BMW M League anyone interested???

  • Thread starter cjs959

How should we restrict/balance car performance

  • General PP limit (same limit for all cars)

    Votes: 29 61.7%
  • Individual PP limit (test various PP levels of various cars and find what works best for every indiv

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Combined PP limit w/ a HP/W ratio spec

    Votes: 9 19.1%

  • Total voters
Sorry I've been a little inactive... hell of a week at work.
Here are the finalized rules and restrictions.

1) Any M car is elligable
1A) Must use same car for entire series
2) 520PP limit (no use of the power limiter, only balast and modding)
I think it will be hard to enforce the ban of the power limiter so it will basically be an honor system.
3) No aero at all
4) Only sports tires (any compound)
5) Full adjust transmissions/ suspension are ok.
6) Race/lobby settings...
A) Real grip reduction
B) Heavy damage with NO PENALTIES ( I don't like the ghosting, and it will be more realistic) If everyone makes a good effort to race clean having no penalties shouldn't be a big issue.
C) There will be penalties in the form of point reduction/DQ for things like... wreckless driving (punting, shortcutting without giving position back, PIT manuevers, ext...) If you see any form of wreckless driving please PM me with a description of the event and a time of the event. I (and maybe a "admin" of sorts) will review the replay and determine penalty.

If I have missed something let me know. I'm now working on the schedule. I'll post it in a bit.

For tuning parts, how about we list all the parts that you can install OR all the parts you can't install. The rules you have above don't mention body rigidity or drivetrain parts.
Can someone please confirm if this series is full or not. The first post states that there are openings, but I am unable to get anyone to tell me whether or not I can join. If it's not full I would like to participate, but would understand if there isn't room.
On another note, the sign ups are full but i will still take more as "alternates" due to people dropping out, not showing up, or just not being able to make it for a race. If enough interest keeps coming in we could start another group and set an admin for that other group, that way the other group could run on another day and time.

I just found this post. So I guess it is full.

I'll put my name down as an alternate. If someone knows ahead of time that they aren't going to be able to make then just shoot me a PM and I can fill in. Just need a little notice is all. As for tonight I'll consider it full unless I hear otherwise.

Edit: I may be on GT5 tonight around this time. If there are open spots tonight then send me a message to let me know and I'll try to come.
Ya gtp fast consider yourself in. I'll send ya a psn when I get on tonight. And just a heads up to everyone else I may not be able to start right at 9:00. Hopefully it won't be an issue but I may not be able to start until 9:30 or so. I will psn everyone as soon as I get on. Post a reply if you plan on being thre tonight and are ok with a little late start.
Ya gtp fast consider yourself in. I'll send ya a psn when I get on tonight. And just a heads up to everyone else I may not be able to start right at 9:00. Hopefully it won't be an issue but I may not be able to start until 9:30 or so. I will psn everyone as soon as I get on. Post a reply if you plan on being thre tonight and are ok with a little late start.

What time zone are you talking about? Is the race still around 2:30am GMT?
I'll be there btw, even if we start a bit late.

And I'll be rocking rigidity improvement and full drivetrain upgrades unless someone tells me otherwise. PS, I hate using fully custom transmissions. I spend more time fidling with gears than actually practicing the track.
Ya astrodomes it won't be much later than the scheduled time and those mods are fine.
I also need to get someone to be second in command. I'm going out of town next week golfing and won't be able to run the race.
Alright I've got my lounge open for the race. Go ahead and join, its under the community tab so its a private lounge, Just click my psn and join lounge.
pretty much everyone that has been signed up for tis is on my friends list. Im doing a quick run through right now to see if im missing anyone.
Sorry I couldn't make it last week. By the time I found out I could participate I had already made plans. I'd certainly like to leave my name as an alternate. Would race in a M3 GTS.
Hey guys,

Due to the low turnout for race #1, low traffic / interest in this tread over the last several weeks, and cjs959 being gone for race #2 I think it would be a good idea to reboot the series two weeks from now.

There were only five cars on the starting grid for race #1 and I can't imagine even an additional five cars showing up for race #2 when they missed race #1. We should cancel this weeks race and restart the series the week after. Also, we need to be more organized if we want to attract participants.

Any opinions on this?
Hey guys,

Due to the low turnout for race #1, low traffic / interest in this tread over the last several weeks, and cjs959 being gone for race #2 I think it would be a good idea to reboot the series two weeks from now.

There were only five cars on the starting grid for race #1 and I can't imagine even an additional five cars showing up for race #2 when they missed race #1. We should cancel this weeks race and restart the series the week after. Also, we need to be more organized if we want to attract participants.

Any opinions on this?

My opinion on this is just because someone has a good idea for a race series, doesn't mean they should jump right in and start a race series. It's pretty clear that the "organizer" does not have the necessary time to dedicate to running a series. Without digging through this entire thread a newcomer wouldn't even know the series has started. The title even still says "BMW M League anyone interested???". Why isn't the OP updated?

Yes, I'm interested in running BMW M cars at the same PP on sport tires. 👍 No, I am not interested in running a poorly organized series. 👎

If someone else wants to take over the series it might gain momentum again, but I went through the exact same scenario with the BMW 2002 Series which died a slow painful death even after changing organizers...

In the meantime, I'm going to remain subscribed to this thread to see what happens. I really would like to see it succeed.
Hello, I missed the first race, when I got on line the race had already started and on lap 4.

I am still interested in running this series.

My edit button was not working so had to doublepost.

So this was allowed:

-Full adjustable suspenson
-Full adjustable transmission

Does that mean we ended up allowing drivetrain upgrades like clutches and driveshaft upgrades?
My edit button was not working so had to doublepost.

So this was allowed:

-Full adjustable suspenson
-Full adjustable transmission

Does that mean we ended up allowing drivetrain upgrades like clutches and driveshaft upgrades?

Yes. However, it is unlikely that race #2 will go ahead this week. I would assume this is the case until you read otherwise.
Ya, egg nas and hamster... I like your guys ideas... I did kinda jump into this and haven't been able to keep it organized and under control (obviously). With that said and admitted I wouldn't have any objection to giving the organization and control up to one of you guys. I definetly don't mind taking the week off and trying to get things "rebuilt" (I can't race anyways). If either of you guys has interest in taking on the organization of this series let me know. I think we have a good thing here if we can get it going. Let me know if you would like to volunteer for taking over the organization of this series. You can send me a private message if you would like or just post your interest.
What about making it an informal gathering instead of a series. We could meet at a set time every week and whoever is available that week can show up. That way it won't matter if some people can show up every week and some others can only show up 50% etc. We could still set the same rules as far as mods and PP. If it gains in popularity and more and more people start showing up then we could look at splitting it into 2 rooms. Maybe one could be a formal series and one an informal get together. It might be an easier way to start up then jumping into a formal series. All we'd need to do is decide ahead of time who would be hosting for the upcoming race and update the OP with that weeks host. Anybody that wanted to participate that week would only need to send a friend request to the host prior to the race.

Edit: Had another idea. To accomodate people from different time zones perhaps we could have a few shorter races each night instead of one long one. We could keep the room open for a few hours and look at running a series of 20min races. Perhaps have 15-20mins between races for practice. Someone on EDT could start up the room at 9pm EDT and then later in the night hand it over to someone on PDT to carry on. My reasons for this are partially selfish in that I really can't make it out at 9EDT. This isn't feasible until after my kids are in bed which is 9PM MDT (11pm EDT). As it stands the night will be wrapping up by the time I'm ready to join, but if we had some people in MDT and PDT that were also interested then perhaps we could make it kind of a come and go race.
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Good ideas CJS and FastM3 👍

I'm up for hosting some race nights following the same general idea that this series was started with. A few 20 minute races would allow for a long enough race to sort everyone out without having to dive bomb the first corner of the first lap, but short enough that if you totally blow it you're not stuck trying to catch up for the next 40min.

I suggest we just run the rooms in the open lobby so it's easier for anyone interested to join. If we get non-BMW M cars trying to crash the party we'll just kick them out. :D
OK, it's been awfully quiet in here lately :odd:

I'm up for hosting some unofficial (but officially fun) races this Thursday night. Post up if you're interested so I can see if anyone is still watching this thread, and if I should plan for this or not.