Not all politicians voted for Brexit (including our PM) or think/thought it was a good idea to begin with. While not all those against it are therefore good to go great guys and gals, it's an example that they aren't all there to **** us.We can bandy about what a politician should be until the cows come home, but what something should be is rarely what it is. If the political system supporting your country relies on people acting as they should, that's a problem.
As far as good politicians being in short supply, we're in a thread talking about the UK leaving the EU. If they weren't in short supply, we wouldn't be here.
I think you know this, that's why part of your solution is a major changing of the political guard. If you thought that the majority of politicians were on the up and up and were working for the good of the country, then you wouldn't suggest that. Don't just disagree with me for the sake of disagreeing, please.
I'm saying that the stress of Brexit on the political class was the catalyst. Yeah it built up and up over the years but it still needed a spark to set the house ablaze.Brexit can be a catalyst for change as it's exposing real problems with the system, but it was not the catalyst for the political breakdown which is what you were saying before. That was already in place, it just didn't have anything to stress it far enough.
Again, kinda yes and no?The Leave campaign ran and succeeded on the back of popular opinion. They didn't brainwash half the country.
The media have, for the last 15-20 years or so been building up hate and resentment towards the EU. Using them as a scapegoat for everything. Politicians would use it to rally the right wing (Boris and his bananas being a good example), xenophobia is easy to rally up in poorly educated islanders, after all.
So while Leave didn't brainwash anyone, the daily papers and press already had. Leave/BNP/UKIP just prayed on those fears.
I like to be a little optimistic in that thinking the vast majority are not xenophobic pieces of ****, but that could just be a failing in me.
That said, it's hard to know why people voted to leave other than in the most broad sense (we'd be better off), due to how monumentally large and all encompassing leaving the EU is and how much it would affect. Hell I've had discussions with people on here about why they chose to leave and even they couldn't pin down an actual reason, other than we'd be better off.
And, to sorta wrap it round back to where we started, its this reason alone that I think another vote should take place and that the people should get to decide (or give another advisement) on the type of deal we get or if we take a no-deal. And if that vote impacts the lower house, but saves the country from ruin then that is what has to happen.