Borderlands 2

10 hours, so that's another 60 hours I could potentially do if I felt like it. I've still not finished the Pirate DLC with anyone yet and only finished Torgue once, haven't started Hammerlock yet. I think when I finish TVH with Krieg (I'm on the last quest now) I'll... I don't know actually.

It seems like Krieg, the way I've specced him anyway, is really hit and miss. You'll either time Buzz Axe Rampage just right to regain all your health and go on a rampage, or you'll miss it and die; I've noticed JNK Loaders were able to remove all of my health in a single shot even though they were two levels lower than me... It doesn't help that other people have absolutely no idea how to play with Krieg either, half the time they don't think you need to be revived when you're in Light The Fuse, most of the rest of the time they'll steal your kills just as you've triggered your explosion, which kills you... A lot of them use nova shields which kill me (Flame of the Firehawk is just the worst) because I have the skill which enables friendly fire, a few people have shot and killed me for fun too. Oh and Axton's nuke turret and Maya's phaselock damage you so sometimes you'll be meleeing a guy and you'll just be killed because someone thought they were helping. I really should respec.

Apart from that, even with a relatively low level Law and Order Krieg is a beast. I can one hit kill most things, though Badass and Super Badass Loaders are a pain still unless you hit Buzz Axe Rampage after your shields are down, then you get the melee bonus from the Order. In fact from what I've seen, with the Law you do about as much damage outside of BAR as you do in it, you just don't have as much range, damage reduction or speed.

I've just realised I'm level 50 now, that means I can use my Might of the Seraphs too! Awesome.
Let it be known that as annoying as Loot Midgets can be, I still love them. In the Wildlife Preserve playing through as Krieg one dropped a Logan's Gun for me and one just now dropped a Legendary Commando for my Axton, both in TVH.

Edit: It's taken about 14 playthoughs but I've FINALLY gotten the hint to Tina's back story from the Doctor's Orders quest. The woman telling her daughter to use a grenade to escape calls her 'Tina'...

Did you hear that? That was the sound of me facepalming.
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Right now, I am trying to get my Commando through the UVHM, and I am thinking about what I am gonna use with the Mechromancer, considering a large portion of her gear is really, REALLY bad, or just not suited for her.
Right now, I am trying to get my Commando through the UVHM, and I am thinking about what I am gonna use with the Mechromancer, considering a large portion of her gear is really, REALLY bad, or just not suited for her.

Plasma Casters. I've never had a bad one (except for the bandit one I found), the only downside is that they halve your SMG ammo capacity by using two ammo for every shot, but I can handle that. I now collect them, but my collection has a gap between level 42 and 48 so I'm a bit out of luck with Axton right now. Also relying entirely on SMGs is a really bad idea but I managed to pull through the Preserve anyway despite constantly running out of ammo...
Plasma Casters. I've never had a bad one (except for the bandit one I found), the only downside is that they halve your SMG ammo capacity by using two ammo for every shot, but I can handle that. I now collect them, but my collection has a gap between level 42 and 48 so I'm a bit out of luck with Axton right now. Also relying entirely on SMGs is a really bad idea but I managed to pull through the Preserve anyway despite constantly running out of ammo...

I am thinking that I could get a Tediore Shock Plasma Caster, that way I don't waste time reloading. Also considering the insane amount of pellets, a Shock CC might be extremely useful (Or bad, if Close Enough makes the game crash.) I don't usually have to worry about ammo, but even so, you could get a Tediore Avenger. Constantly regenerates ammo, so you don't have to worry about running out as long as you keep reloading. Might also try the Slagga as well, considering it's excellent slagging ability, it's outstanding ammo conservation (3 bullets for one shot.), and the above average damage it provides. Reloading might be a bit of a problem although, but I think I can manage.

Thinking about either giving my Mechro a Hoplite or a Fabled Tortoise, considering how useful it will be in conjunction with Blood Soaked Shields. If not, I might use the Maliwan Black Hole. Shield depletes, pulls everyone in, get a kill and instant shield recharge for another implova (get it? Sorry.) For relics, I might use a Shock Bone of the Ancients. Reduce Action Skill cooldown while increasing shock damage. I am sticking with a Slayer of Terramorphous CM for more Anarchy stacks. For a grenades, I am going to stick with a Longbow Sticky Quasar, which is absolutely FANTASTIC for the Mechromancer, considering it has a Shock AOE that lasts till the grenade explodes.

Now for something slightly different: I've been experimenting with some of the Pearlescents, and I found that multiple Butcher barrels just make the fire rate go INSANELY high. Last time I checked, the Bearcat/Butcher hybrid had a fire rate some where around the TRILLIONS. Some of the others were NEGATIVE. I am not sure if the Unforgiven was just as effected, but I can only image the effect on OTHER weapons. The Norfleet...oh my god.
Tiny Tina's Bunkers and Badasses is set to be released today. Get ready to use your corrosive and shocky weapons.
I finally finished TVH with all of the characters last night so everyone is at least level 50 now, and I attempted to count how many playthroughs I've done... I'm on 16, but I've only done UVH with one character, so when I've done that I'll be on 21. That's as many times as I played through MGS3 on my PS2, except that was only a 6-hour game!

I can't decide whether I should go through the other DLCs with a character first and save this one for the end or just get on with it anyway. I still haven't finished the first or started the third DLC yet and I've only finished the Torgue one once. Even at over 500 hours I've still got loads to do!
I finally finished TVH with all of the characters last night so everyone is at least level 50 now, and I attempted to count how many playthroughs I've done... I'm on 16, but I've only done UVH with one character, so when I've done that I'll be on 21. That's as many times as I played through MGS3 on my PS2, except that was only a 6-hour game!

I can't decide whether I should go through the other DLCs with a character first and save this one for the end or just get on with it anyway. I still haven't finished the first or started the third DLC yet and I've only finished the Torgue one once. Even at over 500 hours I've still got loads to do!

I think I will have about the same as you once I beat all three playthroughs as all my characters. I actually just recently cleared UVHM with my Commando just recently, and I gave my Mechromancer some much needed equipment. Everyone went to trolling me to being trolled by me. The CC is fatal in her hands, considering the absolutely absurd amount of pellets that will bounce back to people's faces. The Interfacer is also useful, but only really in CQC areas or against large, slow enemies. Pretty much all of her weapons are shock, so that makes things even better. I also have a Deputy's Badge, so reloads aren't as unbearable. The only problem, however, is the Hyperion gimmick. When you get super high stacks, the recoil just explodes and makes tracking your targets extremely hard, which can be disastrous when facing kamikaze type bad guys. I might try and get a Dahl Allegiance relic focusing on mag size/burst delay and abuse the hell out of the Lascaux. Or maybe just a Hyperion Allegiance relic focusing on max accuracy/reload speed. If I used that, I could use a Lady Fist with a double accessory (that doesn't sound dirty at all). Or just use my Redundant Fibber, considering it ignores the damage penalty from Close Enough.
Tiny Tina's Bunkers and Badasses is set to be released today. Get ready to use your corrosive and shocky weapons.

It was released early for the PS3, apparently because PSN will be undergoing a lengthy maintenance routine for a good part of June 25, 2013....being a Tuesday, the day the PSN Store is normally updated.

I downloaded this fourth DLC (1691MB) starting shortly before midnight CST on June 24, and had it installed very early on June 25, 2013.

I have not played Borderlands 2 in months, and I won't even start playing the Tina Tina DLC until I properly finish up my play through of Ni No Kuni, which has been keeping me busy for a good while.
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Damn those skellybums have like aimbot. Switched over to TVHM to see it out first.
Hopefully they aren't too powerful...right?

If you get a few like 3 with a 40K shield bee, you get ffyl quite quick..
Since fire doesn't do anything, Corrosive would be good, with shock, and yea.
Yeah, most enemies with ranged attacks are super accurate, but it's always been that way (Psychos have the most consistent throw I've ever seen)... It's just now their attack rate and projectile speed seem higher. If you keep moving and changing direction it's not such a big problem though.
Yeah, most enemies with ranged attacks are super accurate, but it's always been that way (Psychos have the most consistent throw I've ever seen)... It's just now their attack rate and projectile speed seem higher. If you keep moving and changing direction it's not such a big problem though.

They are annoying. At lease I can go through the playthough on TVHM and see the mission flow and then adjust to it after that.
So I just finished the story quests in one go, it took 225 minutes (according to Steam, but that includes toilet breaks, putting the dogs out, setting up a DVD player... I'd guess it was just under 200 minutes of actual play. I did two side quests and started a third. I won't spoil anything but be aware that near the end there are some technical issues, namely the whole loot falling through the floor thing and my frame rate was slashed in that same area, it dropped from 75 to about 30. I'd suggest being on the safe side throughout the campaign, so don't drop anything you can't afford to lose.
I finished up the story missions in TVHM, and it looks like explosive and Fire are good in the start, Then fire and Corrosive with some Explosive would look good.

Edit: After getting angry at flying dragons, I need something that can handle it. Shotgun is not quite working...
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I forgot I had the season pass for this game so I jumped on the PSN store and downloaded the new DLC. I am about an hour in and I really like the style and humor so far !, not to mention it feels good to be playing Borderlands 2 again after a few months ! .
Looks like they might be releasing more DLC campaign for more the season pass holders,
pc games
Speaking on the Nerdist podcast, Pitchford said people had assumed there would only be four pieces of DLC as that’s what’s included in the season pass, but assumptions aren’t always correct.
So looks like holding onto the season pass maybe a good thing if more is in the works.

Linky here
Interesting... Let's hope they're Gearbox-developed DLCs though.

Just hope they are right with the season pass deal. Since there is no way I would spend money on a dlc that they could of just did it for the season pass which they already hinted that it would be.
From PC Gamer:

"Gearbox continue to add to Borderlands 2's bulging bag of DLC with two more bits of content, which will expand the colourful co-op shooter sometime this Autumn. If you're scraping the level cap, you'll be pleased to hear that it will soon be raised to 72 (well, if you buy the DLC), while T.K. Baha (an NPC from the first game) will return a bit later down the road. Probably at Halloween, because of that whole 'he's a zombie now' thing. Read on for more details.

As announced at PAX Australia this weekend, Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2: Digistruct Peak will raise the level cap by 11 to 72, adding a new map/mode that will let you fight overpowered bad guys “for new loot and the ability to 'over level' your game for extra challenges”. Headhunter Pack: T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest, meanwhile, features a new bunch of missions and a boss fight against the aptly named Jacques O'Lantern. I guess if you're surname is 'O'Lantern', you really don't have much a choice.

The first pack will set you back $5, though there's no price given for the second yet. Season Pass owners will have to fork out too, I'm afraid, as that particular season appears to be over.

Thanks, Kotaku."

I should really get back to the grind, then. I still only have one character at 61!


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I don't even have one character at 61 :( My highest is a 50 Gunzerker, I only have one other character that's even made it to Sanctuary!
I don't even have one character at 61 :( My highest is a 50 Gunzerker, I only have one other character that's even made it to Sanctuary!

I played for a couple of hours last night and got my Krieg to level 52, but apart from that I have a 61 Zer0, 51 Axton, 51 Gaige, two 50 Salvadors (don't ask why, I really don't know) and a 50 Maya. And a 40 (I think?) Axton, two other Zer0s, another Gaige and another Maya, most of whom are banks.

It didn't take all that long to get to 61 with Zer0, it was just a bit challenging because I kept dying (obviously). Krieg has been a bit easier so far because I'm using a Melee build so his attacks never seem to lose their power, and the fact that I'm using a lv47 Order shield doesn't matter either because the tree I'm using benefits a lot from having a dropped shield. It would be perfect if he would stop hitting himself...
I still have B2 but I have not played it in a LONG time. It was such an excellent game. In fact I think its one of the best games that came out in 2012. However I am thinking about trading it in since Gamestop has 50% trade in bonus right now.
I still have B2 but I have not played it in a LONG time. It was such an excellent game. In fact I think its one of the best games that came out in 2012. However I am thinking about trading it in since Gamestop has 50% trade in bonus right now.

"This game is the best in XXXX, but I am gonna trade it in!"


Anyway...Been playing the game quite a bit (course), and well. I HATE THOSE AIMBOT SKELETONS.'s super annoying. And even more so are those Mages. OH MY GOD. Troll master 5000.

>Goes into FFYL mode.
>Made teleports away

And I don't get how the 5th DLC will work...are they going to go 88MPH and just spark all the time paradoxes they can?
And I don't get how the 5th DLC will work...are they going to go 88MPH and just spark all the time paradoxes they can?

Well, Kotaku (I assume) alluded to T.K. being a zombie (which makes sense with a boss called Jacques O'Lantern), which would make this particular DLC the first known occurrence of a single franchise's own DLC running out of ideas and repeating itself, though I suppose BL2 drew in a lot more players than Borderlands did so they haven't played the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC anyway. But it sounds like it's not a proper, full DLC anyway as it's called a Headhunter pack and it says there are more Headhunter packs to come. Given the theme I guess this one will be out in time for Halloween.

I'm assuming that's what you were talking about, anyway.

I'm personally more interested in the new cap extension and what exactly we'll have to do to get from 61 to 72, since it doesn't add yet another playthrough. I wonder if it'll be a set of 11 super difficult arena battle type quests, each granting an entire level?

Edit: so there was a ~170MB update today, I don't know what that was about but it seems a bit big for patches.
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