Actions of a person that should be judged and not the clothing they are wearing.
Completely agree with this one sentence.
Any judgment of an individual based on them belonging to a group is wrong.
Never understood this private discussion.
e.g. I'm standing in the street at a money machine => I need to take my helmet off. I'm not on private property, I'm on the street.
Quite convinced that there is some rule on general service and that blocking people out of banks and shops is difficult.
So why do we need to identify them in public?
Totally different attitude in the UK and US then in most of Europe.
I'm brought up that when I'm walking on the street and do not have my papers with me I can be put in jail for this, we even needed to have a minimum amount of money on us in the past.
Identification of people is of highest importance to attribute responsibility.
As for the argument that it is to make us safe, well that is total nonsense.
It is a matter of appreciation, you do not believe in it.
I'm not convinced how you want to create safety.
We need only to identify someone who has carried out an act that requires we know who they are and that has nothing to do with if they are wearing a Burqa or a Barney the Dinosaur head.
You kill your own arguments here, if I see on a camera your face and not a Burqa or Barney the Dinosaur identification will be a lot easier.
Your convinced me your want a ban against "Barney the Dinosaur", guess what this is already included in the legislation we are talking about. Neat not!
Did any of the people involved in 9/11, Madrid or London mask their face? No, not at all, so exactly how this will make us more secure and safer is beyond me.
There is more in life then terrorism, but these 3 examples might be difficult to fight with any laws.
Read it, trust me its worth it.
Very quick scan and indeed a very good read! I'll take more time for it later.
It states for example:
Short-term tactical successes can actually have a negative impact on the longterm strategy to defeat or eliminate the terrorist threat and may even reinvigorate the terrorist movement if the use of force is disproportionate.
Maybe Politicians should think about society and not their votes, but that is yet another aspect of policy making.
Of course, on the issue of a burqa, that same declaration guarantees the freedom of religion and "to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance." (article 18). Seems to me like banning the wearing of a burqa (as an observance or practice of the Muslim faith) conflicts with that.
As stated before, as soon as you make laws you will contradict yourself.
Safety for the one, religious practice for the other.
But no one is arguing for civil disobedience by breaking the rules, so why bring it up?
I do believe this is leading a separate life:
1) Rules in Europe you do not cover your face = obay, do not wear a Burqa
2) Rules in US do not go topless = obay, put a top on
3) Rules in Indonesia cover your arms = obay, put a long sleaved t-shirt on
Just to put it to the level of redicule that I'm used to in Belgium.
Just as example:
I declare myself god of vince_fieroism a new religion. (this post is proof of my religion).
My religion has one rule: "Clothing is a waste of resources, your skin is sufficient to protect you, do not wear clothing".
Now I go naked on a world tour to spread my word: I will be arrested in most countries. All I did was "manifest my religion in practice".
I fail to see the difference with the Burqa.
So again: There are laws in countries to defend the human rights of the population, and when you are there "Live by the rules!".
So what we really need is a proof that in the European context a law that forbids covering your face is useless.
Conclusion till now, Europeans think it is not useless.
The quick scan of the :
Understanding Terrorism Lessons of the Past - Indicators for the Future
did not give any points on this either.