"Tim McVeigh was far-right, not 'leftist exclusive."
You misread my statement, or my grammar stinks. My intent was to give an admittance, one which does not bother me to give, that the right is too guilty of propaganda. By saying that terrorism is not only a left wing thing, I was trying to say it is on the right, too. But I do believe that the separate sentence on right wing rambling caused confusion, inplying that I was talking about the left and then the right. At all times I was intending to admit to the right's guilt.
"Fine, his policies should get hit by a bus according to the right."
Well, better to attack policy than person.
"The Republicans have exactly zero racial minorities in all of Congress, not to mention the fact that one of their party leaders is a racist."
You do realize that until Watts formally retires that is incorrect, right? Has he?
"Every Republican I know has an American car. Look at the two board Republicans, you (Firebird fan) and rjensen11 (look at his signature)."
So? I would assume most peoples are attracted to those closest to them in race and ethnicity. Are they all haters? And you may want to search my posts. I am not a Republican. I do lean conservative, and I prefer republican (note the lower case r in republican) government.
"The only people like that are right-wing."
So? Is that a negative or positive?
"True. I should've not only not used 1337 speak, but I should've not used any contractions.
And as a Republican, you're supposed to love big business."
I do not hate unless driven to. I am a saint, you sinner.
"The Department of Homeland Security is big government (huge government), so I gave a point to the Republicans for it."
Yep it is. It is also said to have been a Democrat party idea first, but as far as which party is more to blame, and whether or not the earlier Democrat version would have been given us a smaller department or not, I cannot say.
"Japanese cars."
"Fine, I'll edit it to 'With my new expansion, I'm involved in bulldozing several housing centers for poor minority families."
Well now that fits. Booo! The rancher sucks. You know, Like "Japanese cars."
"In all seriousness, I think he is one of the most knowledgeable men in Washington. He's often right-wing, sometimes blindly so, but he is also usually very careful and precise, and truly smart. Five stars."
If you say so.
"It isn't the fifth? Damn."
I may have screwed up. Thanks to leftist-controllof education.
"I think so. On my TV, some weird channel lineup comes up and displays my favourites. Fox News is on it.
"Guns do not fall under technology, guns are a hobby for "them."
Based on my reading of the definition, they do.
"Yeah, he's a good smart guy too, plus he takes yearly trips to Ethiopia for researching and curing diseases in Africa. Pres. Bush calls him 'Fristy.' I swear."
Fristy? Fristy the cat?