Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
Not sure actually.

I think that's the case. If the media wanted to release the names they would have to do a FOIL request, which would certainly take longer than a day. But once an obituary comes out....then its public
I think they can say anything they want when it comes into things they find. But their credibility goes down when they post false after false facts

Don't quote me on this though
My guess is that the parents wanted to celebrate (not in a joyous way) the life of someone who barely got to live it.

My assumption is they want him to the so-called poster boy of this tragedy. I know that sounds coarse of me to say that. It isn't. Just couldn't think of another way to state my thoughts.

Also, I don't blame the family at all, if that's the case. As a parent, I would want to do the same thing. Why not let the nation, as well as the rest of the world, help me grieve?
My assumption is they want him to the so-called poster boy of this tragedy. I know that sounds coarse of me to say that. It isn't. Just couldn't think of another way to state my thoughts.

Also, I don't blame the family at all, if that's the case. As a parent, I would want to do the same thing. Why not let the nation, as well as the rest of the world, help me grieve?

I don't necessarily disagree, but as a parent of two kids...I'd want the cretin(s) who committed this crime to feel pretty rotten about themselves in any way possible. On the other hand, I'm not sure how I'd feel about my kid being a "rallying cry" for some cause that they may or may not have stood up for.
Look, this sick 🤬 killed a little kid, but what about the others? They are important, too! Just like Newtown, where only kids were mentioned. Kids are young and I understand that they should be mentioned a little more, but I find that not mentioning the older at all is heartless. We should include everyone, especially when this matter involves death.

I agree. But I don't think any info has been released yet on the others killed. Not that I have found anyways. Don't fully understand the logic on why the authorities and media only allow this boy's information out. But, I'm digress, as
we are not in charge.

Last night, the local Boston TV stations were reporting that the other two people had not yet been identified, and therefore their names could not be released.

Perhaps at this point, there is an additional delay while the next-of-kin are being notified.

Last night, the local Boston TV stations were reporting that the other two people had not yet been identified, and therefore their names could not be released.

Perhaps at this point, there is an additional delay while the next-of-kin are being notified.


I understand if they do not want their relative revealed, but why not at least respect them somehow? We do not know every single person affected in 9/11, we did not know every single person affected in the Newtown shooting; just recognizing the people affected in this bombing is also the appropriate answer.
Last night, the local Boston TV stations were reporting that the other two people had not yet been identified, and therefore their names could not be released.

Perhaps at this point, there is an additional delay while the next-of-kin are being notified.

Religious reasons as well??
Religious reasons as well??

There was no mention of religious reasons.

The TV news reporters were implying that it was hard to identify the other two people either because the bodies were badly damaged and/or were missing any specific identification.

I actually understand both sides of the story. I am a father of two kids (both just a couple years older than this boy) and I understand why you wouldn't want his name all over the news almost, if not, being used as a "poster-boy" for this tragedy, but dang it I would also want the whole world to know what was taken away from me. Don't get me wrong, the other two people who died where tragic and I am not taking anything away from their lives or their accomplishments in any way and I am sure their names will be released when it is time and we will find out who they were and what good they did, but after a child is killed, no matter what race, creed, or gender, that child will be a rallying cry for a nation to find out what happened.

You have to remember though, the new agencies use this child for ratings, which is shouldn't be allowed. Yet others are using him as a sign; a sign of what is good and lovable in this world and the tragedy of how that was taken away. I believe, for now, let him be this sign, but not for long....not that I don't want to see him but I believe I have a better idea.

After this country has mourned this event, the "poster-boy" or "rallying-cry" for this tragedy should be the heroes who literally ran towards an explosion and ripped apart a fence with their bare hands (it doesn't matter that it was a temporary fence...they still ripped it apart) to get to those victims of the explosions. That is what should be remembered from this. Not just that people lost loved ones but that there are people in this country that will put their life on the line to save other people. People will tear apart obstacles to get to others that have been injured. This is what humanity needs, what this country needs....what we all need.

Sorry about the rant. I just get tired of all the negativity from the media and others that I thought we should concentrate on the good....not the bad.
Last night, the local Boston TV stations were reporting that the other two people had not yet been identified, and therefore their names could not be released.

Perhaps at this point, there is an additional delay while the next-of-kin are being notified.


Exactly. The little boys father was on site. He very well could have said given permissions.

Next of kin issues are valid. The identity of the deceased are not allowed to be released until the next of kin is notified. I believe this is in all accidental death instances. Even after that i believe the family has the right to block any reporting of the deceaseds identity.

At time of posting, one of the other two whom moved on to the clearing at the end of the path has been identified as a 29 female from arlington ma. Sorry her name slipped, i caught the report on my way out. I do not know if the third soul has been identified as of uet.
Exactly. The little boys father was on site. He very well could have said given permissions.

According to what I've heard, the boy's father ran the Marathon.

Its a very sad situation, because its also been reported that both the boy's sister and the boy's mother were injured and were taken to one of the hospitals. So this family has had three people severely affected by the incident.

Very sad and my best wishes go out to them.

The mother was taken to the hospital with a brain injury and the sister has lost a leg. Both have undergone surgeries and are in recovery.
The father was a runner. As i continue to hear, the father just finished the race.
Ill.try to find the post by the father.


Thank you for posting krystals information.

I have heard from a close friend of the guy in the picture debated here that he is also in recovery.
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If we had been nuked, you would have known about it easily; Boston would no longer exist.
I just walked in the door. Hadn't even heard what happened yet.
Can you please use that Google thing before posting random crap you see on facebook?(It's even FREE!!!) I doubt a young girl that ran a charity 5K 455 miles from Boston would make a trip to run a race in Boston for some kids in Connecticut.

Edit: Plus as Barra said, you have to be 18 to run.
Thank for reminding me of why I shouldn't try confirming something with the forum. You have been very helpful [/sarcasm].
Plane evacuated at logan. Two men escorted off plane and dogs are heading in.

Edit: just found out i have hung out with the guys whos picture was posted here. The one that was called fake. He is.very good friends with a longtime friend of mine and has been to several of my gatherings. :(
Oh my god man best wishes go out to your friend.
Some faith in humanity restored:
That didn't take long.
They (Fox News) are saying the area of the explosion was swept for explosives by authorities at least twice prior to the explosion.

How is America going to prevent the next pressure cooker attack, they are asking.

Proper security for all soft targets means we can no longer live free, they are saying.
This is bull....
Oh my God...
I don't necessarily disagree, but as a parent of two kids...I'd want the cretin(s) who committed this crime to feel pretty rotten about themselves in any way possible. On the other hand, I'm not sure how I'd feel about my kid being a "rallying cry" for some cause that they may or may not have stood up for.

Even if it was a cause they may or may not believed in, they, in this the context of this converation, would have died no matter the priciple. So why not let your childs death help the nation. Even if causes one moment for a killer to question his motives, that one moment could save lives. Just my opinion. Nothing more.
Glad to her we have a name finally. Felt so bad just calling her victim #2.

Curious then if it was distressing to you to now know the names of all the 9/11 victims?

What are you going to do with these names besides make specific mention of people you never new personally, and only now know of because they were murdered? In my mind, I find it disrespectful to think that you only now care because they are dead.
We are getting a bit numb for stuff like this, I think.

I don't give a rats ass about Africa anymore, because as long as I can remember children are dying there because of poverty and hunger. Seeing bomb blasts daily on the news is probably doing the same to me, and several others around the world.
I was still shook pretty hard yesterday when it happened. Seeing the pictures and videos made it worse, in fact the older I get the more effect things like this have on me. Also, people can claim to be desensitized to this kind of thing but when you see someone's life threatened first hand and not just on the TV or web the feelings and emotion are multiplied ten fold. I do agree seeing it on the news numbs it down a bit but I think that's completely natural.
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3 dead, 176 injured, 24 people in critical condition.

No suspects, no idea who did it and no idea why.
What are you going to do with these names besides make specific mention of people you never knew personally, and only now know of because they were murdered?

That's my business, not yours.

In my mind, I find it disrespectful to think that you only now care because they are dead.

Cool, good for you, Cody. Glad to see, in your mind, that you can jump to conclusions about my personality. You internet physic, you.
That's my business, not yours.
Well, by making a deal of it on a public forum, you've certainly brought it to the attention of others.

Cool, good for you, Cody. Glad to see, in your mind, that you can jump to conclusions about my personality. You internet physic, you.
Made no assumptions at all, rather telling you how it appears to me. If you didn't immediately write off my question about the why, would certainly help to clear things up. Instead you've resorted to sarcasm.