Any news on the Cyclops or Pestilence?
I just want my Pestilent Defiler back.
Isn't that the one that shoots the multiple elements?
No, that's the Chimera I think. The Pestilent Defiler is the revolver with extreme corrosive damage and a crazy propagation rate, so it was possible to dissolve a group of enemies with a couple of shots. I think.
Well then this is about as close as you will get to it
I don't care it doesn't work with images and the spoiler tag.
jc18137That looks boss, but still not my Pestilence. Chimaera would be boss. Going to load up BL1 to look up my favorite weapons and kill crawmerax a few times.
I'd really like an arena where you can set up your own survival challenge. Pick where you fight, and the arena is "digi-structed" for you. Pick the number of waves you fight in, how many enemies you face in one wave, and how many appear in one instance. What kind of enemies you face, if enemies attack each other or not. The harder the challenge, the bigger the reward. Choose weather or not they spawn the instant someone is killed, replacing them, or to wait until all of the originals are killed for the new ones to spawn.
It would be really cool, to be able to face multiple invincibles at once in Arid Nexus Boneyard. You could make a boss rush that goes through ALL of the bosses (both main and side) in the entire game.
Basically like the Underdome in BL1 just a bit of customization in there?
Edit: Gearbox just announced that Sir Hammerlock is the next DLC and expect a release on Christmas according to the fourmers.
That was easy with the corrosive infinity. It was the barfight I had trouble alone.
Finally got round to playing a bit more, continued the Torgue DLC with my Assassin who has no corrosive weapons whatsoever... The bit where you have five minutes to shoot down two normal and one Badass Buzzard is kind of annoying, looks like I'll have to find a good lv 50 corrosive on one of my other characters and swap it over.
You could always farm Smash-Head or Laney for a Corrosive Sledge's Shotgun/Gub. While Sledge's Shotgun may not be guaranteed corrosive, the Gub will. Plus the Gub is VERY powerful in contrast to most Bandit Pistols. I am not sure if the Gunerang can be elemental or not, but I will guess that it can have elements. Although, I have a corrosive Baby Maker and Conference Call. I got both with a bunch of legendarys my friend duped for me. I am willing to trade it for something with a high rate of fire. Anything legendary and that I don't already have (except Sledge's Shotgun) that has a higher RoF. The only legendary I won't take is the Flakker. The Evil Smasher pretty much makes it useless. I also have an Impaler, which actually, I found myself, which you could use when you get attacked.
I thought it would of been out already but I guess a whole month have to wait.
Here is food for thought. Would you pay to have more levels or should it be included in DLC4?
Then there's Dexivous who will be the cause of one very long, sleepless night fighting through wave after wave of enemies. This "rare" creature will only be summoned after you supply various totems across Aegrus with a hefty ton of precious Eridium. Kill this Drifter and you can pick up Hammerlock-themed (aka hunting-themed) weapons.
By the end of Big Game Hunt, you'll have opened many, many loot chests. More than your feeble little backpack can handle.
From what I have read I think if I am going to do that chest thingy I would dump everything into safe or swap area before I run it.
I HATED the Drifters in the first game, I had hoped they wouldn't be coming back, especially not as a raid boss.