<- BTCC -> Honda Integra Cup Season 2 - rolo wins a title at the 13th attempt!Finished 

  • Thread starter rolo912011
Just checking the thread , I was hoping we could give it a try and if it works go ahead .

If we are waiting for an update , we all know how that goes . We could be waiting for months .

If everyone wants to postpone then I wont go against their wishes .

So who is this dustybin ? Is he someone we know or Is he a new guy ?

Seems to be a mystery fellow at the moment
Updates can take forever sometimes, however I hope that PD are going to class this as an urgent issue and sort it out. We've seen them revert back to a previous update before, so perhaps this may be a possible short term solution.
Cross posting an intersting thing that might be of help regarding sound issues and that proved true in my case:


(it's a link to the gt300 championship where i posted the suggestion) If someone has the chance he should test this!
Thanks Karsten. 👍

Here is the post:
i found something strange yesterday
i was the host and as host, you never have sounds issues

when i was on the track some people had sounds issues
when i was out of the track (completely, not registered) the sound was back for those having sound issues
it was highly reproducible, like a switch
i used the button on the right of the goggle
on, sound problems
off, no more sound problems

really strange
and it's not only online, i also had sounds issues in a career race after switching from car to car

so far i found some conditions that trigger the problem
- switching from car to an other one
- not being the host online
- having the host on the track or ready to go on the track
- vocal chat activated (to be confirmed)

possible work around for online (switch off vocal chat) to be confirmed

some of us also had the feeling that sounds are better
do they have released an improved bugged new sound engine version ?
is that problem related to the fact that replays are freezing the ps3 ?

really strange
I've remained in the exact same car for days, yet I've had the sound bug. Although I have been affected by this bug far less than others, so perhaps staying in the same car is beneficial, but certainly not a fix.

Turning the voice chat off in the lobby has no effect.

The host is never affected, I agree with that. I've not tested to see whether or not the host being on-track makes any difference. This is something that can be tested quite easily and if the host remaining off the track fixes the issue then we need someone willing to host the lobby that isn't racing in the series. Possible solution but perhaps awkward to arrange.

I've heard people saying that changing cars several times can actually fix the issue. Another theory was that changing the exhaust on the car has an effect, so change the exhaust to a different one and then change it back again.....if exhausts can't be changed, then perhaps altering the turbo would do the same thing.

Ultimately the fix is going to be required from PD. Until they give us an update, we have no option but to either suffer with no sound, or spend time messing about trying to make the sound work which is just plain frustrating.
As I said to Ian last night.. It's not very fun having to mess around jumping in and out of rooms. Trying to swap cars. Going into watch race . Swapping parts ... Only to find that you have wasted 20/30 mins and still have no tires sounds which lets face it is a basic part of the game. I'm not wasting anymore time hoping I can actually drive my car properly so until they fix this issue I'm not racing. Sorry
He could become a reserve Stig. At least he can then jump in when he's able to, hopefully he gets some practice in beforehand though just to ensure that he's clean. 👍
Hi can a join plz #22

Yeah sure, have you got an entry name you want to use?

it was interesting having steve around for some races, not sure if he can make it at 7 every thursday tho :ill:
He could become a reserve Stig. At least he can then jump in when he's able to, hopefully he gets some practice in beforehand though just to ensure that he's clean. 👍

Who is Steve? The guy who's signing up here or is this someone else?
Rolo - Steve is someone else. ;)

I had a great race with Skeng and Dustybin today, it was a really good 10 lap battle between the 3 of us, some great racing and clean driving. Thanks guys. 👍
He could become a reserve Stig. At least he can then jump in when he's able to, hopefully he gets some practice in beforehand though just to ensure that he's clean. 👍
dw, I've known him for many years (before GT5's release) and played many games together online, he's clean and fair from what I've seen
but I'll ask him to sign up to gtp and join us in a few tests to see if he'll be ok for btcc
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:lol: I watched the replay earlier and I have no idea how you managed to go off. You didn't have dirty tyres and you should have had enough grip.

I blame Stig, he probably left some oil on the track. 👍
I was miles behind, well 3-seconds.

I know exactly what it feels like to be under pressure, even when the gap is large enough, I've often said to myself, 'don't mess up, don't mess up now, just finish'. I would then mess up. :banghead: I keep my cool more these days, I can still crack though, I'm not perfect at all. :(
:lol: I watched the replay earlier and I have no idea how you managed to go off. You didn't have dirty tyres and you should have had enough grip.

I blame Stig, he probably left some oil on the track. 👍
ehh? :confused:

I left oil on track to make down my team mate? lol :lol:

and DW mikey, the races didn't count and you proved you did great from your long lead you had on us till the very end anyway ;) so you did well overall mate

much worse happened to me at nur.GP the previous season where races did matter for points,
kept 4th from start up till the chicane of the last lap, where I went off for no reason and lost 2 places to cptmadbean & rolo :ouch: