Sorry I've been a little inactive... hell of a week at work.
Here are the finalized rules and restrictions.
1) Any M car is elligable
1A) Must use same car for entire series
2) 520PP limit (no use of the power limiter, only balast and modding)
I think it will be hard to enforce the ban of the power limiter so it will basically be an honor system.
3) No aero at all
4) Only sports tires (any compound)
5) Full adjust transmissions/ suspension are ok. 6) Race/lobby settings...
A) Real grip reduction
B) Heavy damage with NO PENALTIES ( I don't like the ghosting, and it will be more realistic) If everyone makes a good effort to race clean having no penalties shouldn't be a big issue.
C) There will be penalties in the form of point reduction/DQ for things like... wreckless driving (punting, shortcutting without giving position back, PIT manuevers, ext...) If you see any form of wreckless driving please PM me with a description of the event and a time of the event. I (and maybe a "admin" of sorts) will review the replay and determine penalty.
If I have missed something let me know. I'm now working on the schedule. I'll post it in a bit.
On another note, the sign ups are full but i will still take more as "alternates" due to people dropping out, not showing up, or just not being able to make it for a race. If enough interest keeps coming in we could start another group and set an admin for that other group, that way the other group could run on another day and time.
Ya gtp fast consider yourself in. I'll send ya a psn when I get on tonight. And just a heads up to everyone else I may not be able to start right at 9:00. Hopefully it won't be an issue but I may not be able to start until 9:30 or so. I will psn everyone as soon as I get on. Post a reply if you plan on being thre tonight and are ok with a little late start.
Hey guys,
Due to the low turnout for race #1, low traffic / interest in this tread over the last several weeks, and cjs959 being gone for race #2 I think it would be a good idea to reboot the series two weeks from now.
There were only five cars on the starting grid for race #1 and I can't imagine even an additional five cars showing up for race #2 when they missed race #1. We should cancel this weeks race and restart the series the week after. Also, we need to be more organized if we want to attract participants.
Any opinions on this?
My edit button was not working so had to doublepost.
So this was allowed:
-Full adjustable suspenson
-Full adjustable transmission
Does that mean we ended up allowing drivetrain upgrades like clutches and driveshaft upgrades?