The GTP ''All Musicians Collaborate'' Thread! Calling all GTP Musicians!Music 

  • Thread starter DonJo76
We've basically got a song started. We have the genera layout with rythym and lead sections but not much in the way of vocals. @Skython has it all It inputted into his computer.
We've basically got a song started. We have the genera layout with rhythm and lead sections but not much in the way of vocals. @Skython has it all It inputted into his computer.

To add extra I was playing around with it afterwards. Made a few minor changes and added a make-shift bass line. Can't figure out the chords for the second half of the chorus though. All my ideas don't work with the vocal melody. I added a few higher notes for the acoustic guitar just before the solo. They don't interrupt the other guitar but they help balance between the low and high ranges. I'll show you next time. :D
To add extra I was playing around with it afterwards. Made a few minor changes and added a make-shift bass line. Can't figure out the chords for the second half of the chorus though. All my ideas don't work with the vocal melody. I added a few higher notes for the acoustic guitar just before the solo. They don't interrupt the other guitar but they help balance between the low and high ranges. I'll show you next time. :D
Awesome. Did you get the lyrics I sent?
@ell470 Okay.., time 4 some action, going to try a little solo myself on the a and b part of this track.
Figuring out the changes right now and will submit my recording before the weekend.
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@ell470 Okay.., time 4 some action, going to try a little solo myself on the a and b part of this track.
Figuring out the changes right now and will submit my recording before the weekend.

Sweet! Can't wait! :)


While I was waiting for something fun to happen with this project & this thread I recorded a cover, just for fun & for trying out some new gear I've bought.

(Link removed awaiting remix)

Tell me what you think :)

New gear: AMT Electronics P1 & Schecter C7 Hellraiser.

ps. @DonJo76 How's that solo coming along? ;)
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Hi guys!

Any progress on the song?

I've kind of put everything on hold at the moment since I accidently found my soul mate & spends every waking moment with her.

Anyway, I just wanted to check if anyone is interested in putting down a nice guitar solo on a metal song I'm writing, my fingers are to slow :)

No hurry, I haven't even begun recording yet.
@Oni91 @ell470 Sorry for my absence guys, 2 weeks to go and than i have a week of from work, so i can back to this little project.
Been busy with selling my house in this lousy economy, so please be patient!
And btw.., so much people talking about how cool it would be to start a project like this for 5 years, and none of them responded, so are those people not on gtplanet anymore or ....
Hey guys & girls!! i'm seriously disappointed in every single one of you!! Now it's a new year & new possibilites!! Let's make this freaking track rock!!

Tell me if I can do anything more :)

I play violin, but not professionally or anything. I have no good recording equipment, however, unless you consider an iPad video adequate. :P