Bush has lost any of the respect I previously had for him!

  • Thread starter Max Powers
Originally posted by Talentless
I am curious, when Europe hears that a centrist or leftist hasn't won the office of President of the U.S., how bad are the screams?

In The Netherlands people were a bit shocked about Bush's election, to say at least. Although I think most Europeans overrate the influence that the US actually has upon the world.
I doubt it. Were richer and militarily stronger, with the capacity to protect, aid, and import greater amounts of a nation's goods than several other nations.
It's not impossible that some states who oppose us may still vote with us just because of the potential damage we can cause. I, for one am not sorry we are so powerful.

'Your little Americanised terms.' Sn00pie makes fun of me when I use them, but sometimes he uses them, like above.
well at least now that republicans are in charge they cant blame the problems they coused on the democrats.

bush is on a power trip plain and simple.
Originally posted by SublimeDood10
It might just be me, but Bush seems to really know how to screw things up. The stock market hit a 4 year low today. All of the selling due to his "war with iraq" crap. Doesn't he realize that he has almost no support?!? You can't win **** if nobody back home cares. It's already been said that Iraq doesn't have the resources to do any damage to us with these so called weapons of mass destruction. Maybe Bush should think about fixing things up back home before he goes and tries to finish his daddy's work. I guess I'm just rambling now, so i'm going to stop.
... and he just lost it then? a few months ago? Jeeze, you held out for him for a LONG time, man! I lost respect and stuff when a little bit after the attacking Afganistan. I mean, destroying all of the caves and wasting our valuable tax dollars just to give the press the impression that we're trying(Come on, we could have just sent in special forces in the dead of night and been more effective and saved a lot more innocent people) got on my nerves...
Originally posted by SublimeDood10
As much as I didn't like Clinton, i'll admit he did a damn good job at keeping a good economy. And all that crap about how we are just now feeling the effects of the mistakes Clinton makes, that's a bunch of bull****.

The U.S. President has NO control of the U.S. Economy...The U.S President is the leader of the Executive Branch of the U.S Government. He/She signs bills into law or veto bills, Represents the U.S. to other countries, decrees executive orders, commanding officer of the military, and enforce the laws. Greenspan is in control of the U.S. Economy. He has been in control of the FED since President Reagan. The Senate and The House of Representives make and pass the Bills to be sign or vetoed by The President, and Declare War on other Countries. I don't remember what other powers the Senate, and the House of Rep. have.

Originally posted by frestkd
The U.S. President has NO control of the U.S. Economy...The U.S President is the leader of the Executive Branch of the U.S Government.

:lol: Haha, you believe everything they tell you, don't you? Get a clue, and quit being a blind Republican. It's easy for conservatives to use the line quoted above when since the 1970's the economy has been booming under a Democrat president and slumping under a Republican.
Originally posted by M5Power

:lol: Haha, you believe everything they tell you, don't you? Get a clue, and quit being a blind Republican. It's easy for conservatives to use the line quoted above when since the 1970's the economy has been booming under a Democrat president and slumping under a Republican. [/B]

No I learned that in a liberal school system. Tax cuts take about 8 to 12 years to see any change in the ecomony, also I don't belong, or support any political party. I'm registered as a Independent. I don't like being hearded around like sheep.

Originally posted by frestkd
No I learned that in a liberal school system. Tax cuts take about 8 to 12 years to see any change in the ecomony, also I don't belong, or support any political party.

That's because every few elections, I'm sure you find it necessary to vote Libertarian. I apologise, how's this: extreme conservative.

Now, on to another frestkd "statistic." Prove to me that tax cuts take eight to ten years to see change in the economy. Perhaps I can prove to you they don't. In 2001, there was a tax cut. We still had a surplus after that. Six months later, there was a terrorist attack. The then-meager surplus is gone and the tax cut effect was disastrous since without it the government would've been able to come back to at least some surplus. The tax cut killed our economy.

And I got $200 from our president. I put it in the bank.


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Originally posted by Eddy
I am not 100% sure what you mean by that. I just dislike Americans (not all might I add) because they think themselves higher than any other race of people. America is the richest country in the world so they believe that they are the best. I suppose 9/11 tought them a leason in some ways. That lower races can still scar a huge civlization.

That's right...we all just walk around thinking to ourselves how much better we are than everyone else. :lol:
I can't think of one American that would say what you said about 9/11 if it happened in Australia.

Do you even know any Americans? (besides some you chat with on the computer)
Im American and I dont think like that. There are some people like that here but a majority dont think that way. Just the few that do give the rest a bad name...
Originally posted by M5Power
That's because every few elections, I'm sure you find it necessary to vote Libertarian. I apologise, how's this: extreme conservative.

Now, on to another frestkd "statistic." Prove to me that tax cuts take eight to ten years to see change in the economy. Perhaps I can prove to you they don't. In 2001, there was a tax cut. We still had a surplus after that. Six months later, there was a terrorist attack. The then-meager surplus is gone and the tax cut effect was disastrous since without it the government would've been able to come back to at least some surplus. The tax cut killed our economy.

And I got $200 from our president. I put it in the bank.

Reagan's tax cut gave us a booming ecomony between 1992 to 2000. I'm not a extreme conservative I just don't like the Federal Government stomping on the Bill of Rights. I'm liberal on some things like abortion, same sex marriages, and drugs. All I want my federal governmnent to be in charge of is defense, and interstate commerce. Let the States deal with everything else. I used my taxcut check for a credit card payment.

Tax cuts are always a good thing. The bad thing is that the government keeps growing and we have to keep paying more and more taxes to pay for it. If it's not income taxes they'll get you in gas, sales or some other taxes.
Originally posted by frestkd
Reagan's tax cut gave us a booming ecomony between 1992 to 2000.

Oh, I see. Because a Democrat was president during those years, it was Ron Reagan who made the economy boom. BUT WAIT! Your supreme logic (:rolleyes:) backfires! After Reagan was the wonderful George Herbert Walker Bush -- and THIS ECONOMY must be his fault!

But, uh, no -- that's got to be blamed on a Democrat, right?
Originally posted by M5Power

Oh, I see. Because a Democrat was president during those years, it was Ron Reagan who made the economy boom. BUT WAIT! Your supreme logic (:rolleyes:) backfires! After Reagan was the wonderful George Herbert Walker Bush -- and THIS ECONOMY must be his fault!

But, uh, no -- that's got to be blamed on a Democrat, right? [/B]

Yes it's Clintlor's fault .... 8 to 12 years the U.S. Ecomony will be booming again. The U.S. Economy cycles 8 to 12 years good, 8 to 12 years bad. It's really quite simple understand the U.S. Economy.

Originally posted by Eddy
You, as Americans, will obviously disagree and stick up for yourselfs. If you weren't American and were living in a different country you'd understand.

I am not an American and i do live in another country, but i don't really understand what you're saying here. I think you are more on your own with comments like that than you might think and hope for.
Originally posted by frestkd
Yes it's Clintlor's fault .... 8 to 12 years the U.S. Ecomony will be booming again. The U.S. Economy cycles 8 to 12 years good, 8 to 12 years bad. It's really quite simple understand the U.S. Economy.


Whose fault was it when the economy was horrible during Carter's presidency? I don't think you can go that far back and blame Johnson for that one; I think it's clearly a Nixon/Ford thing. :rolleyes:

If Reagan was president between 1980 and 1988 (and he was, wasn't he? Or am I wrong? If I am, I'd like to blame a Democrat), and he affected the good economy between 1992-2000 when a Democrat was president, then that Democrat somehow affected the poor economy ever since, then where does George Herbert Walker fall in? I assume he falls in with Reagan, right? All Republicans keep the economy booming!

You're partisan and you refuse to accept the fact that you are. You view one side of the issue like it's completely correct and unchanging, then when I make logical arguments against it, you merely blame those who disagree with you and provide no facts before moving on. Blame those whose fault it is. The reason American politics get such a bad name are because of people like you, on either side of the spectrum.
Chairman of the Federal Reserve has more power on the U.S. Economy than the President. The current chairman is Greenspan. Reagan appointed him, Old Bush, Slick Willy, Baby Bush reappointed him. The President can suggest ideas to the chairman, and raise or cut taxes. The U.S. Economy has been good overall since end of World War Two. We have never had it as bad when my grandparents were living in the late 20s, 30s, and early 40s.

Originally posted by frestkd
Chairman of the Federal Reserve has more power on the U.S. Economy than the President. The current chairman is Greenspan. Reagan appointed him, Old Bush, Slick Willy, Baby Bush reappointed him. The President can suggest ideas to the chairman, and raise or cut taxes. The U.S. Economy has been good overall since end of World War Two. We have never had it as bad when my grandparents were living in the late 20s, 30s, and early 40s.


Nor have most first-world countries. Way to change the subject and not directly reply to my wonderful questions, by the way. ;)
Originally posted by made in holland
I am not an American and i do live in another country, but i don't really understand what you're saying here. I think you are more on your own with comments like that than you might think and hope for.

Originally posted by DGB454
You must really dislike Republicans I take it.

I dislike anyone who blindly attaches themself to a single side of any issue without considering all the possible decisions and consequences. I hate Democrats and Republicans equally if they are unable to look at both sides of an issue. I like most politicians, political party aside, because they usually do look at either side of an issue. But then there are self-righteous message board contributiors...
Originally posted by M5Power
Nor have most first-world countries. Way to change the subject and not directly reply to my wonderful questions, by the way. ;)

I blame Democrats for the everything, no not really I thank Clintlor for making the NRA over 4 million members strong, and the firearms companies having record profits during his adminatration. I trust Democrats more than Republicans, because Democrats will tell you what they're going to do, and do it. Republican will tell you what they're going to do, and won't do it, or do the opposite.

Originally posted by frestkd
I blame Democrats for the everything, no not really I thank Clintlor for making the NRA over 4 million members strong, and the firearms companies having record profits during his adminatration. I trust Democrats more than Republicans, because Democrats will tell you what they're going to do, and do it. Republican will tell you what they're going to do, and won't do it, or do the opposite.


Clinton was way too scared of the NRA, but it is my opinion that the NRA is the most powerful political organisation in the country. Don't think they're political? Candidates that come out against them suddenly find their opponents basking in a new wealth from the NRA, and they have, as you say, four million members. Clinton blames the NRA for seats lost during his administration in Congress because his administration originally took a fairly hard line on guns.

Oh, and PS (Re: Republicans doing the opposite): Read my lips: No new taxes. :D

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