Borderlands 2

Ideally I'd like the same backpack space as Borderlands and then a merged bank which functions like the stash as well. So anything you put in the bank is accessible by any of your other characters and the size is limited by how many characters you have, but you get no free storage, it all has to be bought with Eridium. That would be pretty awesome and would stop all the to-ing and fro-ing involved with moving inventories from one character to the next.
To be honest, the only reason why I modified the first game is because I could then hold about 9000+ guns in my backpack. Although, I couldn't go anywhere after I had over 1,200 guns. Then again, I was picking up literally everything.

If anything, I just want to hold at least one of every legendary and unique item. I mean Unique as in special guns, like Flynts Tinderbox, or Moxxi's Rubi etc.

EDIT: I actually like that idea. Maybe merge Claptrap's Secret Stash with the bank in Sanctuary and place a bunch of bank stations kinda like vendors into the game. Instead you should buy bank upgrades from there. Every character you have can upgrade your bank space up by 12.
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I'm not too keen on that. I have thought that it would be could if you could digistruct weapons to and from the bank where ever you are. The tech is there on Pandora. Males sense.
BL1 had a backpack of 72 which is what I want, at lease then I can do more running than standing in front of a vending machine.
New information on Level cap and suggested 3rd playthough??
(Sorry for double post thought I would share this new information)

Gearbox might not be talking yet about the numbers lined up for the coming level cap bump, but having a third playthrough in the mix as well suggests that it won’t be some paltry five-level uptick. I would expect to see at least 10 more character levels — perhaps even 19, to bring the cap up to the previous game’s 69 limit — added in support of a third playthrough. For semi-regular to occasional fans, this is a cool development. For hardcore Borderlands nutcases with hundreds of hours invested, it is game-changing.

For those who want to read everything just click here...Or Here

Edit: Just been thinking of they do go up to "70" it better mean more slots to handle and more ammo upgrades. If you get one of those mega clip gun you will be out in one clip or close to it.

Added: Gearbox plans on releasing the level increase early next year, Although it will NOT be in this DLC. (Giving me the impression that it will be a paid add-on to gain more levels)

Added edit: Here is some what IGN reported on the new dlc

-New stalker raid boss called Voracitous the Invincible (Don't we just love that?)
-Fan boats with flamethrowers
-New mobs that don't feel like re-skins
-New side quests that could take up to hours to complete
-Emphasis on harder difficulty
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Rumors of a second season pass is floating around now is making it more possible with the half off everything now.
Hmm, 4 more DLC packs then I suppose, pretty cool. And still a great deal right now since we're waiting on two more packs for this season pass at least.
3rd one is set to release in Jan 15th,
Then the 4th one is still somewhere probably late May.
Wouldn't it be awesome for us gamers if they allowed early adopters of the season pass, discounts to the second?
Wouldn't it be awesome for us gamers if they allowed early adopters of the season pass, discounts to the second?

Yes, yes it would.

All I want was to have the new dlc to play over the holiday but gearbox didn't see that. Also rumors that dlc4 is going to be big, which is why I think the level cap increase is in play now.

To add about dlc3 there is one side mission that takes 1-2 hours? (not raid boss mission)
I am a little bored of BL2.

Even the new DLCs do not do it for me unlike the first game's DLCs.

Caution: Minor Cause Language.
I just hope they don't fix/nerf the Evil Smasher or Vladof RPG. Then I couldn't play the game ;-;

I really wish you could face a mini-boss multiple times without saving and quitting repeatedly. Maybe instead you pay more and more Eridium to spawn them over and over. As you spawn the same boss more and more, the price gets higher and higher.

Edit: I just saw some gameplay footage with some commentary. Holeeeee crap. I do NOT want them to even THING about fixing/nerfing the Evil Smasher or Vladof RPGs. I'd be screwed faster than how fast I spawn kill Hyperius.
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You can live with a nerf. If I can live with a super nerfed bee and a sham, you can live without those.
Pretty much that. This may sound harsh, but if you can't cope with massively powerful gear being toned down to bring it back in line with everything else then learn to actually play the game. Borderlands 1 and 2 aren't meant to be "farm until you get the best drops then faceroll raid bosses" games.

Also if you can roflstomp raid bosses solo, that's a pretty big sign that the gear you're using is stronger than intended anyway...
Like me killing terramorphus in under 5 seconds :lol: Now it takes 2-3 of us a good 6-10 minutes.
You can live with a nerf. If I can live with a super nerfed bee and a sham, you can live without those.

Those are both shields. You can't use 2 shields at the same time.

Pretty much that. This may sound harsh, but if you can't cope with massively powerful gear being toned down to bring it back in line with everything else then learn to actually play the game. Borderlands 1 and 2 aren't meant to be "farm until you get the best drops then faceroll raid bosses" games.

Also if you can roflstomp raid bosses solo, that's a pretty big sign that the gear you're using is stronger than intended anyway...

Learn to play the game? I can play it, its just that I would suck completely. My reaction time is horrible because everytime I try to press a button in reaction to something sudden, I lock up for a few seconds and can't do anything during the reaction. And most of the time I end up OVER buffing my guns to the point where they make the game crash if they are automatic. I still die, even with the buffs and infinite ammo. Sometimes I just can't spot a guy, or I do something stupid like blow myself up. Other times its because I am trying to get Vermivorous to spawn. I don't look for challenge for fun, I look for absurdity.

Although, on the topic of nerfing...
Has anyone noticed that shotguns have been MASSIVELY nerfed? They do half the damage suggested on their weapon cards.
Yes, 2 shields. I actually use 3 and alternate between them. Thought if that? I use the hide of terramorphus, the bee, and the sham. Beasts/bosses/enemies with guns.
I am a little bored of BL2.

Even the new DLCs do not do it for me unlike the first game's DLCs.

You must be waiting for DLC4, which Randy said it would be massive, Some are rumoring that it is as big as all 4 DLC's from BL in one. (Hence the level cap and possible 3rd playthough) As long as it's not one of those DLC where season pass holders don't get it.
I have a question I hope someone can clear up for me. My wife and I haven't played for a while due to an international trip and we are just now getting back into BL2. We are Lvl 24 and just finished the first mission at Opportunity, not sure how far into the game that is. We've been trying to do 3-4 side quests for every story mission that we complete. Now my question, can will still complete and finish up side missions after finishing the main story play through or does it go straight into NG+? If so how does it work? Two different game saves?

Also, I always accept all side missions as soon as they are available. Is there any advantage to waiting until I'm going to do it? I notice a lot of my side quests are trivial and I'm not sure if waiting to accept changes that or if I just need to do a better job of managing them.

We haven't touched the DLC packs yet. What are your guys thoughts on playing them during play through 1 or after completing the main quests.

Thanks in advance.
On character select on the main menu, go to choose character, select character, thejnchoose which playthrough. You can jump back and forth between the two.
Also, I always accept all side missions as soon as they are available. Is there any advantage to waiting until I'm going to do it? I notice a lot of my side quests are trivial and I'm not sure if waiting to accept changes that or if I just need to do a better job of managing them.

It makes no difference in playthrough 1, but in PT2 if you wait until you've finished the game again to accept side quests with item rewards you get level 50 versions of them. That's particularly useful with the Flame of the Firehawk and it's also the only way to get a level 50 Order to go with a level 50 Law which are pretty easy to get.
Yes, 2 shields. I actually use 3 and alternate between them. Thought of that?

>Implying that I am too stupid to know that you can hold more than one shield.

Also, I found out that there is now support for modding PS3 saves. So far the only thing I have made so far is an E-Tech Shredifier with 5 Shredifier barrels, boosting its fire rate to around 20 rounds per second. Kinda funny how awkward and yet badass it looks. Although, I can't do anymore editing because Norton is over-reactive like nitroglycerin. I think I cant, anyway. If anything, I am gonna try to make a Hammer Buster/KerBlaster Hybrid. Why? Because its completely insane and thats WHAT I LIKE!

I would suggest do all the side missions there is an achievement that you do all the side missions. Also it gives you more so you can semi streamline the story on pt2 without having too many sides to do. Then when on pt 2.5 you can finish up any sides you haven't started.
I've found this game harder than the first one, I died so many times during the first boss to get off the glacier. I also found the assassinate the assassins quest hard with the mob of suicide guys in the tight quarters, it felt a little cheap in some places. I play solo. I've managed but the struggles are their more so than in borderlands. currently lvl 10.
You found it harder? I found it much, much more balanced. Yeah, at times it's anything but easy, but I was constantly on the edge of death in the first. I managed to finish BL2 solo as Zer0, but I couldn't muster the will to get beyond level 9 in the first.