Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69


Is not my real name.
As title suggests. Breaking news on Sky news. After Boston marathon two explosions happened.

Hope it's not too bad.
Deadspin's take courtesy of dice1998.

EDIT: It's not sure if this was a terrorist attack, or an accident yet. Just to early. Has to be a attack though.
Its right at Copley Place. Two explosions. As anticipated many different stories are out and they are really all over the place.

Marathon Sports store on marathon route was where one of the bombs was detonated. Reports surfacing of 3 deaths. I've seen stories that there's a 3rd bomb that has been found and one comment from the Boston PD that it could have been a suicide bomber.
Watching on NBC. There is blood everywhere. just wow.
Surely they were portable devices, seeing that most marathon routes are checked over and over for anything suspicious?

Could have been planted in store prior to marathon, or could have been an actual person. 4th bomb reported found in JFK Library.
Surely they were portable devices, seeing that most marathon routes are checked over and over for anything suspicious?

Whose, would be an interesting question.

While I certainly feel immediate sadness for those caught up in it all, I can't help but already be wondering who will claim responsibility for it.
While I certainly feel immediate sadness for those caught up in it all, I can't help but already be wondering who will claim responsibility for it.

Some sick 🤬
I can't help but already be wondering who will claim responsibility for it.

I think we all know which terrorist organisation will try to claim this as their own, especially with Coalition forces withdrawing from their patch in 2014.
How soon do the North Koreans get blamed, or take responsibility?
Sky were reporting that the explosive devices, whatever they were, may have been planted in the trash cans beside the finish line and the stands. That would be a pretty easy place to put them as on Marathons, there are bins everywhere.

Hearing about deaths already, and multiple losses of limbs. This is disgusting.
This is awful, and took me totally by surprise. My thoughts go out to the victims and their families.

I hope whoever was behind this can be ascertained and that they can be brought to justice.
Too soon. :indiff:

Unless they really did it, then the human race might be screwed.

It is too soon. But I can't help but consider the possibility. No matter whom is responsible, they deserve things I will not speak off here. I'm personally in shock.

EDIT: A third bomb just went off?
Thoughts and prayers to those victimized by this and their families.

And gratitude and admiration for the runners, race stewards and police putting themselves at risk in order to help others by climbing over fencing and moving towards the site of the explosions (as seen at the end of the WBZ video).
If its a gas main then fair enough. However if its an attack of any sort then its terrorist by nature, surely?

It would be. It may not be though an international terrorist attack as it could be from an American group. (Yes, its possible).
If its a gas main then fair enough. However if its an attack of any sort then its terrorist by nature, surely?

Terrorist attack - a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims

By definition, even if this was purposely done, it could just be act of a madman, not a terrorist.
It is too soon. But I can't help but consider the possibility. No matter whom is responsible, they deserve things I will not speak off here. I'm personally in shock.

EDIT: A third bomb just went off?

If it were the North Koreans then I can tell you the attack would've been much more devastating and our boys would already be knocking on their door by tomorrow.

That said, of what reason would a state bombing another state's marathon serve other than to tick off the affected state's populace?
Anyone could be behind it; an individual or a group. I doubt that it was an accident, though.