. 1. When you have Tonics equipped you can't see what they are. You have to go to a Gene Bank to reconfigure (which is fair in enough) to remind yourself what you've got (which isn't fair). When I sterted playing this morning I could'nt remember what I had and had to find a Gene Bank. Silly really. Same goes with items you need for manufacturing ammo etc. Why can't I look at an inventory to see what I have and what I need? I guess that would have made the game a bit too RPG-ish. 2. It's dark, very dark sometimes, but you never get a torch (well, so far not anyway). Annoying.
But I like the Research Camera which helps you grow and get extra Health and EVE etc. And it does feel different to most other FPS games I've played which is a good thing. Definately not a bald space marine in sight!
Long way to go though!
Bioshock has all the right elements to be made into a good film.

Unforunately, Hollywood won't have the same thought. They'd change too many things, and have an awful director behind it.

slack, have you tried adjusting the settings under the 3rd tab under Display in the System Controls on the dashboard? Those usually light up the screen a bit without making everything look bad.
I just finished it again on Easy Mode about an hour ago. It only took me around 6 hours. I decided to use this mode and rush it because I wanted to see the good ending and unlock the Save All Little Sisters achievement. The good ending was certainly better, but still fairly poor and short. It's considerably easier too - I didn't die once compared to the 10 or so times on normal.

Hard next... :mischievous:

And about the unlocking the framerate option, I prefer it locked, because the tearing puts me off...