Bubbling noises in Winamp

  • Thread starter donbenni
Anyone have the problem where you listen to mp3s on winamp and you can hear popping and bubbling in the background? It's really annoying, but fortunately doesn't effect mp3s in Jukebox, but whenever i convert mp3 to wav in Real (to create cds) the bubbling gets encoded into the wav files! :mad:

Anyone know any reason for this or any possible way of fixing it?

It's either one of these that is the problem:

1. Your sound card sucks.

2. The frequency is to high for your speakers.

3. Your mp3 files are low quality.

4. You don't have enough CPU resources to play the mp3 files.

5. Bad cables between your speakers and sound card.
Things mess up. iTunes occasionally messes up when encoding a song, and I have to re-rip that song. No biggie. If it's happening in more than say 1 out of every 20 songs, then there are issues.
You suck at explaining stuff kidenq :lol: I think the problem is my soundcard thanks Viper. it's built into the motherboard :embarrassed: Looking into getting the Fortissimo 7
Yeah, that's it. Onboard sound isn't very good. The Fortissimo is a good card, it has 7.1 Dolby Digital.
Yeah onboard sound sucks. I use to have a motherboard that had video and sound onboard. God that blowed. I couldnt play the first unreal tournament on it.

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