Apologies again to
@CptMadBean &
@canyondrifter for race two incidents.
Took a few knocks myself in last two races due to the busy track. I agree with you
@rolo912011 its too narrow for the amount of cars on track. Too easy to knock into one or two cars. Particularly the long curve where even the slightest tap sends the outside car into the wall.
Yeah think I did that long left and gave karsten a tap off track in race 3.
Your fast Gaz but you really need to learn slip stream.
Me Skeng Ian and Canyon will test race and test race and even more test race.
But I think you miss this down to your able times to play the game.
Learn brake early, before the cars in front brake, It can lead to you being faster out the turn.
If that leads to a staight yeah your nose a head come turn it's down to the brakes.
Yes I think I've reported you sorry but I've also reported myself.
When I started this BTCC I was auto gears and on a ds3 pad.
But I was slow, soon took in tips like manuel gears, wow I was slower than I ever was

Took my learning in game and online, just never looked back.
Then I got the g27 wheel it was a lot of learning, tonight race was the first time I ever found the hand brake bottun.
Skeng can do brakes and power, me well I just go off track trying it.
But like no abs I do well not under pressure, my best lap at cape ring was no ABS.
Add Ian Skeng Canyon Dusty in a race I was hope less using no ABS.
I think really I only got GT6 to be hear and to race here, still don't think I've done the game.
You may pick up some more pens m8 just learn from them, the balance to the leaders never easy m8.
Your quick there fast, there set good lap times lap 1 2 3 4 5 and so on, we not AI at the end of the day.
I think Cape Ring Inside is unsuitable for this serie.
That's alright Mad, just please don't chat mid-race, calling me personally too. I got a bit distracted. Look forward to your usual PM đź‘Ť
My usual Pm is what happens in the race, in my veiw it alot of times report myself.
Sorry again for my mid race 2 rant, I just got the hump big time