Bread's GTS Tunes

  • Thread starter bread82
Bread’s GT Sport Tunes

Bread garage header pic.jpg

This thread is very late to the party, with GT7 just around the corner. However, I thought I might as well release some tunes I’ve been working on.

Generally, I tune FR cars on relatively “street” settings. So low-ish power on CS-SH tyres. Due to space and time in my house I sadly use a DS4 controller, so that is what the tunes were made on; I don't know how they will behave on a wheel. I run TCS off and ABS off, and have driven this way in previous GT games, I just prefer the feel. The tunes might still be suitable with ABS on, but I haven’t tested this much - although "ABS" weak felt ok on a couple of cars.

I am more than happy to receive comments and feedback on my tunes. If there is anything you would like to see tuned, feel free to request it. Or if a car is giving you problems with tuning and you'd like me to take a look at it, drop me a line.


S13 Nissan Silvia K's Dia selection 1990, N200 Max. CS-SH
Toyota 2000GT, N200 Max, CS

FD3S RX-7 Spirit R Type A '02, N300 Max. SH
Dodge Super Bee '70, N300 Max, SH
Nissan R32 GT-R V-Spec II 1994, N300 Max, SH
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Bread S13 Nissan Silvia K’s Dia Selection 1990, N200 max. TCS off ABS off DS4

Power & Weight

Category: N200

Max. Power: 244 BHP (142%)
Max Torque: 32.6 kgf.m
Weight: 1003 kg (88%)

Traction & Braking

TCS: 0
Tyres: CS-SH
Brake Bal: 2 (rear)

Suspension (f/r)

RH: 105/120 mm (4.13/4.72 in.)
Nat.Freq: 1.80/1.80 Hz
ARB: 4/4
DampC 60/60 %
DampR 90/90 %
Camber(-) 0.9/2.0 deg
Toe 0.00/In0.30 deg


Downforce: N/A


IT: 7
Accel: 12
Decel: 5


Max speed 149 mph

1st: 2.074/55
2nd: 1.490/77
3rd: 1.141/101
4th: 0.880/130
5th: 0.720/164

FD: 4.383

Notes: The top speed of this car on SSRX is around 175 mph, which requires a 5th gear max setting of approx. 205 mph to hit max speed at the engine’s power peak. However most tracks will not reach the car’s top speed and so the gearbox given is a generic compromise. The first three gears should be OK for most tracks, try adjusting 4th and 5th for higher speed tracks before you change the FD. 1st gear of 55 mph max speed will NOT wheelspin on a standing start and you may be able to set it shorter (~44mph) for better performance off the line. However for rolling start races I have found the 1st gear of 55 mph to be reasonable in most slow corners, it will still allow some throttle steer without being overly aggressive.

The car is intended for CS-SH tyres. If using lower grip tyres (CH-CM), the car will power oversteer more and so I would recommend increasing rear toe-in to ~0.6 deg, and lowering the LSD Accel to ~10 to make the car more manageable. Or just enjoy drifting the car ;-). For high grip SM-SS you can use less, or no rear toe, and increase the LSD Accel a couple of clicks.

I intend to release an N300 tune for this car, in the meantime, N300 power levels will cause power oversteer at CS-SH tyres, so adjust the toe and LSD as described above for low grip tyres.
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Bread Toyota 2000GT, N200 max. TCS off ABS off DS4

Power & Weight

Category: N200

Max. Power: 245 BHP (159%)
Max Torque: 28.6 kgf.m
Weight: 996 kg (89%)

Traction & Braking

TCS: 0
Tyres: CS
Brake Bal: 1 (rear)

Suspension (f/r)

RH: 110/120 mm (4.33/4.72 in.)
Nat.Freq: 1.70/1.70 Hz
ARB: 7/4
DampC 60/62 %
DampR 89/90 %
Camber(-) 0.5/1.6 deg
Toe 0.00/In0.15 deg


Downforce: N/A


IT: 8
Accel: 10
Decel: 5


Max speed (Auto set) 155 mph

1st: 2.000/59
2nd: 1.600/74
3rd: 1.280/93
4th: 1.020/116
5th: 0.820/155 (need ~225?mph for max speed of 195 mph@ ~7000 rpm SSRX, a 3.1 FD.)

FD: 4.500 Tested at Tsukuba (5th gear not really used), and Suzuka (5th gear about right), adjust FD to suit track.

Notes: CS tyres 1’08.244 at Tsukuba. Brake balance is 1(rear), because if you use 2, the car will have difficulty in locking wheels in a straight line, the brakes are underpowered even on CS tyres. This car enjoys being driven at a high slip angle, trail brake quite aggressively and chuck her in, straighten the wheel, then feel for the balance with the throttle.
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Bread FD3S RX7 Spirit R Type A ‘02, N300 max, SH TCS off ABS off DS4

Power & Weight

Category: N300

Max. Power: 342 BHP (117%)
Max Torque: 39.6 kgf.m
Weight: 1117 kg (88%)

Traction & Braking

TCS: 0
Tyres: SH
Brake Bal: 2 (rear)

Suspension (f/r)

RH: 95/120 mm, (3.74/4.72 in.)
Nat.Freq: 1.90/1.90 Hz (alternative 1.90/1.70)
ARB: 5/1 (alternative 5/3)
DampC 62/58 %
DampR 90/92 %
Camber(-) 1.0/2.5 deg
Toe 0.00/0.00 deg


Downforce: 80 (very little difference across whole range)


IT: 10
Accel: 17
Decel: 15


Max speed (Auto set) 124 mph.

1st: 2.400/55
2nd: 1.840/72
3rd: 1.410/94
4th: 1.082/122
5th: 0.829/171

FD: 4.200, adjust FD to suit track. Shift at 7500 rpm.

Notes: This car, stock, showed understeer, requiring rake to eliminate. Another issue was brake-release oversteer, which I countered by raising the Decel LSD to 15, while preserving my preferred brake bal of 2 (rear). I tried a lower brake bal to reduce the brake release oversteer but then had general understeer in braking, by locking the fronts, which I did not like. Therefore I stuck to the diff Decel method.

The car can equip rear aero up to a value of 80. I honestly felt this had a small effect on handling. It does reduce top speed by a couple of MPH (and the time taken to reach the top speed).

I settled on 1.90 Hz nat. freq. all round, with 5/1 ARB. A preliminary version of the tune had 1.9/1.7Hz and 5/3 ARB. I believe the two versions are very close, but you might wish to try the softer rear springs and stiffer rear bar version. The car was mainly tested on Tsukuba and Suzuka, which are quite flat and therefore are not too sensitive to suspension stiffness.

The gearing is set for shifting at 7500 rpm, not at the rev limiter. If you hold until the limiter you will be making slightly less power on average, through the rev range used.
This tune came about because of this thread:

I had a half done tune and decided to finish it off. Check out the thread for other peoples' tunes too.

Bread Dodge Super Bee ‘70, N300 max, SH TCS off ABS off DS4

Power & Weight

Category: N300

Max. Power: 342 BHP (102%)
Max Torque: 59.9 kgf.m
Weight: 1287 kg (84%)

Traction & Braking

TCS: 0
Tyres: SH
Brake Bal: 2 (rear)

Suspension (f/r)

RH: 110/110 mm, 4.33/4.33 in.
Nat.Freq: 1.80/1.80 Hz
ARB: 6/2
DampC 63/63 %
DampR 90/90 %
Camber(-) 1.3/2.2 deg
Toe 0.00/In0.50 deg


Downforce: N/A


IT: 5
Accel: 14
Decel: 14


Set FD to 4.2, Max speed (Auto set) 124 mph. Shift at ~5250 rpm, just before rev limiter.

1st: 2.100/43
2nd: 1.600/57
3rd: 1.211/76
4th: 0.928/99
5th: 0.700/139

FD: 4.200, adjust FD to suit track.

Notes: Stock this car was blobby, slow to turn in and then lots of power inner wheelspin and sometimes oversteer. Steering corrections could catch up with a blobby reaction leading to snap behaviour. I lowered and stiffened all around to control her body better. The stiffer front bar adds more stability/understeer but you can still steer with throttle on corner exit, and make steering corrections.

There was some brake release oversteer so I added some Decel LSD.

I was tempted to set minimum rear anti-roll bar, but she became a bit too understeery/unresponsive for my liking, so I left the rear bar at “2”.
Bread Nissan Skyline GT-R R32 V-specI I ‘94, N300 max, SH TCS off ABS off DS4

Power & Weight

Category: N300

Max. Power: 343 BHP (112%)
Max Torque: 44.7 kgf.m
Weight: 1305 kg (87%)

Traction & Braking

TCS: 0
Tyres: SH
Brake Bal: 1 (rear)

Suspension (f/r)

RH: 90/120 mm, 3.54/4.72 in.
Nat.Freq: 1.70/1.70 Hz
ARB: 4/6
DampC 60/60 %
DampR 90/90 %
Camber(-) 1.5/1.5 deg
Toe 0.00/Out 0.30 deg


Downforce: 20 (default fixed)

LSD (f/r)

IT: 5/5
Accel: 5/40
Decel: 5/10


Set FD to 2.5, Max speed (Auto set) 249 mph.
1st: 3.800/35
2nd: 2.612/52
3rd: 1.796/75
4th: 1.234/110
5th: 0.849/170

FD: 4.500, adjust FD to suit track. Shift at ~8000 rpm, just when bar flashes.

Notes: Stock this car was reasonable but struggled to turn somewhat, and had huge on-throttle understeer (typical 4WD). In an effort to make her turn in more, and keep turning, I tried rake, then stiffening rear ARB, and finally rear toe out which is unusual. This would be awful on a RWD, but somewhat common on a FWD. The 4WD has qualities of both. I have tried to put some progressiveness in the tune so you can turn her in and still make adjustments, which I think is smoother and faster, but you may enjoy just chucking her in and mashing the gas pedal.

The Rear LSD has a high accel but due to the 4WD this does not give the power-on oversteer and outside red rear tyre you would expect in a RWD. Therefore I set it high to give good power to the ground on corner exit.

The car can rotate aggressively with brake lift-off so a little Decel LSD was added at the rear to tame this. The front diff is set to minimum, this worked best for me.

It’s hard to get a red tyre on this car, the 4WD ATTESA system is definitely modelled in some way. Although the “Front Torque” indicator in the cockpit appears to be programmed as just a throttle or boost gauge, despite the name. You can see that if you set all tyres to CH and try to wheelspin, the rears light up, then the fronts shortly after, but it is not possible to sustain spin and the tyres quickly quieten down to grip. The lack of red tyres does make LSD tuning more difficult as there’s no visual indicator.

Camber is a moderate 1.5 on each axle, this worked for me. You might be able to set this even higher as the car has so much grip under throttle.