<- BTCC -> Renault Megane Trophy - Skeng wins his fourth title!Finished 

  • Thread starter rolo912011
Hello friends, got nothing to do today so I'll be online practicing for awhile. Room # 1472-6118-4130-9220-7538 Room closed
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ah whats going on, i keep missing posts for this and GT300 because it wont give me alerts. so i have some answers lol
@CptMadBean yeah m8, 100% accident ;) lool poor Hayden, but it's ok as i really dont like pedrosa :(
As for Karsten, he is still racing but he's quite busy with his GT300 series. i did some testing with him yesterday. He doesn't seem too keen on the car, but he said he'd be racing.
Lap times, i am hitting mid-high 42's but my PB is 42.2, any good?
I will not be making the race on the 9th as my work schedule will not permit me in doing so. If work allows me I'll be there otherwise don't expect me. I should able to join the remainder of the races.
Sorry Rolo/quade420

I'm not gonna bother running in this, basically I don't feel I can race 100% safely in this car, I'm not good enough to drive it safely as I have to be 101% at all times or I spin out.

As I'll more than likely be starting at the front most races (Reverse Grid) I'll be with everyone else and I don't want to risk spoiling other peoples championship.

Of course I'm still 100% in BTCC
Sorry Rolo/quade420

I'm not gonna bother running in this, basically I don't feel I can race 100% safely in this car, I'm not good enough to drive it safely as I have to be 101% at all times or I spin out.

As I'll more than likely be starting at the front most races (Reverse Grid) I'll be with everyone else and I don't want to risk spoiling other peoples championship.

Of course I'm still 100% in BTCC

Damn :/ Well OK, if that's what you feel is best mate. Good to see you'll be about for BTCC-7.

I'll promote @adeadsnipermatt to a full-time drive, although I know he won't make next week. If he says he can make all the other weeks then don't see why not to promote him. 👍


I may consider changing the night format a bit. It's way too slow getting these cars checked and the grid done for R1, in my view. Qualifying for Race 1 instead, then reverse for Race 2 and 3?


On @neljack 's request, who is definitely attending next week? @SkengD @canyondrifter @Ian_83 @AudiMan2011 @Glenalz81 @DirtyNurbKing58 @CptMadBean @azidahaka @powwa25 @Aivo @quade420 @xStretch- @Third Reign
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Sorry all me had a little to much to drink tonight.
Rolo did you change things in race 2?

I lost racing map and gear high light?
Pressed all my buttons and went off track 3 times (in lap 1) and then hit the balls to it.

Not sure what happed in race 2, I know I did nothing.
But also sure you can't change things like that.

Well did good come out of today?
Oh yeah I goto BT 80mb broadband on the 17th of Jan.
Plus still on virgin with there super hub 2 plus going from 120mb bb to 150mb bb soon.

But BT should be the gaming broadband for me, Virgin just have 17:00 to 20:00 down times plus there old lines.
Give me at beat 2 jitter, thats there best 0 jitter is what gamers really want.

So I keep virgin for down streaming tv/flims.
BT will be for gaming, new in area means new lines no jitter ;)
Sorry Rolo/quade420

I'm not gonna bother running in this, basically I don't feel I can race 100% safely in this car, I'm not good enough to drive it safely as I have to be 101% at all times or I spin out.

As I'll more than likely be starting at the front most races (Reverse Grid) I'll be with everyone else and I don't want to risk spoiling other peoples championship.

Of course I'm still 100% in BTCC

Balls come to mind, your a good driver m8.
This car not that hard to driver really, but you need to understand rolo users real grip in all races.
Ok tyres my make it harder, you just need to brake sooner really.

I'm not telling you how to drive m8, your better than me
Sorry Rolo/quade420

I'm not gonna bother running in this, basically I don't feel I can race 100% safely in this car, I'm not good enough to drive it safely as I have to be 101% at all times or I spin out.

As I'll more than likely be starting at the front most races (Reverse Grid) I'll be with everyone else and I don't want to risk spoiling other peoples championship.

Of course I'm still 100% in BTCC

Huh? :crazy: I thought you were doing fine mate I watched your battle with Rolo when I was taking the pictures ;)
Truly awesome stuff guys. I'm excited about this series. Will probably do some laps at Indy later if anyone is interested
I know there's a few guys who feel like they're struggling with the car, which is totally understandable we all have our strengths and weakness with games 👍. Just give next week a try and see what happens at best, racing the best way to learn and may help in future series to come, I'm sure for many of us this is out first GT6 series :)
I know there's a few guys who feel like they're struggling with the car, which is totally understandable we all have our strengths and weakness with games 👍. Just give next week a try and see what happens at best, racing the best way to learn and may help in future series to come, I'm sure for many of us this is out first GT6 series :)
Exactly. The learning curve with this car is steep but to me that's part of the appeal. Personally if I can just finish the races without making mistakes and wrecking anyone out I'll be happy.
I will definitely be attending next week. Had a black screen on Race 1 so I couldn't take the start, then retaliated with 2nd in Race 2. The car is tricky to drive but that's because it demands a complete recalibration of how you're supposed to drive.
Ha, But yeah I feel kinda bad as I let you both down.

Fuji was actually better than Motegi for me, i was running pretty much constant 45s and finished 30 odd seconds behind but only cause I had a moment on lap 11 or 12 so lost 8-10s.

Like I said tho, i just don't think I can run at a level I want lap after lap and I don't want to be responsible for any accidents.
Photos and stuff, from races 1 and 3. :)





@SkengD gets it a little wrong.....;)


I make sure to go one better....with a ghost in the smoke @quade420 ;)
