Borderlands 2

Yeah you're probably right, even though Pete's bar was really easy to the point of triviality with a Hide of Terramorphous and Hellfire at level 50 I guess it would be a bit too easy as a level 50+...

I was thinking, though, with a load of level 50 legendary gear the combat isn't actually all that hard until you get to level 55 and start fighting level 57 rabids. I mean I was able to solo one Pyre Thresher and another time I took one down with a tiny bit of assistance from a level 50 Siren (I'm playing Assassin, by the way), and the Gluttonous Thresher wasn't even nearly a problem; sure it put me in FFYL but I managed to kill it during my bleed out phase, which means my UVH run through that part of the game easier than in any of my other playthroughs so far.

So, basically, I'm pretty sure the Unkempt Harold is very OP. Hence why I want a newer one! The best part is I don't think anything is immune to explosive damage and the slow projectile is kind of made up for by the wide spread.

The XP rate isn't all that bad either, of course it's slower than normal or TVH because it only covers 11 levels instead of 30 and 20 but as I'm 56 at the Preserve I reckon I'll hit 61 before Hero's Pass. Add in the DLC as well, you could probably boost it up with a few of the easier quests.
I take it no one has found any pearls. I am wondering if there are pearl shields, class mods, grenade mods or relics. would spice things up.
I take it no one has found any pearls. I am wondering if there are pearl shields, class mods, grenade mods or relics. would spice things up.

There are no shields, class, nades and relic pearls, the wiki has a list of all the variants of them
There are new Eridian (E-Tech coloured) artefacts though, so that's something I guess. Disappointed there aren't better shields but then the legendaries we have are pretty good. Are the pearls better than legendaries?
I have a peal sniper, pics will be up later.

Is it the Storm? Or something different?

There are no shields, class, nades and relic pearls, the wiki has a list of all the variants of them

just because the wiki doesn't show them doesn't mean they don't exist. They were just released two days ago, they aren't going to find all of them this fast.
Can't people look in the game data files though? I thought that's how they managed to unlock guns from Captain Scarlett's before the DLC was even on sale.
Can't people look in the game data files though? I thought that's how they managed to unlock guns from Captain Scarlett's before the DLC was even on sale.

Everyone on the gearbox forums have confirmed no pearl shields, classmods, nades, and relics, although like what neema said and I forgot the etech relics are out there.
I just got an Eridian artefact from one of the four Legendary Loot Midgets in the Hyperion Preserve:

Level 55 Heart of the Ancients
Sniper rifle damage +27.5%
FFYL time +27.5%
Second wind health +129%.

Seeing as I respecced for sniping that's quite a nice find to replace my Might of the Seraphs which is left over from when I had a melee build. I also found two purple class mods in a regular yellow Hyperion chest, one was a Contemptible Survivor mod with +18768 health and +488 regen and the other was a Tricky Infiltrator mod with +26% fire rate and +37% melee. Not bad for about five minutes!

Edit: Oh. Oh wow. So I opened the fourth box and it was a JET loader, it put me into FFYL then flew off. Thanks for that...

Edit again: Hilariously, when I came back that same loader had hopped into one of the closed-off Skag enclosures and started on a Badass shock Skag. I let the fight run to see who won, it was the Skag, and I can see another Eridian artefact inside the enclosure! Result.

I just grabbed it:

Level 57 Skin of the Ancients
Corrosive resistance: +20.6%
Shield capacity: +25.1%.
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There are a lot of stuff in WEP, mostly those etech stuff and pearls. Some are finding 3 pearls within 10 minutes there.
It certainly looks to be a goldmine, I'm keeping the Doctor's Orders quest incomplete so the four boxes will always spawn loot midgets. Kind of scared of playing online now, but then if I do somehow end up with the quest completed I can always reset, it doesn't take too long to get to the Preserve.
I plan on hopefully getting a start on stuff instead of trying to farm the TR. :lol:
Found out earlier that a whole load of Shift keys have been re-issued, here's a list of PC codes:

Out of all of those I think only five didn't work for me, probably because I'd already redeemed them! I went from 3 to 12 keys thanks to this. Awesome. Seems like the codes that didn't work must've been multi-key codes since there's supposed to be 30 keys here, according to the thread title anyway.
Well I haven't used any keys yet. Don't know if there is anything worth while if you have decent gear. I think it's mostly for new characters. I think I got like 24 or 23.
Well I've decided that since I don't have any decent gear, when I hit level 58 (I'm just over 6/10ths of the way through 57) I'm going to use a few keys and hopefully get a shield and some elemental weapons.

Are there any weapons that have a 100% guaranteed shock effect? I still don't have any shock DoT second winds with Zer0, it's the last challenge I need to complete level 1 of for that achievement. I might as well do it before I reset them, which I will do after I've done a few more things like 3200 crouched kills with an assault rifle, a few of the shotgun ones, >100 SMG kills and about 1050 sniper rifle kills.

Edit: Decided to call it a night three quarters of the way through level 59, I've just done Where Angels Fear to Tread and I've got about 60k XP until level 60, so I imagine I'll hit that soon. It's funny, I've been levelling up so I can use better gear, but I'm still using my Bee, Hawk Eye and Harold! The CC has been replaced by a rather nice slag Plasma Caster, and I also picked up an E-tech Droog which works quite well as a 'panic button' against loaders. Sometimes. The Hawk Eye is a great anti-Constructor weapon and the combination of the Plasma Caster and Harold still sees to most things. I even had to take on some level 62 Hyperion Soldiers (Anti-Freedom Fighters) and, although I did die once, I managed to see them off.

I also found a weird unique Bruiser, I can't remember the name but he had a face kind of like Michael Mamaril, maybe his name was Basher? I don't know. Oh and I killed the BNK3R in less than one full Harold magazine, and I have no idea how.

But yeah, the Harold must be in for a nerf soon, a lot of people I've played with have been using it too.
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Are there any weapons that have a 100% guaranteed shock effect? I still don't have any shock DoT second winds with Zer0, it's the last challenge I need to complete level 1 of for that achievement.

But yeah, the Harold must be in for a nerf soon, a lot of people I've played with have been using it too.

I have been using the Thunderball pistol, got a few second winds with it, also helps with a good "bee" I am about to hit either level 54 or 55, since I have been farming TR, (Found every random thing but a pearl, have heard they do spawn there just maybe I have horrible luck)

Edit: Been looking at some stuff on pearls, Looks like the Avenger has ammo regen when holding.
I am on the mission "A Dam Fine Rescue", but now I took a detour to the 2nd DLC. Right now I am mostly using the Interfacer, which is SURPRISINGLY overpowered, and a level 52 Lascaux, Bad Touch or a Slagga. If I am not using the Slagga, I am using a Slagged Interfacer. Slag is so much more vital now...
Ding ding ding! Just hit 61 and finished UVH. Now I can't decide whether I should reset my progress for top level quest rewards, move on to the DLC or start again with someone else. I think I'll do the DLC.

And for the record, I was still using my Bee, Hawk Eye and Harold right to the end... I was in FFYL more often than not, but still!
Ding ding ding! Just hit 61 and finished UVH. Now I can't decide whether I should reset my progress for top level quest rewards, move on to the DLC or start again with someone else. I think I'll do the DLC.

And for the record, I was still using my Bee, Hawk Eye and Harold right to the end... I was in FFYL more often than not, but still!

I still have 2 Bees in Claptrap's secret stash. One is resistant to corrosion and the other to shock. Also, I found a Skin of the Ancients and a Butcher, but I traded the Butcher for an Avenger between my friend, considering the recoil that Hyperion weapons have...
I was going to go to bed but I respecced my level 61 Zer0 instead. Before this I'd nearly maxed the Sniping tree but as I don't have any good sniper rifles any more I thought I'd move back to melee, but as I don't have a good melee-boosting weapon (no lv61 Law and Order, Love Thumper or Rapier) I thought I'd give Cunning a try. I think I want to swap Tw0 Fang (the one that means you might fire twice, the icon being the snake near the bottom of the middle tree) for the one above it or maybe Backstab, I'm not sure. In any case I think this will be a decent build but when I get some good sniper rifles I might try something else. Also you'll notice the class mod I have is relevant so if I do pick up a legendary one I might adjust it to suit. Maybe.

Also I grabbed a level 61 Flame of the Firehawk, I think I'm starting to wean myself off the lv50 gear I've been too scared to give up! I even relegated the Hawk Eye and Harold to my inventory in favour of a lv61 slag Splatgun and the Lady Fist, which is pretty awesome provided you get it dialled in for a string of crits.
For the sniping tree I went down as far as well aiming down the sites since it boost whatever gun you do, (Not just snipers) but I am all over the place.

I got myself a pearl from the WEP, Not the one I was hoping for but it's worth it. (If you do Doctors Orders but not collect you can farm at lease 2-3)
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The kunai are definitely OP now that slag does 4x the damage, some enemies die from the kunai alone and the ones that don't are slagged and have had their shields shocked away (most of the time) and are easy to finish off... If you aim at an enemy, press F six times (to go into Decepti0n then use all the kunai quickly) then start shooting your Decepti0n cooldown is really short, so you can keep using the kunai and yeah, it's basically very powerful now. And awesome!

And I just reset my challenges after finally getting my Shock second wind (from the kunai, incidentally) and 3,200 kills while crouched with assault rifles. A lot of Volcanic Rakks died in the making of that one... It resets all of your challenges, location ones included (I figured it would exclude those for some reason), and you get a little star with a number next to it showing how many resets you've done. I guess that's what it means anyway.
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I did some farming this morning and in 1 hour I found 3 legendary weapons and a pearl, (figured 15 minutes per run if there are no ffyl)
I am still using a Level 50 Slagga, seeing as it's only purpose is to slag people, it's damage really doesn't matter, with a level 57-58 Unkempt Harold. In tandem, I use a Level 50 Sheriff's Badge (which has the highest stats possible). The combination with my Gunzerker is so OP that I can destroy Legendary Loot Midgets with relative ease. I reached the level cap pretty fast by spawning a bunch of mutated badass varkids (who give out a pretty decent amount of EXP.) I beat the 2nd DLC and started the 3rd, but I left the 1st untouched. Right now, I am thinking about going to the Seraph Vendor in the Badass Crater to find a decent Sponge shield.
Ahh, when I 'finish work' tonight (I haven't actually done any work today, but I should do some) I'll struggle to decide whether to farm the WEP, try and use Novi's mutated Varkids boost to level up another character (probably Salvador) quickly or start the Torgue DLC with Zer0 so I can get to earning tokens for an up to date Harold... I know humans love choices and all but this is too much choice!

I reached the level cap pretty fast by spawning a bunch of mutated badass varkids (who give out a pretty decent amount of EXP.)

How fast is 'fast'? I'm guessing it's still a good few hours, right?
I heard if you want to rank up there are those bandit techs that give out 1600 exp per kill, (or at lease what I saw)
I heard if you want to rank up there are those bandit techs that give out 1600 exp per kill, (or at lease what I saw)

I was only getting about 600 from them by level 55, unfortunately. Maybe the game knew I had a Bee equipped purely to kill them super fast...
How fast is 'fast'? I'm guessing it's still a good few hours, right?

They give out around 4k EXP, which is a lot in comparison to most badass enemies. You could also go hunt down some Rabid Skags (even though they are incredible pains in the arse to kill.) seeing as they give out 4k EXP as well.
I started UVH with Gaige last night, I gave her the same basic loadout that I'd used with Zer0 for almost the entire span of the third playthrough and, thanks mostly to Deathtrap, I got to Sanctuary really quickly, like maybe 45 minutes, and that was with fighting everything, my usual speedy method involves running through groups of enemies. I was one-shotting almost everything with the Hawk Eye, if I got hit I switched to the Harold, and when it came to Flynt - who I struggled to kill as Zer0 - I killed him with a single Harold magazine because he was too busy attacking Deathtrap. I'm pretty sure they'll nerf the Harold, it's way too good...
I started UVH with Gaige last night, I gave her the same basic loadout that I'd used with Zer0 for almost the entire span of the third playthrough and, thanks mostly to Deathtrap, I got to Sanctuary really quickly, like maybe 45 minutes, and that was with fighting everything, my usual speedy method involves running through groups of enemies. I was one-shotting almost everything with the Hawk Eye, if I got hit I switched to the Harold, and when it came to Flynt - who I struggled to kill as Zer0 - I killed him with a single Harold magazine because he was too busy attacking Deathtrap. I'm pretty sure they'll nerf the Harold, it's way too good...

It's even more OP with the Sheriff's Badge. I got a level 61 Double P. Unkempt Harold for my Gunzerker, and with the Slagga (which is level 50, but then again its' focus is not damage.) for extreme ownage of everything. I've killed Pyro Pete with relative ease using this combo. Although, I am trying to find a really decent slag pistol, seeing as the Sheriff's Badge just throws pistol performance off the damn charts. Hyperius is a bit harder than Pyro Pete, and I haven't tried my luck on Master Gee. Dexidous is extremely easy to beat if your character is fast enough, seeing as his projectiles are really slow. And Voracidous? Screw him, he's a massive troll. The only time I am gonna face that idiot is if I am using my Commando and his Class mod of invincibility.

And speaking of the Seraph Guardians...has anyone noticed that they have been dropping Seraph gear like god damn candy? I literally got around 10-15 Seraph shields/grenade mods just by killing him 5 or more times. It's absurd. I might get all my storage characters around 500 Eridium so they can max out their bank/backpack space, that way I could savagely increase their carrying capacity and take all the useless Lv. 50 junk out of my main characters hands. That's gonna be useful considering that I found a new way of duplicating gear.

For pearls, I have only found the Maliwan Storm, every other pearl I have was either duped for me or just given. The Storm is pretty good, but it has a generally slow fire rate, but at least it has an above average reload speed. I absolutely don't like the SawBar, it has the worse recoil I've seen since the Mechromancer with max Anarchy stacks and a Hyperion weapon. The Tunguska is EXTREMELY dangerous, and I recommend one with a higher velocity so you don't kill yourself. The sight of the rocket launcher literally defines how your rocket launcher behaves. A Maliwan sight will increase projectile velocity and increase range, and with Zer0's Vel0city or Maya's Accelerate, you can further increase range. Although, I am wondering if projectile speed will effect the secondary projectile (the one that makes the big boom.) If it does, than it might be better used in enclosed spaces rather than open space, or against flying enemies, seeing as the blast will have a lesser effect on grounded targets. I am planning on giving my Storm to Gaige and then duplicating it for Zer0. I will give the Sawbar either to Maya or Axton, and my Avenger to Gaige, seeing as it both regenerates ammo AND it has the shock element. I will give my Tunguska to Zer0, seeing as he can maximize velocity and will have a lower chance of incidents. Most likely I will give my Vladof Stalker to Maya, seeing as it is incendiary and she is focused around fire. I have yet to find the Bearcat, the Butcher (which I really want for my Gunzerker.) and the Unforgiven (which I really want too, but mostly for Zer0 and also to see what it's like with the Sheriff's Badge.)
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