Bush Wins!!!!!

  • Thread starter PhatFat
Find one example of that.
The "Why you should vote for Bush" thread ... shortly after my first post other users jumped to the conclusion that I was lacking in intelligence for no other reason than the fact that they support Bush and I don't.

Americans only voted for Bush because they feel safe, while the rest of the world fears from Bush. Honestly, I believe nothing would've happened to America if Bush wasn't elected in 2000. Unfortunately, I must admit, I have a feeling there will be a terrorist attack in America if the finalized winner is Bush.

John Kerry deserved to win.
I'd quote Klos, but I'm too lazy to go back 4 pages to dig for his post, so:

Yay, the lesser of two evils wins!

So, good in a way, bad in another. Regardless, I won't be happy until a Libertarian gets into office (or Schwarzenegger, but that would require a Constitutional amendment).
Do you race?
YAAAAAAAY!!!!! Another four years of looking over my shoulder and living in fear because of a terrorist attack. Can't wait to get started. But the thing I find the funniest is a group of American Soldiers in Iraq who seemed to think that the Iraqi insurgents will give up now and admit defeat because Dubya has another four years ni office! who are they kidding? He's the reason they're there!

No, tool, fighting terrorism is the reason they're there. Turn off the propaganda, turn on your brain, and think for yourself.

Americans only voted for Bush because they feel safe, while the rest of the world fears from Bush. Honestly, I believe nothing would've happened to America if Bush wasn't elected in 2000. Unfortunately, I must admit, I have a feeling there will be a terrorist attack in America if the finalized winner is Bush.

John Kerry deserved to win.

I like how you make a broad generalization of fifty eight million Americans, then go on to slander the president by stating that the blame is ENTIRELY on HIS shoulders for what happened on 9/11, then say a lying, hypocritical asshole who the AMERICAN PEOPLE obviously did not want to win, should've won.

Stop ruining this thread with your rhetoric.
I understand your reaction to his exaggeration Ghost - to link 9-11 to Bush' presidency is naive, to use a kind word. But 'tool' was identified before as unacceptable, and calling Kerry a lying hypocritical asshole is a bit much too.
"Tool" is unacceptable because we have crybabies out there who can't take the heat.

Kerry a lying hypocritical asshole? Eh, I'd take out the asshole part and give it to his wife.
Tool is exactly what he is, "one who is manipulated by others". If you just listen to propaganda and don't bother to research facts for yourself, you're being manipulated. I've not once seen a single original thought come from him, just the same rhetoric that every anti-Bush person spits, so I came to my conclusion.

And my statement about Kerry stands, although I don't view him as that much of an asshole after his concession speech.
Do you race?
YAAAAAAAY!!!!! Another four years of looking over my shoulder and living in fear because of a terrorist attack. Can't wait to get started. But the thing I find the funniest is a group of American Soldiers in Iraq who seemed to think that the Iraqi insurgents will give up now and admit defeat because Dubya has another four years ni office! who are they kidding? He's the reason they're there!
I've said it before, what makes you think that the situation in Iraq would be any different today if Kerry was President. His plans for troop involvment in Iraq were the same as Bush's. Bush is not expecting the terrorists to "give up now" he his taking them head on at Fallujah, with the backing of the veteran Black Watch battle group, I might add. Good luck to them, you should support your troops instead of belittling their efforts

Do you race?
Of course, it's all well and good for Bush supporters to celebrate on this forum. Those of us who don't like him get branded stupid and flamed because of our political views by those of us who are his supporters.
What do expect with ill informed posts like the one above;)

I see a lot of anti Bush . I see little or no Pro Kerry and thats why he lost.
Exactly...to say you are anti Bush and attack him because you don't like him or you think he is stupid is pathetic. Find a candidate you like and support them, negativity is never productive, the hate you feel will consume you, and you will have wasted your time feeling that way, in the end it made no difference because you didn't vote Kerry.

For Bush to win the popular vote shows you that the vast majority of the US population don't get their political information from sensationalist films like Farenheit 9/11, like some of the members here do...read a paper guys, don't get your politics from films ;)

Ghost C
Tool is exactly what he is, "one who is manipulated by others".
Actually it means something different in Europe, I think thats why Arwin called you on it...it means Pr!ck, D!ck, Knob, Schlong etc :lol:
Do you race?
The "Why you should vote for Bush" thread ... shortly after my first post other users jumped to the conclusion that I was lacking in intelligence for no other reason than the fact that they support Bush and I don't.
If I had 5 minutes to waste doing it, I could find 15 great examples of anti-Bush people saying Bush supporters are idiots. So far, I've been called a warmongering idiot and accused of having an IQ of 14... and I didn't even vote for Bush, I just defend him against uninformed rumor-spreaders when he's right and they're wrong.
Americans only voted for Bush because they feel safe, while the rest of the world fears from Bush. Honestly, I believe nothing would've happened to America if Bush wasn't elected in 2000. Unfortunately, I must admit, I have a feeling there will be a terrorist attack in America if the finalized winner is Bush.
So, then, who was to blame for the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center? Who was to blame for the USS Cole? The Marine barracks? I never knew the governor of Texas had such wide-ranging foreign policy powers that he could provoke attacks on the US long before he was even president...
John Kerry deserved to win.
Why? For not being George Bush? I'm not George Bush. By the same logic, I deserve to be president.
Ghost C
No, tool, fighting terrorism is the reason they're there. Turn off the propaganda, turn on your brain, and think for yourself.
I DO think for myself. You have a problem if my line of thought is shared with a lot of people worldwide???
Ghost C
Tool is exactly what he is, "one who is manipulated by others". If you just listen to propaganda and don't bother to research facts for yourself, you're being manipulated. I've not once seen a single original thought come from him, just the same rhetoric that every anti-Bush person spits, so I came to my conclusion.
Perhaps "he" could have a say on this, yes? Like you're not guilty of spreading propaganda yourself. Virtually everything we say about politics is propaganda because we're trying to influence other people that our point-of-view is right. And nowhere else on this forum could I find anything about the Nicaragua Incident etc.
Viper Zero
"Tool" is unacceptable because we have crybabies out there who can't take the heat.
In the same way we have those who can't accept that others have their own political views?
Do you race?
I DO think for myself. You have a problem if my line of thought is shared with a lot of people worldwide???

Yeah, you think for yourself. So long as thinking for yourself means reading something on a website that's anti-Bush, then spreading it around like fact.

Perhaps "he" could have a say on this, yes? Like you're not guilty of spreading propaganda yourself. Virtually everything we say about politics is propaganda because we're trying to influence other people that our point-of-view is right. And nowhere else on this forum could I find anything about the Nicaragua Incident etc.

No, and no. I don't spread propaganda, I spread fact. There is a difference there.

In the same way we have those who can't accept that others have their own political views?

If you had your own political view, it'd be fine, but you don't.
A) Bad facts are bad, mmmkay? This might sound a bit strange, but I actually do bother to get both sides of the argument: for example Stupid White Men (and Other Sorry excuses for the State of the Nation) followed closely by Michael Moore is a Stupid White Man (and that is one example of many).

B) You're not the only one around here that spreads fact. And last time I checked, I wasn't a "tool" so (that's your opinion) ...

C) And I do have my own political views. You just don't think I do because they collide with yours.

But since you're dragging this out, I guess I have no choice but to do the following because I'm sick of taking the abuse simply becaus I don't agree with you: To a Moderator (whoever is listening), I'd like you to ban this account if you can because, quite frankly, I've had enough, and I thought you were all a friendly lot around here. Guess I was wrong there.
Ban this guy, ban that guy!

Ban Wellyrn because I didn't like his political view. Ban Anderson because I didn't like his attitude. Ban Arwin because he posts too much.

You might want to grow up, Do you race, before you start telling moderators to ban people.
Dear America,

In the light of your recent failure to elect a member of the human race as your
President, and thus be in a position to sensibly govern yourselves, Her
Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II hereby gives notice of the revocation of
your independence, effective today.

Her Majesty will resume monarchical duties over all states and your new Prime
Minister (Tony Blair, for the 97.85% of you are unaware that there is a world
outside your borders) will appoint a Minister for America without the need for
further elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. Your so-called
President will return to more suitable tea party duties at the local zoo. A
questionnaire will be circulated next year to determine whether any of you

To aid to the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules are
introduced with immediate effect:

* You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford English Dictionary. Then look
up "aluminium". Check the pronunciation guide - you will be amazed at just how
wrongly you have been pronouncing words compared to the rest of the English
speaking world. You should raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels. Look up
"vocabulary". Using the same 27 words interspersed with filler noises such as
"like" and "you know" is an unacceptable and ineffective form of communication.
Look up "interspersed".

* The term "US English" will cease to exist. There will just be "English" -
note there is, and never has been, such things as "UK English", "Australian
English", "Outer Mongolian English" etc, etc (it's just been you versus the
rest of the world and your 'divide and rule' policy simply has not worked). We
will let Microsoft know on your behalf.

* You should learn to distinguish between English, Scots, Welsh, Irish and
Australian accents. It really isn't that hard.

* You should understand that Bulgaria is not part of Sweden.

* Hollywood will be required to occasionally cast non-American actors as the
good guys.

* You should relearn your original national anthem, God Save The Queen, but only
after carrying out task one. We would not want you to get confused and give up
half way through.

* You will no longer be allowed to play 'American football'. There is only one
kind of football. What you refer to as 'football' is not a very good game. The
2.15% of you who are aware that there is a world outside your borders may have
noticed that no one else plays 'American football'. Instead you should play
proper football. Initially, it would be best if you played with the girls. It
is not a difficult game. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to
play rugby, which is similar to 'American football', but does not involve
stopping for a rest every 20 seconds or wearing full body armour (look up
"armour") like nancy boys. For those who will insist on carrying on playing
'American football', note that the term will be illegal and the new name will
be 'Nancy boy popcorn & hot dog show'.

* Take a tip from the Aussies (that's people from Australia for the uninitiated
- look up "uninitiated"). You can actually be proud about having no culture. If
you must make your mark on the rest of the world, do what they do by hammering
cultured nations at sport (and by that we mean sport that everyone plays),
out-drinking them or by taking the p*ss out of them. This is far better fun
than blowing up tin pot nations.

* You must learn to drink properly and that the alcoholic content of beer is
usually well over 4%, not around 1.5%. In future American strength beer will be
referred to as 'nancy boy crap'.

* The term 'God bless America' will be outlawed. Every time you get an urge to
say this you should alternatively use the equally heart-jerking phrase "Anyone
coming down the pub?" This is an equivalent phrase commonly used in the rest of
the English speaking world.

* All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and it is for your own
good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we mean.

* The phrase 'American Dream' will be replaced by 'World Reality'. If you have a
problem with this, simply utter those magic words "Anyone coming down the pub?"

* The 4th of July is no longer a public holiday. The 3rd of November will be a
new public holiday. It will be called "Stupidity Day".
Do you race?
But since you're dragging this out, I guess I have no choice but to do the following because I'm sick of taking the abuse simply becaus I don't agree with you: To a Moderator (whoever is listening), I'd like you to ban this account if you can because, quite frankly, I've had enough, and I thought you were all a friendly lot around here. Guess I was wrong there.

So first you say that I'm telling you that you're wrong simply because I don't agree with you, and now you're trying to play the martyr because I don't agree with you?

Silly liberal.

Edit: And the guy above me is a moron 👍
I don't see what's so funny about it, an elitest non-American wasting hours to come up with that garbage you so wrongfully called humor.
Ghost C
I don't see what's so funny about it, an elitest non-American wasting hours to come up with that garbage you so wrongfully called humor.

The fact that you don't find it funny:
a) doesn't mean it isn't funny
b) doesn't suprise anyone
Stroganov that was obviously written by an English person, "Anyone coming down the pub?" "Her Sovereign Majesty" "Rugby" and "God save the Queen" are all phrases a UK person would use.

You are from the Netherlands, so I suspect that you just copied and pasted this.

Plagiarism is so cool ;)

btw Budweiser is 5%...lager at 4% is for "nancy boys" :lol: Get some good old "Wife Beater" down your neck (aka Stella Artois) :lol:
The fact that you don't find it funny:
a) doesn't mean it isn't funny
b) doesn't suprise anyone

It's not funny. It's two pages basically saying "America sucks". I can say the UK sucks, and I don't need several hundred words to do it. Also, my opinion on humor is highly regarded as expertise in every circle I'm known in, and in my expert opinion, it's not funny.
Ghost C
It's not funny. It's two pages basically saying "America sucks". I can say the UK sucks, and I don't need several hundred words to do it. Also, my opinion on humor is highly regarded as expertise in every circle I'm known in, and in my expert opinion, it's not funny.

It's funny because it makes people laugh. BTW, one of the conditions of a 'good' sense of humour is having the ability to laugh at yourself.
Don't be so reactionary, oh you can't stop!

I can sense your knee-jerking already.....