<- BTCC -> Honda Integra Cup Season 2 - rolo wins a title at the 13th attempt!Finished 

  • Thread starter rolo912011
I feel I do well with throttle control, I've only spun once in BTCC and that was Race 3 at Brands where I accelerated on the grass lol, I don't think I've ever lost control on my own anywhere else.

Also, the last corner is the only corner where I do struggle a little because the car bogs down while I'm accelerating and I lose a good half a second there, it's so annoying.

I think the best way to do it is to see it as a late apex corner so you don't run wide on the exist,

so brake, then turn in right near the end of the (left) entry apex, go slow to get quicker car rotation (but don't loose too much momentum cus you'll end up wheel spinning when you power out) and once you see the late apex that you'll aim to hit, power out towards it 👍
give it a try mate

I seem to be doing okay on the corner exit. I'm loosing time on the entry, I'm scrubbing off too much speed in the braking zone because the car has more grip available than I think it has. :banghead: I need to take a bravery pill.

what are your times like so far Ian? :confused:

Jeremy Clarkson's "bravery pill"
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I wish that I was sandbagging. :(

I had the same issue last time we did the Honda one-make. Without tuning I'm a sitting duck. :lol:
The story on weak or real draft.

I'm a little lost with it all really, me Ian and skeng -30bhp tested one 6 lap race on real.
It seemed we dropped Ian till I braked on the wrong marker for turn 6 again!

But on real I don't think skeng with the -30bhp had a hope in hell in passing me.
I could brake a little sooner and just out power him, he did try and did his tyres in.
Plus less bhp did mean a little less wheel spin for him.

Ian saying if it's set to real there be big gaps in the field.
We all like racing close yes but now I'm a little more losted.

Lets say running Real may push other drivers in to more errors in the need to be closer for the real draft.
Or are drivers taking to much risk in the out braking done down to weak draft setting?

Well me not going to be there test night.

So I'm just going to vote on maybe give Real draft a run, see what happens.

Well just my vote as me not there test night
I wish that I was sandbagging. :(

I had the same issue last time we did the Honda one-make. Without tuning I'm a sitting duck. :lol:

Just got to trust your driving skill m8, drivers getting real close lap times.
With times so close maybe Rolo will need to post points up on a Sunday.

As in a lot of cases car or cars behind you will be the cars in front come a good staight.

I do like Fuji as a track but as engine going to peak on the straights maybe it should be dropped?
Without tuning I know for a fact that I stand a chance because I've been told many times that I'm quick, one time I was called 'ballistically quick'. :D
Biggest thing was great vid and all that.
But who was first..?

Ian lol

Plus I was not slow and holding all up, there where all in my draft and that made me hit the wall lol
Thing with real draft is I don't think the success penalty would work with it.

Real draft in itself would make reverse grid races hard enough for the faster guys to come through. But my argument has always been why would we still need to rely on unrealistic draft to get close racing. If just feels artificial and I'm not very fun. At least with real draft you can defend your place up a long straight as a posed to just getting passed no matter what you do. Which has led to some questionable weaving tactics etc.

Just adding my 2 cents 👍.
^^ With the success penalty, real draft is going to be a killer, the races will also be nothing more than a procession and that's just plain boring. The other concern I have, is when we've spent 5 laps trying to overtake the car ahead without success, will we be more likely to make a lunge up the inside?

I'm also going to feel sorry for anyone that isn't a naturally quick driver that manages to win a race with the reverse grid. There final race will be starting from the back, -30hp, real draft and no hope of making any progress unless there happens to be an incident..... That's not fun.

Real draft is great when you're in the lead and if you intend on leading races regularly. ;)

I'd rather have some fun please.
Maybe the penalties need to be revised .

Its hard to say much because of lack of testing so far .

Weak draft is overpowered though , i can just stick behind a car til the last lap then go for it on the final straight and beat them at the line .

My concern is a car with penalty will just be a sitting duck on weak draft
Well we test soon so that will have an answer...

In gt300 we race 300ish hp cars and a Pp over 30hps starts to be a big concern (and that is about 10% of total) we also race 1:30 mins on real draft.

The faster stay on top and fight for win, slower ones are closer to victory; we usually have btcc gaps from position to position after a way longer race.

We just use qualy b4 race with pp in them and we race longher so 1st or last corners crashes never happen.

I guess heavy hp penalty+reverse grid may be too much on real draft?

Btw skeng are u joining us tonight?
DS3 with auto.

I think the last honda cup was where I changed to man trans.
Going man trans lets you come out of bends a gear higher meaning less wheel spin.

I used L1 gear down R1 gear up.
L2 brake and R2 thottle.

Once you learn driving with a manual trans your find going back to auto hard.
I still make the odd manual mistakes, like change down to quick and have the engine peaking when trying to go round a bend!
But your start learning to use the gears.
Some bends like you in the right gear going into a bend, as it helps the car turn in.
Then upping a gear coming out smooth the power out.
Then some bends car smoother just in a gear higher in and out of a bend.

Many bends your find higher speed round them staying in the gear higher.
Take big wheel at willow the long right, turn 2 I think.
your lose 2 to 4 mph going into the right gear.

If you pick to try manual trans, get a lot of test work done.
Race AI offline and just join any online rooms, don't just try and learn it in one car.
You need to train your mind till going up and down gears sort of auto to you.

It don't happen in a few races.
I run in car cockpit view I did try running the view where you look back over the car.
Found that view hard as I could not hear your engine.

Only one thing I can't do now days and that's use the hand brake.
I just can't pick up changing gear and steering plus hand brake, gets me in a right old mess trying.

And it even worse on a wheel trying it as I can never find the button lol.

Give Manual a go m8, just remember it going to take a few weeks to get sort of use to it.

If a about I'll try and help but there little help I can give, it's something your mind and fingers need to pick up on.
My concern is a car with penalty will just be a sitting duck on weak draft
It worked fine last time though. 👍 The whole idea of the success penalty is to give us different winners throughout the season, spreading the glory and letting others have a shot at the podium. At least with weak draft there are opportunities for this to happen and I for one would welcome some different winners for a change, people race because they want to win, so let's give them a chance.

Last season must have been frustrating for quite a few people, Skeng, Canyon and I would carve our way through the field and then run away. It shouldn't be possible this time and if we do still manage to get ahead, hopefully the draft will keep everyone in with a chance. Racing is fun, but honestly, we all want some glory.

I've tried real draft and it was boring as anything. Canyon and I usually have great battles, but on real draft we were playing 'follow the leader'. Its not exciting.

I totally agree that the weak setting isn't realistic, but at least it isn't boring and it's not the stupid 'strong' setting either that people use in random lobbies.
I think the last honda cup was where I changed to man trans.
Going man trans lets you come out of bends a gear higher meaning less wheel spin.

I used L1 gear down R1 gear up.
L2 brake and R2 thottle.
When I was using the DS3, I always used manual transmission, I found that it gave me much greater car control and better corner exit too as I got to choose what gear I wanted.

I ran two different configs on my controller, initially I had:

L2 - gear down
R2 - gear up
Right tumbstick up - throttle
Right thumbstick down - brake

This worked well for me, but I wasn't able to do the equivalent of left foot braking and trail braking. So I changed my config and this is the one that I used when I first joined the BTCC.

L2 - Brake
R2 - Throttle
Right thumbstick up - Gear UP
Right thumbstick down _ Gear Down

The above enabled me to overlap both the throttle and the brake if needed, I also had a decent amount of throttle control too.

The biggest obstacle is the mental one. :lol: Having to think about the corner apex and throttle and brake input is challenging on some circuits. Add into that having to get the correct gears and it becomes more difficult.

CptMadBean is spot on... Changing gears needs to become second nature, a natural reaction and that takes time. There is no miracle answer here, just listen to the engine and watch your rpm. Don't change down too early otherwise you'll hit the rev limiter (I sometimes still do this now) and listen out for your engine, once you know what it sounds like, you'll never look at the rpm much at all.

Rolo uses an Auto transmission, he finishes 4th a lot. :P Actually I don't know how Rolo can be so fast using Auto. :lol:
I agree that with Ian the "real" draft is boring.. With evenly matched cars it's not so bad but with a 30 bhp drop its nigh on impossible to overtake without a desperate dan dive... And even when you do get past unless you are overly aggressive with your defence they will just zip past ya again.. Yet on the "weak" you can as skeng said allow the leader to use up his tires trying to get away and save yours for the final laps... I've yet to try the penalty with more than just 2 cars and look forward to test night to see just how well I can do running 30 bhp less.. Ian and I had a great race yesterday around Suzuka as we both tried the penalty and we were both staying with eachother regardless on weak. So personally I think weak is the way to go to keep it a close field... And real would be like a double handicap to all but a few of us...
Well we test soon so that will have an answer...

In gt300 we race 300ish hp cars and a Pp over 30hps starts to be a big concern (and that is about 10% of total) we also race 1:30 mins on real draft.

The faster stay on top and fight for win, slower ones are closer to victory; we usually have btcc gaps from position to position after a way longer race.

We just use qualy b4 race with pp in them and we race longher so 1st or last corners crashes never happen.

I guess heavy hp penalty+reverse grid may be too much on real draft?

Btw skeng are u joining us tonight?

I still have 3 more rounds of another series to complete so my next 3 mondays are taken .