Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
2001 is still fresh on many people's minds. Latent xenophobia is very hard to stamp out.

Hell, it took decades for anti-Japanese sentiment to die down after WWII.
In the words of John Mellencamp, "Ain't that America for you and me, unless you're Arabian or a commie, baby."

Or something like that.
According to some supposedly expert interviewees on Fox TV, it may be that the IED's, or "bombs", were RF-detonated with shrapnel built-in, a design first seen Iraq, they said.

Yea. I don't claim to know exactly who is guilty. It doesn't matter what race/gender/ethnicity these monsters are. Justice needs to be done.

Apparently, the media is discriminating the guy who possibly did this as Saudi Arabian and Muslim. Stupid idiot twits. What if he was just speaking normally? I agree, it doesn't matter race, religion, or gender. My faith in humanity has risen!

From George Takaei's FB:

I want to share this simple, beautiful image. This is Martin Richard, 8, who was killed in yesterday's attack. His sister and mother are critically injured. His message, "No more hurting people--Peace" is something we should all seek to honor, and remember him by.
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Apparently, the media is discriminating the guy who possibly did this as Saudi Arabian and Muslim. Stupid idiot twits. What if he was just speaking normally? I agree, it doesn't matter race, religion, or gender. My faith in humanity has risen!

Hooray for unity! :rolleyes:

I guess people learned nothing since 9/11.:indiff:

Hope those men sue. Especially the ones that were taken off the plane. Look marathon runners, I knew this ordeal was too chaotic, but it doesn't give you the right to discriminate like that. And if anything, you're letting them put fear into you. What's next you're not going to hire people because they speak Spanish?

It maybe too early to say this now, but it's something that has to be said.
Look, this sick 🤬 killed a little kid, but what about the others? They are important, too! Just like Newtown, where only kids were mentioned. Kids are young and I understand that they should be mentioned a little more, but I find that not mentioning the older at all is heartless. We should include everyone, especially when this matter involves death.
Look, this sick 🤬 killed a little kid, but what about the others? They are important, too! Just like Newtown, where only kids were mentioned. Kids are young and I understand that they should be mentioned a little more, but I find that not mentioning the older at all is heartless. We should include everyone, especially when this matter involves death.

I agree. But I don't think any info has been released yet on the others killed. Not that I have found anyways. Don't fully understand the logic on why the authorities and media only allow this boy's information out. But, I'm digress, as
we are not in charge.
They (Fox News) are saying the area of the explosion was swept for explosives by authorities at least twice prior to the explosion.

How is America going to prevent the next pressure cooker attack, they are asking.

Proper security for all soft targets means we can no longer live free, they are saying.
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if they were stereotypical braindead Bible-thumpers, I doubt they would have passed their law school exams.

Total rubbish :dopey:

While wbc might be a bunch of tools that doesn't give justification to the rest of your comment.

How is America going to prevent the next pressure cooker attack, they are asking.

Proper security for all soft targets means we can no longer live free, they are saying.

Live free? lol. I think we should try... stop criminalizing our innocent civilians and recklessly throwing our weight around the globe. No I have not read or watched any news on the event.

Thoughts and prayers go out all the same :(
The WBC are just a bunch of trolls. Many members of the Phelps family have law degrees - if they were stereotypical braindead Bible-thumpers, I doubt they would have passed their law school exams.

This type of comment isn't called for.👎
I agree. But I don't think any info has been released yet on the others killed. Not that I have found anyways. Don't fully understand the logic on why the authorities and media only allow this boy's information out. But, I'm digress, as
we are not in charge.
They released the boy's info because it draws sadness from viewers. The news loves to stir your emotions, for better or worse.
They released the boy's info because it draws sadness from viewers. The news loves to stir your emotions, for better or worse.

Exactly. They say and do things out of assumption to boost ratings. Just like that elementary school shooting not too long ago. They will make so many assumptions to catch your attention.

I wish they would make sure they get their facts straight before saying/switching their story around several times.

Basically all i see in main stream media is yellow journalism

Hints why i said yesterday that I was waiting till today to focus on any news about it
I thought gtp was past stereotyping in such a childish manor.

Watch your manors.

Whenever anything gets in the news, WBC tweets something. So they're attention whores, which God condemns*.
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They released the boy's info because it draws sadness from viewers. The news loves to stir your emotions, for better or worse.

I just don't understand their logic. Of course a child's death will stir more emotion than that of an adult. But why do they seemingly ignore the other deaths. It's not fair to their families to live with the world knowing that their brother/daughter/son/what have you, be forever known as dead #2, and dead #3. To me, that is sickening. I plan on honoring all that expired or were injured that day.
Ken Koios
I just don't understand their logic. Of course a child's death will stir more emotion than that of an adult. But why do they seemingly ignore the other deaths. It's not fair to their families to live with the world knowing that their brother/daughter/son/what have you, be forever known as dead #2, and dead #3. To me, that is sickening. I plan on honoring all that expired or were injured that day.

Maybe it was the family's wishes? The deceased have a certain level of privacy
Maybe it was the family's wishes? The deceased have a certain level of privacy

I would be completely fine with that, if that were the case. But, as of now, it isn't. We don't know if it is the families wishes. We don't even know the sex of the two other unfortunate souls. Nothing. Surely the authorities and media have info and can release something. Nope. But young Martin's communion photo is everywhere on the interwebs. Sad.
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The news cannot release the info on a child until the parents say it's ok, no?

Not sure actually.

My guess is that the parents wanted to celebrate (not in a joyous way) the life of someone who barely got to live it. Where else would they have received that information?