Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
I remember seeing a programme on terrorist practises. It's quite common for a second or even third explosion to be set up.

Idea being that the first does the damage and follow up explosions take out helpers and aids etc. Terrible news and a very cowardly attack.
I remember seeing a programme on terrorist practises. It's quite common for a second or even third explosion to be set up.

Idea being that the first does the damage and follow up explosions take out helpers and aids etc. Terrible news and a very cowardly attack.

3rd bomb went off but it was a controlled explosion.

CNN reports 2 dead now. Possible suicide bombers.

Actually I heard something about that about an hour ago, but based on the reports that the first bomb was located in a storefront, something doesn't add up.
Edited to add. If I've jumped the gun with the terrorist title I'm sorry and don't mean to cause offense. A single cell operative could be a terrorist. Tbh any **** that causes Mayhem/death is a terrorist.

If mod wants to alter the title then feel free. It was my first reaction when I heard the news.
Some very graphic pictures of this apparent attack. Sickening.
Thoughts are with everyone affected over in Boston. Terrible news, sometimes I don't understand the human race.
Absolutely horrible. There's not much else to say at the moment without knowing more.
And gratitude and admiration for the runners, race stewards and police putting themselves at risk in order to help others by climbing over fencing and moving towards the site of the explosions.

Absolutely. Those going to the aid of others are putting their own lives at risk, totally unknown if any more bombs are in the immediate area. Much respect.
British government to review safety precautions for the weekends upcoming London marathon.
Impossible to say at this stage if there's any connection.

Thatchers funeral march must be under high security for sure now.
Does GTP have any Bostonians?

Also, the FAA has moved to restrict Boston airspace.
This is saddening. I hope many people make it out well. I...can't say more. I have no words for this affair until I get more information.
Im 15 minutes north and waiting to hear from several friends whom were there either as runners or spectators. Have heard from a couple people already. They say its a mad house in the local area.

A third device was found in the public library and safely detonated by bomb squad. Clearly no accident.
Does GTP have any Bostonians?

I have some family there. Who are avid marathon fans. (They are too old to participate.) Needless to say, I have my worries. But knowing this happened two hours after the first runner crossed the line has me hopeful. I don't believe that my Aunt and Uncle would have stayed much longer than that.
Realised my TV needs re tuning. Just heard about this, thoughts with all involved. Sickening.
BBC Live
Citing a US intelligence official, the Associated Press reports two more explosive devices have been found at the Boston Marathon and are being dismantled.

On top of the three already detonated, this makes for five bombs. So far.
Watching on NBC. There is blood everywhere. just wow.
How soon do the North Koreans get blamed, or take responsibility?
This was my first though actually.
If its a gas main then fair enough. However if its an attack of any sort then its terrorist by nature, surely?

If it was a gas main there would be a giant ass hole in the ground....I don't see a hole anywhere. It radiated out of the side of a building. You can see the remnants of where it shot out at.

On top of the three already detonated, this makes for five bombs. So far.


They said they found bags attached to the side of the buildings according to what I just heard about 30 seconds ago on NBC.

I also agree on not calling it a terrorist attack. Yes it looks like one but it is not confirmed to be one just yet.

Scary I've walked that exact street before.
I have a friend who visited the city a couple of weeks ago. I'm just glad he wasn't there at the time of these explosions. Hopefully those supposed explosive devices are all taken care of now, and respect to the guys who are working to avoid even more devastation taking place.
2 dead, 23 wounded.

Been confirmed that no hazardous materials/injuries have been used in the according to surgeons, most were traumatic amputations on the scene.

It has been said that the explosions were comparable to the likes of those in the Middle East.

They claim it was made of organic materials that would avoid detection.
Im 15 minutes north and waiting to hear from several friends whom were there either as runners or spectators. Have heard from a couple people already.

I hope you hear from them all and that they're all safe. 👍

On top of the three already detonated, this makes for five bombs. So far.

That is just insane. Who knows how many more are out there. I hope they manage to find and dismantel them all.

I have a friend who visited the city a couple of weeks ago. I'm just glad he wasn't there at the time of these explosions.

My dad is supposed to be going to Boston this weekend for work. I really hope this is all sorted out by then. I can't imagine what it's going to be like arriving at the airport with all the security.

I want his trip to be cancelled.