Bush has lost any of the respect I previously had for him!

  • Thread starter Max Powers
Originally posted by space
Has anyone else wondered what Bush's approval rating would be if 9/11 didn't happen?

Ever wonder that maybe he let it happen because of this?

What's worse is not wehther he did or didn't but that the idea that he could have is plausable.

And GW Bush's approval rating is still at 66% - fairly high.
Yes I agree that the idea is worse.
I can just hear the discussion in the Oval Office.
"Let's let terrorist kill 5000 Americans so people will like me."
Yeah I'm sure that happened.
Why not? Think about it; war almost always increases popularity ratings. Consider also the amount of information regarding terrorist threats leading up to 9/11. Now, consider that in most terrorist action this country as seen, less than 100 people have died. I can see it being a very easy decision for someone in power to let 100 people go in order to keep the people in the country 'happy'. There's no way Bush or anyone else knew these guys were going to fly planes into those buildings and kill 3000 people. But did you see Bush's face when he was in that elementary classrom and someone told him what happened? One interpretation of his expression could be 'smug'.

But again, whether or not that happened is not the real point. The point is, this can actually be brought up and argued without it seems entirely implausable. WHich says quite a bit about the current administration.
i read the fbi had information about it a few days before.

and a fbi agent alert about the all musulmans the taking class of aviation (i know this is not a crime)

but since i saw the memo from the agent on the tv. (i think were a few)

i'm not saying fbi let that happend,but they had a few information about it.(what do you spect they saying"sorry we hear about it but not put attention to the alerts")

and GB don't knew about it (so he did'nt let them make nothing) but yes he's taking advantage about that.

btw did you knew the bombs us use on aganistan will keep on the aganistan area killing peolpe for the next 300 years (is some king of chemical or so)

i dont't wanna start a arge,i just wanna show my point of view.
Originally posted by Talentless
Do any of you care that your leftist rambles are causing me stress? I may develop an ulcer. Actually, I think I already have one, but you aren't helping.

Just to balance things out (since we've heard so much leftist trash):

Tim McVeigh was right.
Ted Kennedy should get hit by a bus.
Minorities need to be outlawed.
Import cars suck.
Nuke the whales.
I served in the U.S. Coast Guard for 44 years and now I own a LeSabre.
Big business 0wnz0rz j00.
Import cars suck.
Big government 0wnz0rz j00.
Abortion is wrong because all children inside women are clearly fully functioning humans.
Import cars suck.
I'm buying 2,388 more acres to add on to my 32,383 acre ranch in Oklahoma.
Tony Blankley 0wnz0rz j00.
Import cars suck.
The Washington Times and Fox News Channel are on my speed dial, somehow.
I'm afraid of technology.
Import cars suck.
Bill Frist is a great man. Not only did he go to Princeton and Harvard, but the recent government fraud charge brought against his company was for less than $1 bn.

Is than enough right-wing propaganda to even it out, Talentless?
Be my guest to attack any party you want. Or simply criticize.

Just to balance things out (since we've heard so much leftist trash):

Tim McVeigh was right.

By some definition, yes. But no one implied terrorism was leftist exclusive. And no one said rambles are not said by the right. Do you have a point?

Ted Kennedy should get hit by a bus.

I certainly do not think so. I know I would not vote for him. Besides, the eople of Massachusetts may just elect a copy of the man. Why bother? Death brings sympathy. Some vote based on looks.

Minorities need to be outlawed.

Sorry, that class warfare attempt lacks style.

Import cars suck.

did not know that was a right wing position. Are we into absolutes? I wonder if conservatives drive Benzes.

Nuke the whales.

But it would cause such a stench and make all the minority kids cry.

I served in the U.S. Coast Guard for 44 years and now I own a LeSabre.

I wish I knew what that means

Big business 0wnz0rz j00.

Right wingers are not cool enough to speak such "interesting" slang. Am I suppose to hate big business? Where is the love?

Import cars suck.

Saying that the right is repetitive, are you?
Saying that the right is repetitive, are you?
Saying that the right is repetitive, are you?

Big government 0wnz0rz j00.

I would say you have the parties reversed, but both do it. The nice thing is that one does not need a special occasion.

Abortion is wrong because all children inside women are clearly fully functioning humans.

I am not going to involve myself in that one.

Import cars suck.

Ok. I will ask. Import cars suck what?

I'm buying 2,388 more acres to add on to my 32,383 acre ranch in Oklahoma.

Someone able to afford to plans to expand his ranch. Since you have not said he is rubbing his wealth directly in anyone's face, poor or otherwise, what is your point?

Tony Blankley 0wnz0rz j00.

I have rarely read his column. I generally read what is in the papers I get. I have nothing to say about him that would be based on a fair analysis of his views, since I can only guess at what they.

Import cars suck.

Third times a charm. That is a fourth time. You are no longer charming.

The Washington Times and Fox News Channel are on my speed dial, somehow.

Am I supposed to invent speed dial tv? I would have guessed that programmable remotes exist that can change to pe selected channels.

I'm afraid of technology.

Guns fall under technology. The right generaly loves guns. Besides, how could the holy Washington Times' staf make it to work and function well enough to send out their brilliant message.

Import cars suck.

5 dollars?

Bill Frist is a great man. Not only did he go to Princeton and Harvard, but the recent government fraud charge brought against his company was for less than $1 bn.

I have not heard about this. He is also said to be a philanthropist. But since there is no such thing as a Republican with a heart, his backers will surely defend his character with your example of his good character instead.

Is than enough right-wing propaganda to even it out, Talentless?

Actually, I feel gypped.
I truly feel sorry for all of the people who have to make things into an 'us vs. them' situation. It must be scary thinking there are so many people who are totally against you in a competing political party.

And here I thought people just believed in what they believed in, instead of subscribing to someone else's idea of what's right and wrong.
Originally posted by Talentless

By some definition, yes. But no one implied terrorism was leftist exclusive. And no one said rambles are not said by the right. Do you have a point?

Tim McVeigh was far-right, not 'leftist exclusive.'

I certainly do not think so. I know I would not vote for him. Besides, the eople of Massachusetts may just elect a copy of the man. Why bother? Death brings sympathy. Some vote based on looks.

Fine, his policies should get hit by a bus according to the right.

Sorry, that class warfare attempt lacks style.

The Republicans have exactly zero racial minorities in all of Congress, not to mention the fact that one of their party leaders is a racist.

did not know that was a right wing position. Are we into absolutes? I wonder if conservatives drive Benzes.

Every Republican I know has an American car. Look at the two board Republicans, you (Firebird fan) and rjensen11 (look at his signature).

But it would cause such a stench and make all the minority kids cry.

:lol: Err.. I'm not sure if that smiley still exists. :lol: :lol:

I wish I knew what that means

The only people like that are right-wing.

Right wingers are not cool enough to speak such "interesting" slang. Am I suppose to hate big business? Where is the love?

True. I should've not only not used 1337 speak, but I should've not used any contractions. :lol: And as a Republican, you're supposed to love big business.

I would say you have the parties reversed, but both do it. The nice thing is that one does not need a special occasion.

The Department of Homeland Security is big government (huge government), so I gave a point to the Republicans for it.

Ok. I will ask. Import cars suck what?

Japanese cars.

Someone able to afford to plans to expand his ranch. Since you have not said he is rubbing his wealth directly in anyone's face, poor or otherwise, what is your point?

Fine, I'll edit it to 'With my new expansion, I'm involved in bulldozing several housing centers for poor minority families.'

I have rarely read his column. I generally read what is in the papers I get. I have nothing to say about him that would be based on a fair analysis of his views, since I can only guess at what they.

In all seriousness, I think he is one of the most knowledgeable men in Washington. He's often right-wing, sometimes blindly so, but he is also usually very careful and precise, and truly smart. Five stars.

Third times a charm. That is a fourth time. You are no longer charming.

It isn't the fifth? Damn.

Am I supposed to invent speed dial tv? I would have guessed that programmable remotes exist that can change to pe selected channels.

I think so. On my TV, some weird channel lineup comes up and displays my favourites. Fox News is on it. :D

Guns fall under technology. The right generaly loves guns. Besides, how could the holy Washington Times' staf make it to work and function well enough to send out their brilliant message.

Guns do not fall under technology, guns are a hobby for "them."

I have not heard about this. He is also said to be a philanthropist. But since there is no such thing as a Republican with a heart, his backers will surely defend his character with your example of his good character instead.

Yeah, he's a good smart guy too, plus he takes yearly trips to Ethiopia for researching and curing diseases in Africa. Pres. Bush calls him 'Fristy.' I swear.
"Tim McVeigh was far-right, not 'leftist exclusive."

You misread my statement, or my grammar stinks. My intent was to give an admittance, one which does not bother me to give, that the right is too guilty of propaganda. By saying that terrorism is not only a left wing thing, I was trying to say it is on the right, too. But I do believe that the separate sentence on right wing rambling caused confusion, inplying that I was talking about the left and then the right. At all times I was intending to admit to the right's guilt.

"Fine, his policies should get hit by a bus according to the right."

Well, better to attack policy than person.

"The Republicans have exactly zero racial minorities in all of Congress, not to mention the fact that one of their party leaders is a racist."

You do realize that until Watts formally retires that is incorrect, right? Has he?

"Every Republican I know has an American car. Look at the two board Republicans, you (Firebird fan) and rjensen11 (look at his signature)."

So? I would assume most peoples are attracted to those closest to them in race and ethnicity. Are they all haters? And you may want to search my posts. I am not a Republican. I do lean conservative, and I prefer republican (note the lower case r in republican) government.

"The only people like that are right-wing."

So? Is that a negative or positive?

"True. I should've not only not used 1337 speak, but I should've not used any contractions. :lol: And as a Republican, you're supposed to love big business."

I do not hate unless driven to. I am a saint, you sinner.

"The Department of Homeland Security is big government (huge government), so I gave a point to the Republicans for it."

Yep it is. It is also said to have been a Democrat party idea first, but as far as which party is more to blame, and whether or not the earlier Democrat version would have been given us a smaller department or not, I cannot say.

"Japanese cars."


"Fine, I'll edit it to 'With my new expansion, I'm involved in bulldozing several housing centers for poor minority families."

Well now that fits. Booo! The rancher sucks. You know, Like "Japanese cars."

"In all seriousness, I think he is one of the most knowledgeable men in Washington. He's often right-wing, sometimes blindly so, but he is also usually very careful and precise, and truly smart. Five stars."

If you say so.

"It isn't the fifth? Damn."

I may have screwed up. Thanks to leftist-controllof education.

"I think so. On my TV, some weird channel lineup comes up and displays my favourites. Fox News is on it. :D"


"Guns do not fall under technology, guns are a hobby for "them."

Based on my reading of the definition, they do.

"Yeah, he's a good smart guy too, plus he takes yearly trips to Ethiopia for researching and curing diseases in Africa. Pres. Bush calls him 'Fristy.' I swear."

Fristy? Fristy the cat?
Originally posted by Talentless

You misread my statement, or my grammar stinks. My intent was to give an admittance, one which does not bother me to give, that the right is too guilty of propaganda. By saying that terrorism is not only a left wing thing, I was trying to say it is on the right, too. But I do believe that the separate sentence on right wing rambling caused confusion, inplying that I was talking about the left and then the right. At all times I was intending to admit to the right's guilt.

No, no... that time you were rambling.

Well, better to attack policy than person.

Not for all people.

You do realize that until Watts formally retires that is incorrect, right? Has he?

Yes, his last congress was the 107th which ended a week or so ago, so he's retired from Republican public office in Oklahoma.

So? I would assume most peoples are attracted to those closest to them in race and ethnicity. Are they all haters? And you may want to search my posts. I am not a Republican. I do lean conservative, and I prefer republican (note the lower case r in republican) government.

Fine, you're a 'conservative,' which is a fancy word for 'Registered Republican who votes non-Republican occaisionally.' What's the difference for you?

So? Is that a negative or positive?

I'm not trying to make it sound negative or positive, I'm just trying to generalise as much as I can.

I do not hate unless driven to. I am a saint, you sinner.

Oh, sure, sure. You don't hate big business because of your potent sainthood. :P

Yep it is. It is also said to have been a Democrat party idea first,

Absurd. Who says that? I want their throat.

Well now that fits. Booo! The rancher sucks. You know, Like "Japanese cars."

The rancher sounds like a nice guy; he likes his acreage, that's all.

I may have screwed up. Thanks to leftist-controllof education.

Yeah, the damn left wing tries to put subliminal messages in between all the numbers... 1 {Watch CNN} ... 2 {we give tax breaks on the Toyota Prius} ... 3 {Taxation without Representation} ... It's so much it can make you lose count.

Fristy? Fristy the cat?

Fristy the cat? Whose cat is that?
Originally posted by Talentless
Does that include Jordan?
Well, I couldn't answer that one really because there are more than one Jordan in the world.

I don't hold a grudge against all Americans. Just American politicians and stuff. They make it out that America is the best country and nothing else compares to, etc. So do a lot of normal American citizens. They think themselves the best. I think America deserves everything the get in my opinion. If you people weren't so far up yourselves then I wouldn't hold a grudge against your type.
You dislike some Americans because they are arrogant, with out making a contention that the policies leading to their sufferage were wrong, with out proving their perception of themselves as the direct cause of bad policy? Does American arrogance cause civil wars in Africa; ecomomic instability in South America? Arrogance in behavior can cause that, but is an arrogant self perception always equally guilty?

If you are contending that murder is justified because of arrogant perceptions alone, I would like to know what I should conclude about your reasoning?
Originally posted by B Campbell
Why not? Think about it; war almost always increases popularity ratings. Consider also the amount of information regarding terrorist threats leading up to 9/11. Now, consider that in most terrorist action this country as seen, less than 100 people have died. I can see it being a very easy decision for someone in power to let 100 people go in order to keep the people in the country 'happy'. There's no way Bush or anyone else knew these guys were going to fly planes into those buildings and kill 3000 people. But did you see Bush's face when he was in that elementary classrom and someone told him what happened? One interpretation of his expression could be 'smug'.

But again, whether or not that happened is not the real point. The point is, this can actually be brought up and argued without it seems entirely implausable. WHich says quite a bit about the current administration.

I imagine it could happen but I think it was more likely to happen umder Clintons administration than the current one. Of course I doubt Clinton would have been bright enough to come up with any sort of plan on his own.
Originally posted by Talentless
You dislike some Americans because they are arrogant, with out making a contention that the policies leading to their sufferage were wrong, with out proving their perception of themselves as the direct cause of bad policy? Does American arrogance cause civil wars in Africa; ecomomic instability in South America? Arrogance in behavior can cause that, but is an arrogant self perception always equally guilty?

If you are contending that murder is justified because of arrogant perceptions alone, I would like to know what I should conclude about your reasoning?
I am not 100% sure what you mean by that. I just dislike Americans (not all might I add) because they think themselves higher than any other race of people. America is the richest country in the world so they believe that they are the best. I suppose 9/11 tought them a leason in some ways. That lower races can still scar a huge civlization.
Originally posted by Eddy
I am not 100% sure what you mean by that. I just dislike Americans (not all might I add) because they think themselves higher than any other race of people. America is the richest country in the world so they believe that they are the best. I suppose 9/11 tought them a leason in some ways. That lower races can still scar a huge civlization.

Now let me tell you something.

I, as an American, do not believe I am the best. I have many friends and a wonderful girlfriend who feel the exact same way. So let me ask you something: If concievably so many Americans like me feel that we aren't the best, where do citizens of other countries get the notion that Americans feel this way? Perhaps it has something to do with the way the other countries perceive America, rather than the other way around. Think about it. ;)
Originally posted by M5Power
Now let me tell you something.

I, as an American, do not believe I am the best. I have many friends and a wonderful girlfriend who feel the exact same way. So let me ask you something: If concievably so many Americans like me feel that we aren't the best, where do citizens of other countries get the notion that Americans feel this way? Perhaps it has something to do with the way the other countries perceive America, rather than the other way around. Think about it. ;)

I agree. I don't think that I as an American am the best just because I am an American and I don't think I know anyone who does.
I think there is misconception in other countries that we feel this way. Possibly because of their media and government propaganda.. (who knows) I do feel it's very popular to hate Americans right now.
Even though I don't feel I am better than anyone else because of where I was born I do feel I was fortunate to be born here.
I love this country even though I don't always agree with some of the policies set forth by our government. If it's arrogant to love your country then you can label me arrogant.
You, as Americans, will obviously disagree and stick up for yourselfs. If you weren't American and were living in a different country you'd understand.
Originally posted by Eddy
You, as Americans, will obviously disagree and stick up for yourselfs. If you weren't American and were living in a different country you'd understand.

And if you lived in America you would understand.
Originally posted by Eddy
You, as Americans, will obviously disagree and stick up for yourselfs. If you weren't American and were living in a different country you'd understand.

So are you conceding that the reason Americans are called arrogant is because that's how other countries perceive America, rather than the other way around?
Originally posted by DGB454
I think there is misconception in other countries that we feel this way. Possibly because of their media and government propaganda.. (who knows) I do feel it's very popular to hate Americans right now.
Even though I don't feel I am better than anyone else because of where I was born I do feel I was fortunate to be born here.
I love this country even though I don't always agree with some of the policies set forth by our government. If it's arrogant to love your country then you can label me arrogant.

I agree that it's pretty popular to dislike America and Americans. This doesn't make it right or wrong, though. However, blind faith is just that.

I think you're also right that there is quite a bit of misconception of Americans in other countries. I know many people in many other countries, and many of them have had run-ins with arrogant Americans but the vast majority understand that most Americans are not like that.

Yet, there is this misconception, and it came from somewhere. We need to find out why it exists and see what we can do about it.
Originally posted by B Campbell
the vast majority understand that most Americans are not like that.

I don't agree. I think the vast majority believe that the vast majority of Americans are ignorant, arrogant pigs.
Originally posted by M5Power
I don't agree. I think the vast majority believe that the vast majority of Americans are ignorant, arrogant pigs.

Like I said, I know many people in many areas of the world. Perhaps I just know the more intelligent people, or we've had different experiences. However, it's been my experience that, even though many 'foreigners' have had bad run-ins with Americans, they've also meet many good Americans so they understand that there's always a rotten apple in the bunch.
Originally posted by M5Power
Now let me tell you something.

I, as an American, do not believe I am the best. I have many friends and a wonderful girlfriend who feel the exact same way. So let me ask you something: If concievably so many Americans like me feel that we aren't the best, where do citizens of other countries get the notion that Americans feel this way? Perhaps it has something to do with the way the other countries perceive America, rather than the other way around. Think about it. ;)

Man, do we hate America since Bush got elected. Let me tell you! :rolleyes:

Although it seems to me that every American I meet is exceptionally kind. Or maybe that's just the kind of people my town attracts.
I am curious, when Europe hears that a centrist or leftist hasn't won the office of President of the U.S., how bad are the screams?

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