Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
Ok, I'll play nice. Just leery about getting into a conversation that may turn into yet another argument, especially in the thread that seems more focused on bitterness and bickering.. Sick and tired of people in this thread putting crosshairs on other members because of different beliefs, different opinions. There is a time and place for it, and it's just not here. That's the one and only reason I've been heated. But you have honest questions. Fair enough.

What are you going to do with these names besides make specific mention of people you never new personally

Not really all that sure. But, I found it comforting to know something, anything about the people that did suffer. Don't really understand why. I'm not a sensitive person in the slightest. Usually, I couldn't care less about much at all. This bombing affected me. Maybe I'm growing as a person. Maybe I just getting older. Maybe wiser. But I felt compassion, and didn't want to turn my back on it. Maybe just knowing was my next step in evolution.

There are other reasons, but I'd prefer to keep them personal.

.....and only now know of because they were murdered?

That, I feel, was unfair. Of course because they were murdered. In a grand fashion. I would have no reason to want to know their names if they hadn't been murdered in the spotlight. I'd prefer that I never knew their names, or any info, for that matter. If I didn't know, then they might still be alive and enjoying their lives. And I only say might in, you just never know the universes plan.

In my mind, I find it disrespectful to think that you only now care because they are dead.

Same idea as above. If they didn't die in the fashion they did, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I care because we are having this conversation. They did die. They died in a horrible attack for seemingly no reason. If they didn't die, I would never even knew they existed. I may not of cared about them one way or another, even if I had known they did. I admit it. But they died, and now I care. If you are still disrespected by that, please visit my profile and hit that little ignore button.
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Same idea as above. If they didn't die in the fashion they did, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I care because we are having this conversation. They did die. They died in a horrible attack for seemingly no reason. If they didn't die, I would never even knew they existed. I may not of cared about them one way or another, even if I had known they did. I admit it. But they died, and now I care. If you are still disrespected by that, please visit my profile and hit that little ignore button.

I do appreciate you playing nice, and it hardly merits me ignoring you.

I've experienced more than my fair share of loss in life, and so I may just have a different view on death and honoring the dead. And I'll kind of explain where my comment disrespect is coming from...

What is happening is, because these people have died in what amounts to a more news worthy manner than the many people that die in mindless murders and accidents every day, we are putting their deaths above the more "plain" but equally tragic deaths. I ultimately feel that we are more or less validating the attackers efforts by placing these deaths on a pedestal. The same goes for the endless "9/11, never forget" comments I see every year around that time.

Of course, I'm not saying we should be apathetic about it, nor to let things slide. Justice should be brought in the end.
Family is fine. They stayed home since the marathon passes their house. To the guys who replied 7 in the morning, I did not have their phone numbers or any contact information. I had to call a few family members to find out but all is good thankfully.
I do appreciate you playing nice, and it hardly merits me ignoring you.

I've experienced more than my fair share of loss in life, and so I may just have a different view on death and honoring the dead. And I'll kind of explain where my comment disrespect is coming from...

What is happening is, because these people have died in what amounts to a more news worthy manner than the many people that die in mindless murders and accidents every day, we are putting their deaths above the more "plain" but equally tragic deaths. I ultimately feel that we are more or less validating the attackers efforts by placing these deaths on a pedestal. The same goes for the endless "9/11, never forget" comments I see every year around that time.

Of course, I'm not saying we should be apathetic about it, nor to let things slide. Justice should be brought in the end.

You know, I do completely understand that point of view. No sarcasm, no anything. I even share some of the very same ideals.

When my own brother killed his girlfriend in absolute cold blood, it was equally as tragic in it's own rights. But there was nothing more than a 30 second clip on the local news. However, in todays society, we are all but programmed to believe something in the national spotlight is to be treated with higher respect. Something I know that I am guilty of in the Boston bombing scenario. I hope that part of my evolution helps me past this media enforced flaw. No matter. In the end, we want exactly the same thing. Justice brought to those responsible, and swiftly at that.
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When my own brother killed his girlfriend in absolute cold blood,...

3 dead, 176 injured, 24 people in critical condition.

No suspects, no idea who did it and no idea why.

First off, I'd like to offer my condolences to the people and families affected by this senseless crime.

As for the silence from whatever group or individual who did this... I'm sorry to say this, but this would be an abysmal failure as a terrorist attack would be concerned. I doubt very much that any person or organization would own up to it.

Again, I feel bad for saying something like that, but in reality, it should have been WAY worse than it was to be truly effective in a terrorist point of view. This was a test that failed badly...

Just my own point of view.

Again, my deepest sympathies for those affected.
As for the silence from whatever group or individual who did this... I'm sorry to say this, but this would be an abysmal failure as a terrorist attack would be concerned. I doubt very much that any person or organization would own up to it.

Again, I feel bad for saying something like that, but in reality, it should have been WAY worse than it was to be truly effective in a terrorist point of view.

A terrorist attack doesn't need to kill or injure a large number people to accomplish what the person was after. Whoever did it has now caused a huge unrest in the US from a security standpoint and has put many people in a sense of unease.
First off, I'd like to offer my condolences to the people and families affected by this senseless crime.

As for the silence from whatever group or individual who did this... I'm sorry to say this, but this would be an abysmal failure as a terrorist attack would be concerned. I doubt very much that any person or organization would own up to it.

Again, I feel bad for saying something like that, but in reality, it should have been WAY worse than it was to be truly effective in a terrorist point of view. This was a test that failed badly...

Just my own point of view.

Again, my deepest sympathies for those affected.

How do you know what the point of view of any terrorist or terrorist organization is? Terror was caused, we need no other evidence of that than the videos that have been captured of the event. Until someone steps up and claims responsibility we will not know why it was done.
First off, I'd like to offer my condolences to the people and families affected by this senseless crime.

As for the silence from whatever group or individual who did this... I'm sorry to say this, but this would be an abysmal failure as a terrorist attack would be concerned. I doubt very much that any person or organization would own up to it.

Again, I feel bad for saying something like that, but in reality, it should have been WAY worse than it was to be truly effective in a terrorist point of view. This was a test that failed badly...

Just my own point of view.

Again, my deepest sympathies for those affected.

People being killed, maimed or injured as they go about their everyday lives broadcast across the world in real time. I'd call that an overwhelming success if you wanted to terrorise people.
5As for the silence from whatever group or individual who did this... I'm sorry to say this, but this would be an abysmal failure as a terrorist attack would be concerned. I doubt very much that any person or organization would own up to it.

I think al-queda would, why waste a huge propaganda victory? They'd love to have another hit directly on US soil. The silence is deafening.
NSN1, back up your claim that they'd have used more effective methods and equipment.

He can't. They were thwarted, after all, in the 2010 Times Square bombing attempt. So it's hard to say what is or is not effective, in this case.

Until we know, we don't know; a known unknown, I suppose. We'll have to wait and see...and that irks a public who wants quick answers and swift justice.
If this was Al-Quaeda, they'd be anxious to claim responsibility right away, based on their past actions. But there are too many unknowns as of this moment to either point fingers or write-off suspects.


And an effective terrorist attack is one that actually goes through. Even if the devices are not the most destructive available, if they're the kind that can easily pass unnoticed, then they're effective.

Are plastic knives as effective in hijacking a plane as AK47s? No. Are they easy to smuggle onto an aircraft inside the United States? Yes. Effective.

Is a commercial passenger jet as effective a weapon as a suitcase nuke? No. But has anyone detonated a suitcase nuke and brought down a potent symbol of America? No. Have commercial jets been used to execute the worst terrorist attack ever on US soil? Yes. Effective.

People get hung up on the big things. Dirty nukes. Biological agents. Sarin gas. But it's often the simplest of attacks and plans that are the most effective.
Some debate here about mostly private deaths and those that happen publicly and then are given the full wall to wall media treatment.

Lets turn down the intensity knob and compare a movie that you watch alone and a movie that you view in a crowded theater. At its best, the theater adds dimension and depth thats just not there when you're alone.. whether its a comedy and the whole audience errupts in laughter together, a horror movie where everyone jolts and flinches as one, etc. Technically the movie hasnt changed at all. But we all know the difference when its over, and you share a glance with a total stranger as you walk out.

We dont live in ancient Rome, so we dont have communal sexual experiences, but its become regular to have these kinds of Saving Private Ryan moments on live tv these days. And it is different than private or anonymous death. As trashy as the media can be (and its a lot) they also remind us of our shared humanity. And I mentioned ancient Rome ..if they had tv they would not dramatize and sensationalize a violent incident like happened in Boston. No, the shared thing for them would be intentional killing for the sport of watching it. So humanity HAS changed. We arent as savage or desensitized as we imagine. Not by a loooong shot.

In other news the FBI has mostly reconstructed the back pack and a fair amount of the pressure cooker. The vise tightens.
I'm completely neutral about this, just found this to be interesting and worth sharing. I am not responseable for anything said in this video.

I suppose people don't want to see ripped-off limbs on TV. I don't think that's completely unreasonable. And the media getting things a little wrong during the chaos of a situation? Pretty standard fare, as they no longer have the time to filter everything in a Breaking News/24-hour news cycle.

Curious, but not shocking, and no real conspiracy behind it.
I just walked in the door. Hadn't even heard what happened yet.
You live in New York, the most populated city in the US just over 200 miles away from Boston; the city would have come to an absolute stand still & put on extreme alert.