
  • Thread starter 194GVan
Wait, what's the refresh rate on your TVs? 100hz? There shouldn't be any tearing if the game's at 60fps...
Yes, 100hz. There were at least several tears scrolling across the screen at once on most scenes.
most PC/360 ports to the PS3 end up as a huge, unplayable mess anyway.
It's ridiculously exaggerated and false statements like this which not only wipes out all your credibility, but what causes people to see you simply as a very biased X360 fanboy.

It appears you've been hanging out with Duck too long, and picked up his bad case of biased portitis. ;)

BTW: There is already a thread on that "news". No surprise there.

So has anyone beaten it in Hard mode yet, and if so, did it unlock a new dificulty level?
It's ridiculously exaggerated and false statements like this which not only wipes out all your credibility, but what causes people to see you simply as a very biased X360 fanboy.

Big deal you are a blatant PS3 fanboy :rolleyes:.

Some games just do not port well for all sorts of reasons. The GTA series was great on the PS2 but didn't work so hot on the Xbox. It's not just graphics but button configurations as well and other controller issues. I'm sure there are reasons why Bioshock doesn't work correctly on the PS3, maybe it has to do something with the Blu-Ray discs.

Anyways Bioshock is sweet, I was able to play it at the local Gamestop Friday while getting Two Worlds. I really need to pick it up but I don't think I have enough time to dedicate to two new games right now. I'll just want till there are a few used copies floating around in a couple of weeks.
Big deal you are a blatant PS3 fanboy :rolleyes:
Show me where I have made such grossly exaggerated and false criticism of X360 or its games? While you are at it, maybe you should read my many posts where I criticize the PS3 where criticism is deserved.

I am most definitely not a PS3 fanboy, so stop trolling.

Of course seeing as you are the one who was trying to lay the blame of most failures of x360's on the owners and not Microsoft I guess your motive and position is quite predictable.
You have quite a bit of hate towards the 360 and everyone of your posts I read you are bashing it in some way. I don't need to go through you are more then capable of figuring them out yourself.
So the answer is that you can't find any posts where I have made any gross exaggerations or false criticism of the X360. As I knew you wouldn't. And you choose to ignore all the posts where I have critized Sony and various things about the PS3. As I knew you would.

As far as hate... give me a break. I have no emotional ties with any piece of electronics. Now maybe you are emotionally connected to your X360 and thus feel threatened when someone discusses actual facts that reveals its weaknesses, but that doesn't make them a fanboy. If anything it makes you a fanboy to react negatively to objective criticism. A fanboy is someone who is biased, and thus ignores objective thought or facts... like someone who blames users for a roughly 30% failure rate of a piece of equipment... even when the manufacturer has now admitted culpability. :rolleyes:

Because facts are not on your side, your only tactic is to claim fanboyism. 👎
He's right, though, Joey. Contrary to the belief that all PS3 ports are crap, everything I've seen with my own eyes shows me practically no difference at all between 360 and PS3 versions of a game. Hell, three of the four PS3 games I own are multiconsole ports, and they're indistinguishable from their 360/PC counterparts. With the exception of Oblivion, which is actually slightly better on PS3 due to the extra development time.

I prefer PS3 versions for different reasons.. because my 360 is a noisy, glitchy pain in the ass, and not because of the quality of the games. Truth be told, I own more 360 games than I do PS3 games. And, I'm going to see about swapping my system for a new one here soon so I can finally sit back and play me some Bioshock without having to crank the volume or reset the system every twenty minutes. And maybe get a bit further on in GoW and PGR.

And don't give me any crap about me being a PS3 fanboy just because I said my 360 is a piece of garbage... it's a well-documented fact that early systems are prone to any number of failures. It wasn't an act of kindness that made Microsoft extend the manufacturer's warranty to three years.

I tend to switch off between the two consoles, and right now seems to be the 360's time, until more good stuff comes along for the PS3.
I don't look in the PS3 forums since I don't own a PS3. There is no need for me to. But you should know your own posts, the one I can think of off hands is your false claim that something like 30% off all 360's fail.

Me, emotionally connected to my 360? Something I maybe play 5-7 hours in a week if that? That doesn't seem like strong ties to me. I just think the 360 is unfairly criticized by many people on these forums because they have a strong Sony biased. I've admitted the 360 has issues but they aren't as bad as some people make of them.

Yes I think 360 failures are the result of the user, but I blame MS for not making them more durable to with stand harder use. You don't read any of my post it seems either.

And you are a fanboy because you have a strong dislike for the 360 which you make very clear, if you hide it you are just in denial for some reason.

I'll tell you right now no current gaming system, or any gaming system ever is without major problems.
He's right, though, Joey. Contrary to the belief that all PS3 ports are crap, everything I've seen with my own eyes shows me practically no difference at all between 360 and PS3 versions of a game. Hell, three of the four PS3 games I own are multiconsole ports, and they're indistinguishable from their 360/PC counterparts. With the exception of Oblivion, which is actually slightly better on PS3 due to the extra development time.

I prefer PS3 versions for different reasons.. because my 360 is a noisy, glitchy pain in the ass, and not because of the quality of the games. Truth be told, I own more 360 games than I do PS3 games. And, I'm going to see about swapping my system for a new one here soon so I can finally sit back and play me some Bioshock without having to crank the volume or reset the system every twenty minutes. And maybe get a bit further on in GoW and PGR.

And don't give me any crap about me being a PS3 fanboy just because I said my 360 is a piece of garbage... it's a well-documented fact that early systems are prone to any number of failures. It wasn't an act of kindness that made Microsoft extend the manufacturer's warranty to three years.

I tend to switch off between the two consoles, and right now seems to be the 360's time, until more good stuff comes along for the PS3.

Oblivion is crap on a console, I don't understand why anyone would bother to play it on the 360 or the PS3 for that matter. I never disputed that all games ported from the 360 to the PS3 were crap, I'm just saying that not every game will transfer well. More often then not it's PC game that suck on consoles, like Oblivion.

**damn it I hit quote instead of edit...sorry for double posting.
everything I've seen with my own eyes shows me practically no difference at all between 360 and PS3 versions of a game.

I would imagine Bioshock is gonna look good period because it's Bioshock and they are going to take the time since it was so anticipated NOT because it's a 360 or a PS3.
I would imagine Bioshock is gonna look good period because it's Bioshock and they are going to take the time since it was so anticipated NOT because it's a 360 or a PS3.

Just because it's anticipated doesn't mean it's going to be good, but from the little I've seen of it Bioshock looks pretty amazing...although it will be crap on my SDTV.
Bioshock does look amazing, I've played the hell out of the demo. I'm just not holding my breath for a PS3 port anytime soon. The developers have been pretty clear on that point lately.
I don't look in the PS3 forums since I don't own a PS3. There is no need for me to.
Another sign of bias is the unwillingness to gather up facts on another piece of equipment, no matter what your own personal preference may be. Besides, don't you think it might be wise to first check to see if someone has been truthful and critical about the PS3 before you go jumping to unreasonable conclusions and label them as fanboys? Obviously not, but that only discredits your position.

But you should know your own posts, the one I can think of off hands is your false claim that something like 30% off all 360's fail.
False claim? You really need to get you head out of the sand. This is yet another sign of your bias, as even Microsoft has finally accepted these figures, and have been reported on by countless sources including actual X360 service centers... or are you trying to convince us all that this is all a huge conspiracy, and even Microsoft is in on it? :rolleyes:

You don't read any of my post it seems either.
Another lie from Joey. Evidence #1, Evidence #2, Evidence #3, Evidence #4, Evidence #5, Evidence #6, Evidence #7, etc.

Even strong supporters of the X360 have disagreed with your "assessments" on the reliability of the X360, as evident in several threads including this one, and this one, where you continue to ignore actual facts.

It's also interesting to see how in this thread, toyomatt84 who initially thought I was some kind of fanboy like you, but then unlike you, read up on the facts and realized these were actual facts, not a tirade of untruths from a biased fanboy.

And you are a fanboy because you have a strong dislike for the 360 which you make very clear, if you hide it you are just in denial for some reason.
More unsubstantiated lies. Never once have I ever said I dislike the X360, and again, nor have I ever grossly exaggerated or made false critical statements about theX360, and instead have also been critical of the PS3... so there goes all your credibility once again. 👎
There was something I couldn't quite put my finger on that really impressed me about its graphics, and I think I've found it. The draw distance is amazing. Lots of FPSs I've played you can see a huge downgrade of detail on the floors/walls in the distance. It's minimal in this game. 👍

Playing on Hard, you really do have to use Plasmids to your advantage. One example was putting a Secutiry Alert on a Big Daddy, and let the bots slice him to death. :lol: And the Telekinesis Plasmid is very useful and does lots of damage when you fling the right objects.

Edit: Don't mean to interviene, but can you guys move the discussion to the PS3/X360 discussion threads... This is for Bioshock afterall.
There was something I couldn't quite put my finger on that really impressed me about its graphics, and I think I've found it. The draw distance is amazing. Lots of FPSs I've played you can see a huge downgrade of detail on the floors/walls in the distance. It's minimal in this game. 👍
That's what really grabbed my attention as well. I also really like the use of color and lighting in this game. I don't generally like FPS games, and those that I have tried out have always looked sort of flat, and not nearly as vibrant, interesting and immersive as Bioshock. 👍

Playing on Hard, you really do have to use Plasmids to your advantage. One example was putting a Secutiry Alert on a Big Daddy, and let the bots slice him to death. :lol: And the Telekinesis Plasmid is very useful and does lots of damage when you fling the right objects.
Good tips, but let me ask again, as it got buried in all the mess above... is there a new difficulty level unlocked when you win the game in Hard mode?

Edit: Don't mean to interviene, but can you guys move the discussion to the PS3/X360 discussion threads... This is for Bioshock afterall.
I agree, it just really bugs me to see people making such blatantly false remarks, as they are clearly trying to mislead others who may not know the truth otherwise. 👎

I have no personal interest in someone else's "personal" preference in regards to anything, including a console, as long as they stick with the facts. I have the same issue with people who lie about and exaggerate facts about the PS3 as I do with those that do the same in regards to the X360. This is a community of mostly gamers who I suspect are mostly here to help and learn from each other, and so when a member chooses to knowingly exaggerate and lie about facts, they do a disservice to the entire community. 👎
Wait a minute... you're going around ripping everyone that's not for the 360 and you're on an SDTV with a 360? :lol:

Sorry I don't have $1200 to buy a new TV right now.

Another sign of bias is the unwillingness to gather up facts on another piece of equipment, no matter what your own personal preference may be. Besides, don't you think it might be wise to first check to see if someone has been truthful and critical about the PS3 before you go jumping to unreasonable conclusions and label them as fanboys? Obviously not, but that only discredits your position.

We aren't talking about the PS3 right now, we are talking about the 360. Seeing what you or anyone else posts in the PS3 doesn't really matter in this discussion. I've seen you rip on the 360, in a way I view to harshly and very biased against. Whether you think you are or not is totally up to you, but I view your opinions as very negative against MS and the 360. This only leads me to believe you have a strong dislike of the system and therefore a fanboy of the other.

There is no reason I should go into the PS3 forum, I'm not planning on buying one anytime in the near future because I just can't justify spending $600 on something I will rarely have time to play. I'd rather just upgrade the video card in my PC and play games on that.

My thoughts on the 360 are just that, I won't accept that the system will just fail without cause. I really think many of the failures of the 360 are due to improper care of the system Playing a gaming system 20-30 hours a week is hard use in my opinion and I would expect to see problems. Granted as I've said 1 million times, Microsoft should have expected people to have no lives and play their systems to the point of it being unhealthy and made their system able to handle it. That's my opinion on the thing and I've stated it quite clearly numerous times which I believe you have ignored. I never said Microsoft or the 360 is perfect in any way and I don't know enough about the PS3 to make claims on it....this is why I never get into discussions or visit their forums.

Everything I've read of yours makes it sound like you have a hate towards Microsoft. If that's not the way you intend it I'm sorry, but maybe you should consult actual facts instead of tech blogs like I see in some of your posts. I believe in the reliability thread about Guitar Hero song pricing failing I was given grief about quoting Major Nelson, who has a tech blog and also works for MS. But you can quote other tech blogs and they are fine. I don't understand. Like I said I am sorry if I take your opinions in ways your do not intend to voice them, but that is the way I see it.

**And with that we should cease our discussion since like GT said it is off-topic.
There was something I couldn't quite put my finger on that really impressed me about its graphics, and I think I've found it. The draw distance is amazing. Lots of FPSs I've played you can see a huge downgrade of detail on the floors/walls in the distance. It's minimal in this game. 👍

You know, I didn't even realize that when playing the demo. Everything was so great, it never occurred to me.. it just seemed natural to be able to see clear across the building. Hell, you can look out of a window and see most of Rapture.

Good level design, is what that is. Don't make a level bigger than the system can draw. That way you don't have to overuse LOD or introduce any fog. That said, the levels are still huge.. hehe. Although my playtime is limited to the demo thus far, I've been very impressed by the entire presentation of the game.
Good tips, but let me ask again, as it got buried in all the mess above... is there a new difficulty level unlocked when you win the game in Hard mode?
I'm not sure, as I'm only currently 1/3 the way through Hard.
I don't look in the PS3 forums since I don't own a PS3. There is no need for me to. But you should know your own posts, the one I can think of off hands is your false claim that something like 30% off all 360's fail.

He didn't make that claim. I posted a thread with a source that claimed that. He merely reinforced the claim. And the 30% failure, while not entirely 30%, is extremely close. You'd have to purposely believe otherwise, that near 1/3rd of all Xbox 360s are dead or near dead.
**And with that we should cease our discussion since like GT said it is off-topic.
Excellent, because if you dug that hole any deeper, you'd never be able to get out of it.

A late edit:
I have no personal interest in someone else's "personal" preference in regards to anything, including a console, as long as they stick with the facts. I have the same issue with people who lie about and exaggerate facts about the PS3 as I do with those that do the same in regards to the X360. This is a community of mostly gamers who I suspect are mostly here to help and learn from each other, and so when a member chooses to knowingly exaggerate and lie about facts, they do a disservice to the entire community. 👎

So has anyone tried some of the 3rd party patches for the PC version of Bioshock yet?
well these last 20 posts were interesting.
Sorry I don't have $1200 to buy a new TV right now.
Huh? You don't have to spend $1200 on a HDTV. Even a $500 HDTV is going to look a lot better than a standard definition TV. You can get 32" high definition TVs for pretty cheap these days. Yes, it won't be as good as a more expensive model from a better manufacturer, but you don't have to go with the better, more expensive model.

Anyway, I'm loving the game so far. Really great gameplay, and Rapture looks beautiful. The beautiful Art Deco design that's fallen into a state of disrepair and is abandoned looks fantastic.

I'm trying to play the game without any spoilers, so I'm wondering if how you deal with the Little Sisters has an effect? I bet there's a different ending depending on what you do with them.

Huh? You don't have to spend $1200 on a HDTV. Even a $500 HDTV is going to look a lot better than a standard definition TV. You can get 32" high definition TVs for pretty cheap these days. Yes, it won't be as good as a more expensive model from a better manufacturer, but you don't have to go with the better, more expensive model.

Ya I could but they are going to be 720, be some off brand, and be small. If I'm going to get a new TV I want something that is going to be worth getting. I want 1080i (or maybe p), a named brand with a decent warranty, and something over 40".

Anyways is there a demo in marketplace for Bioshock so I can see how it's going to look on my TV?
It's ridiculously exaggerated and false statements like this which not only wipes out all your credibility, but what causes people to see you simply as a very biased X360 fanboy.

It appears you've been hanging out with Duck too long, and picked up his bad case of biased portitis. ;)

Sorry that I decided to share some news and have a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor. I know that not all ports are that bad, but they haven't all been particularly good either. Thats by no means any kind of fanboyism, its the simple truth.

Simply put, I'll buy a PS3 when it is a reasonable price and they have games that I want to play that aren't already available on the X360 (GT5 and MGS4, thus far, are the only two). Until then, I have a while to wait.

...Sorry for posting a negative story that disagrees with your current assessment of the PS3. I figured it would have been good for a discussion, I guess I was proved wrong with the ensuing flame-fest...
Ya I could but they are going to be 720, be some off brand, and be small. If I'm going to get a new TV I want something that is going to be worth getting. I want 1080i (or maybe p), a named brand with a decent warranty, and something over 40".
I suppose it depends on what TV you have now. If you've got a crappy old 20" CRT SDTV then there's no doubt that a cheap-ass non-brand 26"+ HDTV is worth it, especially if you're gonna be playing a high-definition console like the Xbox360 on it.

The difference between my old 20" CRT standard definition crappy old TV and my current 32" LCD 720p non-brand cheap LCD is certainly a hell of a lot more than the difference between my current TV and a TV that'd cost a grand more with 1080p, 42", etc., etc.

I suppose it depends on what TV you have now. If you've got a crappy old 20" CRT SDTV then there's no doubt that a cheap-ass non-brand 26"+ HDTV is worth it, especially if you're gonna be playing a high-definition console like the Xbox360 on it.

The difference between my old 20" CRT standard definition crappy old TV and my current 32" LCD 720p non-brand cheap LCD is certainly a hell of a lot more than the difference between my current TV and a TV that'd cost a grand more with 1080p, 42", etc., etc.


It's not worth it because I'll be spending money I could put towards a better TV.