Borderlands 2

Im at like Level 58 and I quit since the repeating things over and over just got tired. Just was going through the TR but that has been fixed. If they would at lease maybe open it up again like what they did in Claptrap's DL for BL1 where it would be open then sure.
Funny thing is I am still using a Level 64 Slagga and Unkempt Harold, and it's more powerful than ever. I am still conquering everything I run past (save for that one moment when I get trolled by a sniper.) But I've also grown fond of the Vladof Kitten. The addition of healing yourself makes this a pretty great weapon. The constant fire from the Slagga means constant health going back to me, then the Shock Kitten will add even more, add to it the fact that the enemy will be slagged. Throw in the Amp Damage, the additional bonus from the Sheriff's Badge and it's an exceptional combo.

One thing I have noticed is that the projectile count of the Butcher has been cut down to three. I guess this would make it a better option for The Bee than other Shotguns, considering not much of the damage is divided between the pellets. I kinda noticed this when I found a Butcher from a Legendary Loot Midget.
So, like, can you get level 80 quest rewards or does it only go up to 72? I really want a lv80 Law and Order combo, you see. How common are legendary drops when playing solo in Digistruct Peak? I only made it as far as that big drop after the first vending machine with Zer0 then went back to Axton's UVHM playthrough (which I finished today). I think I'll grind to 72 with Krieg in the bar brawl then go back and try again, maybe. His tendency to kill himself might not work out in my favour though...
Essentially when you hit level 72 you go through digistruct peak with the usual waves of skags and bandits, then you unlock OP Lvl 1. Then you have to go through digistruct peak again to unlock OP Level 2 and so on.

To activate/change the OP level you must quit game then reload your character, as you would to change playthrough. Whenever an OP Level is active all enemies will scale to that level. Repeating digistruct peak 8 times doesn't sound like the most appealing prospect to me if I'm honest.
Essentially when you hit level 72 you go through digistruct peak with the usual waves of skags and bandits, then you unlock OP Lvl 1. Then you have to go through digistruct peak again to unlock OP Level 2 and so on.

To activate/change the OP level you must quit game then reload your character, as you would to change playthrough. Whenever an OP Level is active all enemies will scale to that level. Repeating digistruct peak 8 times doesn't sound like the most appealing prospect to me if I'm honest.

If I remember right the enemies you encounter become more varied as you play. One thing I am not looking forward to in Digistruct Peak is facing Saturn. He is powerful enough, but with Overpower going on, things are gonna get worse >_>

Still, if I keep mobile while still unloading with both my Slagga and Unkempt Harold I should be fine.
I didn't think Saturn could be slagged. Best thing I found was a Corrosive Kitten for him.

Technically, nearly everyone can be slagged. The only ones that can not be are enemies that utilize it for attacks. (But not for guns, AKA a bandit holding a slagged SMG) Even the Warrior can be slagged. The issue is that there is no visual indicator to certain enemies being slagged, which can make things a bit troublesome. That, or the enemy is incredibly slag resistant (Terramorphous) or they burrow underground (Fire Spiderants, Threshers, and Super Badass Varkids), which resets any status effects.

Although if it becomes a problem I might swap out the Slagga for a Slag Kitten. The marvelous damage and the vampirism paired together will help exceptionally, but I need to take out my Sticky Longbow Quasar so I can keep the damage going.
So I'm guessing quests won't scale beyond level 72? I should probably just get on with it and find out for myself but I don't know if any of my characters are particularly good for soloing, I need to think about it some more.
When you say resistant, do you mean slag attacks deal less damage, or the slag status effect only lasts for a second or two?

To neema_t - you can actually exploit the game in that respect, because mission rewards scale. I completed 'Everybody wants to be Wanted' at level 61, and the reward for the mission scales into the OP levels. So, the mission was completed before enemies would 1 hit kill me, yet I can turn in until I get a level 73 corrosive kitten!

I assume that if you ever had the patience to complete all OP levels, you could reset UVHM at OP Lv 8.
When you say resistant, do you mean slag attacks deal less damage, or the slag status effect only lasts for a second or two?

I mean the enemy is resistant to slag status effects. Like, how Terramorphous can recover from being slagged so fast.
I never knew he could even be slagged. I joined a few guys online once who were farming ol' Terry and one of them used a slag gun, and he turned purple for all of a second. It never showed when I was host/offline, so I'd assumed it was a glitch of some sort.
I never knew he could even be slagged. I joined a few guys online once who were farming ol' Terry and one of them used a slag gun, and he turned purple for all of a second. It never showed when I was host/offline, so I'd assumed it was a glitch of some sort.

That's either because you were on TVHM, where it only lasts a fraction of a second, or because he was going underground just as you had slagged him. Having the ability to keep him constantly slagged is absolutely vital for survival. I would recommend a Slagga, obviously for it's absurdly high chance of coating some one. The Grog Nozzle is also an option, but considering how it's received I would rather go to the Rubi. Weapons with unlisted additional projectiles are also a good bet, as the extra bullets have the same chance to proc as the core one, doubling the chance of status effects. An example of this would be the Pitchfork, the Sand Hawk, and Lydia. The CC might be viable, but I wouldn't really steer that direction.
If anyone wants to play online I have a regular account at psn: jtqmopar, and a modded lv.72 account that I can make/ get anything and make it to your level if you want at psn: jtqtuninggmbh
I am pretty sure all modded weapons and other gear have been officially canned. Anything that was made by an editor, but is still considered legit by the game (i.e, an Explosive Norfleet) will exist, but anything absurd like an Infinity Nukem will be gone forever.

On another note: I've been easily decimating the waves of Overpower, although an issue that I am having sometimes is getting someone slagged while still trying to stay alive. For that, I swapped out the Slagga for a Slagged Kitten. It may have a lower elemental chance but given the healing effect I can keep bombarding them with bullets. I should also note that the instant you go in there the difficulty is set as if you had 4 players, much like what Hyperius/Master Gee do, so that will make things much, much harder. If damage is unimportant (which is not the case most of the time), I swap out my Alkaline Bee Shield for an Evolution Shield. The Overpower gives it a bigger, more significant health boost, allowing for much more health and so much more tanking. Although, I would prefer a Neogenator, as it has a higher health bonus and elemental resistance.

I have also been playing as my Assassin, and I find the Pitchfork to be incredibly powerful with him, especially Slag variants. It has a Night prefix, so crit damage is boosted %120, making headshots absurdly deadly, if you throw in the Bee Shield damage as well. The only issue is flying enemies. Rakk, Surveyors...they can prove to be more than just cannon fodder, and are even deadlier if they are of the Badass rank. I find them excruciatingly annoying, however finding a tight confined tunnel would easily solve that, as they would either get stuck or just fly around pointlessly. That or use a Norfleet on those pesky buggers. B0re is very helpful for taking down BUL and PWR Loaders, a Corrosive or Slag Pitchfork chewing through them like nothing.

I find Kreig's strategy and skills to be...hypocritical. Considering many things, your goal in UVHM is to kill everything as fast as humanly possible and live through it. His skills are based on taking/giving punishment, and when your target dies, the pain stops. Even if they are tough and are just, tanking it all, you pretty much just stand right in front of their faces, with their stupid aimbot hitting you nearly everytime, absolutely showering them with blaster bolts and bullets that only chip away at their health or do too much damage to stack Bloodlust/Elemental Elation. There should at least be some more movement speed bonuses, and maybe even a slag upgrade for thrown Buzz axes, because when you start going berserk you have no way of weakening your enemy. Oh! Let's not forget that with some weapons can literally hold your entire ammo capacity (sometimes even more) which makes unloading on enemies highly costly. I also wish they would make it so Explosive damage would get it's own stack system, and maybe the more stacks you get the bigger the blast radius/damage/critical damage, and maybe to tie in with the Hellborn tree, make it so all Non-Elemental/Explosive weapons have a random chance of inflicting the other four elements.

I have not played as the Siren, Commando, or Mechromancer for a while, but I plan on it once I get my Assassin up to Level 72.
I lost my two level 61 saves (Gaige and Salvador) and my lv 34 one (Zero) so, for now atleast, this game is shelved. Until I find my old flashdrive with really outdated saves to restore from anyways.
I lost my two level 61 saves (Gaige and Salvador) and my lv 34 one (Zero) so, for now atleast, this game is shelved. Until I find my old flashdrive with really outdated saves to restore from anyways.

How did that happen? It seems random for such an event to unfold without explanation. Did someone delete them?
My PS3 corrupted the whole HDD (again....) so I lost absolutely everything.

That has never happened to me. Not even once. I don't understand how it exactly happens either...or...more over, how people run into it time and time again.

Either way, that really sucks.
What's this Loot Hunt thing about? Naturally it started on a weekend so I haven't been able to play, but it sounds like you just get given a target to kill and then the game gives you a certain weapon, then when you kill a certain number of a named enemy with that weapon it gives you more. Right? I don't know. Sounds cool though, I hope they do more.
What's this Loot Hunt thing about? Naturally it started on a weekend so I haven't been able to play, but it sounds like you just get given a target to kill and then the game gives you a certain weapon, then when you kill a certain number of a named enemy with that weapon it gives you more. Right? I don't know. Sounds cool though, I hope they do more.

Yeah, it would if it worked.

Last nights target was Knuckle Dragger and I killed him TWICE.

It did not count.

Oh. It's just updated infrequently x.x
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They said it was delayed for some reason, so it started Saturday afternoon (GMT) instead of Friday evening.
And yeah it's basically what neema said; the first one was knuckledragger dropping Gwen's Head, and at the moment it's Boom Bewm dropping the Hornet.
They said it was delayed for some reason, so it started Saturday afternoon (GMT) instead of Friday evening.
And yeah it's basically what neema said; the first one was knuckledragger dropping Gwen's Head, and at the moment it's Boom Bewm dropping the Hornet.

Technically you could get as many Hornets as you wanted.

Also, I find it funny that Boom and Bewm are now dropping the Hornet when Knuckle Dragger was supposed originally drop it.
I can't believe I didn't start this earlier! If anyone wants to run through the next one in co-op I'll be on as jtqmopar
You could get infinite Verucs at this point. I don't see them doing anything involving the Unkempt Harold considering how OP it is, but if they do it's going to be insane, maybe they'll even nerf it instead of just buffing it.
I got a level 62 Veruc last night to go with the 64 Dog I got from Captain Flynt the other day, I haven't had time to play lately though... Not sure how I'm supposed to then go and kill certain types of enemies with those guns when the highest level character I have is 61, and I imagine even if I were to level up to 62 today I'd be getting a level 63 drop from the next target. But hey, the community isn't struggling to meet the targets so I'm still benefiting anyway... When I have time. I missed the Creamer last week, I don't know why but I had assumed it would be automatically given to everyone! I checked yesterday and, yeah, I didn't kill whoever the target was that day.

New DLC tomorrow, it's cheap too at something like $3. Then again if it's just one boss fight with nothing special beyond a head reward and power ups in a similar vein to the Tina DLC, I'd kind of expect it to be cheap. Maybe it'll get me in the mood for some more grinding; I reset my Zer0's UVH progress (i.e. I started my 18th-or-so playthrough) and his badass challenges, by the time I got to Sanctuary I'd already completed a few challenges. The ones for elemental damage are absolutely trivial when you get to level 61, I wonder how long they'd take at 72...
One thing I find odd is the news bulletin for the Gub.

A legendary pistol of Bandit manufacture, the Gub will forever more have a larger mag size and dole out greater damage.
the Gub will forever more have a larger mag size and dole out greater damage.
the Gub will forever

I am sorry, but they shouldn't have put it like this. Now I think all of the buffs are actually going to STAY on the guns. I highly doubt it, but I could be wrong.
So I killed whatever today's target is called, got my whatever the gun is and haven't used it yet, decided to finally get on with this DLC and now I'm at the Leviathan. This is the worst boss fight I've ever seen; it just sits there and does an attack every now and then, but because I'm a melee character (Krieg) I can't do anything particularly damaging to it. Also the worms that spawn are too hard to kill in Light The Fuse because they just burrow underground when I'm just about to kill them. This is annoying, I wanted to get this DLC done tonight.
So I killed whatever today's target is called, got my whatever the gun is and haven't used it yet, decided to finally get on with this DLC and now I'm at the Leviathan. This is the worst boss fight I've ever seen; it just sits there and does an attack every now and then, but because I'm a melee character (Krieg) I can't do anything particularly damaging to it. Also the worms that spawn are too hard to kill in Light The Fuse because they just burrow underground when I'm just about to kill them. This is annoying, I wanted to get this DLC done tonight.

If I remember right there was a glitch with Krieg where if you were in LTF during a fight with Terramorphous, he would instantly go underground and stay there. And the tentacles that attacked would literally vanish if you got too close to them. I found this particularly trolly as it made it quite nearly impossible to beat him under any circumstance.
Sorry to hear of the passing of prominent Borderlands youtuber "Yoteslaya". Remember watching a good few of his vids when I was new to BL so I was saddened to hear this. RIP.
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Sorry to hear of the passing of prominent Borderlands youtuber "Yoteslaya". Remember watching a good few of his vids when I was new to BL so I was saddened to hear this. RIP.

I've...never heard of this guy. At first I saw the news on the BL Wiki and I thought someone was trolling, but I was mistaken.