Birds of steel.

  • Thread starter Lizard
Good to hear you like it H - unfortunately the postal service around here can be iffy at the best of times, so it's still not arrived...but I can wait :)
This game made me want a holiday :lol:

Unfortunately Wake which is where I would love to go and relax is a restricted area :(
Finally managed to get it on Saturday :) , but it was worth the wait.
Played the tutorial and got about halfway in the American campaign. Then also tried a single mission, a few dynamic campaigns and some online play... This game has a LOT to offer.

The historical campaign is seems short, but it's only a part of what the game has to offer.

It takes long though to gather enough coins to buy new planes.
Good news to anyone who does not like the war points system.
From Anton on the BOS forum.

Hello gentlemen,
We have received several complains about repair prices and awards in War Points.
So, we want to clarify.
First, it is not required to repair all your planes with WarPoints - all planes are automatically repaired in 6 hours.
So, as soon, as you get big enough park of planes in your hangar, it is not that frustrating to have your plane killed - you still have plenty of other good aircrafts to choose from.
This system actually motivate people to fly on different planes, which is not bad thing.
On the other hand, to get that park of planes requires a lot of hard work or a bit of luck.
So, we have decided to temporarily double WP rewards for victory in online sessions, and in the same time, reduce by half repair fees.
As these prices can be tweaked in Online Title Storage, this will happen immediately on PS3 (no need for update), and on Xbox360 - as soon, as this Title Storage will be uploaded to Live (that takes some time, because it can be done only by publisher, and also requires first approval from Microsoft).

Please note, that this update will not be permanent, we will gather feedback and statistics and can switch it off later.
So, assume it as our gratitude for a loyal community, who have bought the game soon after release
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Nice, as it's not unlikely to end up in minus after a few online battles :)

What they also could do is to go the GT5 route and create seasonal events with monster payouts ;)
That should in fact not be that hard, given they already have this Events and Tournaments section in the game.
I have my game to and Im very happy, haven't done that much yet, but its everything that I hoped for and more:tup:👍👍👍

Welldone the devs:tup:👍👍
Only run the training on Realistic and first two missions in Historical and one Malta Mission so far - man is that FLAK intense :)

Thoroughly enjoying it 👍
Just picked this up today. Got it for my old man as he likes these kind of games, but I will give it a go as it looks a great game. Installing as I type.
I got mine last week (PS3), and have almost completed all tutorials.

I like the game so far.

Unfamiliar with online play-where can I find a 'how to'?

For example, I joined some online battles, but had no idea what to do :dopey:
Hold the A area or capture the airfield or if they have an airfield not just a spawn point you can bomb it to stop them. Most common in battlefield domination the enemy ground units but there are a few in other games.

Oh and add me if you want. I play realistic at the moment and will most likely drift into sim at some point.
I bought it the other day. Multiplayer matches are pretty good, havn't tried the online campaigns yet, but the historical campaigns are a good challenge even on simplified difficulty.
Has anyone managed to hook a joystick in the game and actually use it? I tried my Logitech Extreme 3D pro, no joy..
Has anyone managed to hook a joystick in the game and actually use it? I tried my Logitech Extreme 3D pro, no joy..

I have plugged in the Thrustmaster Hotas X pc/ps3

Works, but default (have not figured if you can re-map) buttons on throttle and stick a little unusual.

I also need to build a platform I can use on my Playseat (replace the one with my G25) to mount the flight stick and throttle controls too
Has anyone managed to hook a joystick in the game and actually use it? I tried my Logitech Extreme 3D pro, no joy..

I have plugged in the Thrustmaster Hotas X pc/ps3

Works, but default (have not figured if you can re-map) buttons on throttle and stick a little unusual.

I want to build a rig so that I can switch it out with my G25 steering wheel on my Playseat Evo 💡
I've played the demo. It seems REALLY fun, but it's REALLY difficult. I think I need a stick to be able to enjoy it fully...
I've played the demo. It seems REALLY fun, but it's REALLY difficult. I think I need a stick to be able to enjoy it fully...

I use a pad and do fine. I play realistic mostly but I played BOP sim I just need to get a grip on the engine controls and I will also be flying sim.
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I have plugged in the Thrustmaster Hotas X pc/ps3

Works, but default (have not figured if you can re-map) buttons on throttle and stick a little unusual...
Controls are mappable for the stick but you'd best go to the Gaijin forum for detailed instructions.

Couldn't load this game for a few weeks (80010514 error) but now it seems to be better, so I'll be tackling online soon - looks like I'll by dying hundreds of times while stuck in my bi-plane, at the mercy of all those others in their FW190s etc :scared:
Any tips on how to successfully land the Focke Wulf 190 on the street (mission)?

Too much brake and she noses over before I can get it stopped :crazy:
I haven't been able to do that one yet, or the rescue mission in the Kuban - same for landing the Catalina on the sea (simple enough, you'd have thought, especially as no one is shooting at you during that one...) Maybe it's to do with altering the control parameters so the plane reacts to input controls less harshly.

Anyway, I take it back about online - heaps of fun and you get a lot of War Points to buy more planes with, so it isn't really long before you can mix it up with the better planes without fear of getting slaughtered straight away.

EDIT: yes, you can assign wheel brakes to buttons or axis. I've just done six landings straight on realistic without a scratch (Wake Island - under AA fire throught the approach.)
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Was pretty surprised yesterday when I saw new BoS DLC in the PS Store:
Stalingrad/Korsun map pack for 7.99 EUR.

Didn't buy it yet, like the Battle of Britain as I'm pretty busy with other games at the moment, but I'll definitely will give this DLC a go one day.

They're pretty pricey one their DLC I must say. But at least they're throwing in new missions with the packs.
There is also the fact that the Stalingrad winter and Korsun maps are both massive and apparently very beautiful.
I bought both DLC's when I saw them. Pricey, maybe, but you also get credits/points too to buy more planes!

When I am not racing in GT5 or F1 2011; I am flying Birds of Steel :)

I am still trying to figure out how the game works in some instances :dopey:
True, but there is saying and then there is actually doing :) isn't the motto of this site: "It ain't real until it's official" or something like that.

To be fair, Anton is usually pretty good to his word though.
I read on the BoS forums that all the DLC so far are just unlock keys and the actual data are already on the disc...
Someone who has bought it who can confirm?

Am really tempted to buy Battle of Britain and Stalingrad, but if more is coming I might get more picky ;)