Bush Wins!!!!!

  • Thread starter PhatFat
It's funny because it makes people laugh. BTW, one of the conditions of a 'good' sense of humour is having the ability to laugh at yourself.
Don't be so reactionary, oh you can't stop!

I can sense your knee-jerking already.....

One of the conditions of a good sense of humor is knowing what humor is in the first place. Blatantly bashing the US and the intelligence of it's citizens while trying to cover it up by calling it a joke is not humor. It's some elitest spouting his holier-than-thou opinion and trying to make himself seem clever while doing it.
Ghost C
One of the conditions of a good sense of humor is knowing what humor is in the first place. Blatantly bashing the US and the intelligence of it's citizens while trying to cover it up by calling it a joke is not humor. It's some elitest spouting his holier-than-thou opinion and trying to make himself seem clever while doing it.

Now you're just being stupid (why am I not suprised?). The letter is funny as.

What ever happened to freedom of speech?
Now you're just being stupid (why am I not suprised?). The letter is funny as.

Third grade name calling. You'd never expect it from someone with such a highly sophisticated sense of humor such as yourself, but what would I know, I'm just a war mongering redneck.

What ever happened to freedom of speech?

What the hell are you talking about? Is anyone suppressing your free speech? If they are, I don't see it.

It's interesting, every time you disagree with one of these guys, you're suppressing their opinion, and every time they disagree with you...You're still somehow suppressing their opinion.
Ghost C
Third grade name calling. You'd never expect it from someone with such a highly sophisticated sense of humor, but what would I know, I'm just a war mongering redneck.

What the hell are you talking about? Is anyone suppressing your free speech? If they are, I don't see it.

Your complaining because someone took a different viewpoint from yourself, even if it was in the form of humour. He has just as much right to post here as you do or is this a 'right-wing' only board?
You have yet to make any point as to why that joke is not actually funny.
Your complaining because someone took a different viewpoint from yourself, even if it was in the form of humour.

Yes, your point?

He has just as much right to post here as you do or is this a 'right-wing' only board?

Did I say he wasn't allowed to post here? No, I said it was a stupid "joke" that wasn't funny.

You have yet to make any point as to why that joke is not actually funny.

"Blatantly bashing the US and the intelligence of it's citizens while trying to cover it up by calling it a joke is not humor. It's some elitest spouting his holier-than-thou opinion and trying to make himself seem clever while doing it."

It's not my fault you refuse to respond to things because you have no possible way to, other than anti-US rhetoric and "your stupid"(Note the spot on spelling).
You have yet to make any point as to why that joke is not actually funny.

Well it insults the voting public's intelligence by declaring 3rd Nov as "Stupidity Day" it is anti gay by using "nancy boy" as a derogatory term. It stereotypes Australians as being uncultured, and it accuses Americans as being cowards and aggressors at the same time...

apart from that it's a great piece of copy paste...
Ghost C
Yes, your point?

Did I say he wasn't allowed to post here? No, I said it was a stupid "joke" that wasn't funny.

"Blatantly bashing the US and the intelligence of it's citizens while trying to cover it up by calling it a joke is not humor. It's some elitest spouting his holier-than-thou opinion and trying to make himself seem clever while doing it."

It's not my fault you refuse to respond to things because you have no possible way to, other than anti-US rhetoric and "your stupid"(Note the spot on spelling).

Now come on, you're reduced to picking up spelling mistakes to make yourself feel better? Just because my, and other peoples opinions, differ from yours do not mean a joke isn't funny.

If America wants to play war whilst espousing 'Christian' rhetoric at the same time, fine, but don't expect everybody else not to take the mickey...
Now come on, you're reduced to picking up spelling mistakes to make yourself feel better?

Coming from someone who resorted to calling me stupid because he has nothing valid to say, that really hurts.

I'm done with you. Someone close this thread, it's totally pointless now.
Ghost C
Coming from someone who resorted to calling me stupid because he has nothing valid to say, that really hurts.

I'm done with you. Someone close this thread, it's totally pointless now.

Can't you just turn the other cheek?

I'm the first person to laugh at myself - I'd have to be - and I'm here to say that Ghost C has it right. It's extremely non-funny, and is yet another Euro-elitist attempt to belittle America as a nation of drooling couch potatoes.

If they actually made decent points and were not falling back on the same trite, hackneyed points that they have for the last 30 years, it might be funny. But they didn't, so it's not.

How about I go put on my bowler and morning suit, say "cheerio" and "what, what, chaps" alot, and put in large, discolored, and crooked false teeth? Or maybe I could drink a gallon of beer that tastes like lukewarm coffee with a head on it, then go downtown with 40 of my friends and beat the living piss out of 4 guys who just happened to be wearing the other team's jersey colors.

Would that be a "funny as" parody of English people? No. It would be trite, hackneyed crap, just like every word of the post at the top of this page.
I'm the first person to laugh at myself - I'd have to be - and I'm here to say that Ghost C has it right. It's extremely non-funny, and is yet another Euro-elitist attempt to belittle America as a nation of drooling couch potatoes.

If they actually made decent points and were not falling back on the same trite, hackneyed points that they have for the last 30 years, it might be funny. But they didn't, so it's not.

How about I go put on my bowler and morning suit, say "cheerio" and "what, what, chaps" alot, and put in large, discolored, and crooked false teeth? Or maybe I could drink a gallon of beer that tastes like lukewarm coffee with a head on it, then go downtown with 40 of my friends and beat the living piss out of 4 guys who just happened to be wearing the other team's jersey colors.

Would that be a "funny as" parody of English people? No. It would be trite, hackneyed crap, just like every word of the post at the top of this page.

In your opinion.

We have a programme called 'Little Britain' which pokes fun at all the English eccentricities (look Ghost C, I can spell) and it's a big hit here.

And I think 'extremely non-funny' is pushing things a bit far, if you feel it is in bad taste or misinformed I can respect that but that doesn't mean it isn't funny.

I suppose it would be ironic if it wasn't so sad....
I'm not a christian
Nor am I. Whatever gave you the impression that all Americans are Christian? The same stereotyped sources that give you all your opinions and humour, apparently.
Ghost C
And you think I am? Now THERE'S a funny joke. You've done it. Where's the golf clap smiley when you need it?

No but as a good American you should be acting as your government encourages you to...
No but as a good American you should be acting as your government encourages you to...
You truly are clueless. I suggest you take after your fellow UKer tacet_blue. He may or may not agree with the American opinion (whatever that is), but he definitely does his homework and knows what he's talking about and why he thinks what he does. It shows.

I refuse to waste more time on you.
You truly are clueless. I suggest you take after your fellow UKer tacet_blue. He may or may not agree with the American opinion (whatever that is), but he definitely does his homework and knows what he's talking about and why he thinks what he does. It shows.

I refuse to waste more time on you.

Ooh and I'm so grateful that you've taken so much of your precious time to educate me thus far...

America is a christian country as it incorporates christian beliefs and values into it's law. Just as England used to be a christian country, a catholic country, a christian country, a .....
Ooh and I'm so grateful that you've taken so much of your precious time to educate me thus far...

America is a christian country as it incorporates christian beliefs and values into it's law. Just as England used to be a christian country, a catholic country, a christian country, a .....

I am not a Christian and I voted for Bush.

I am not a Christian and I voted for Bush.

And your point is? America is a christian country as it incorporates christian beliefs and values into it's law, was mine.
And your point is? America is a christian country as it incorporates christian beliefs and values into it's law, was mine.

If you say it again it might make it true...

No. America is a country made up of many many religions who's core values stems from the same sort of common sense and logic that most civilized nations' laws come from.

I am an agnostic, certainly not a christian, and I do not feel that my country coerces me to be christian. Nor (at the moment) do I feel that christian values are imposed upon me.
If you say it again it might make it true...

No. America is a country made up of many many religions who's core values stems from the same sort of common sense and logic that most civilized nations' laws come from.

I am an agnostic, certainly not a christian, and I do not feel that my country coerces me to be christian. Nor (at the moment) do I feel that christian values are imposed upon me.

Yet your country is in the middle of a religious war, or should I say crusade like GWB did?
Yet your country is in the middle of a religious war, or should I say crusade like GWB did?

This disqualifies you from commenting on the war in Iraq. For you to think that we're there for religious reasons completely misunderstsands the situation.
This disqualifies you from commenting on the war in Iraq. For you to think that we're there for religious reasons completely misunderstsands the situation.

No it doesn't Bush himself stated it was a crusade, which by definition is religious.
No it doesn't Bush himself stated it was a crusade, which by definition is religious.

If you think you can win arguments by framing everything in an imaginary premise, you're mistaken. Every argument you make incorporates numerous false assumptions. You obviously think nobody notices. Frankly, it's too ovewhelming a task to bother arguing with you; too much work, too much time. In effect, you are a lost cause. Thinking individuals write people like you off before long. And you go your merry way, feeling victorious, thinking you're right, that you won the argument, because everybody walked away shaking their heads.
Ghost C
One of the conditions of a good sense of humor is knowing what humor is in the first place. Blatantly bashing the US and the intelligence of it's citizens while trying to cover it up by calling it a joke is not humor. It's some elitest spouting his holier-than-thou opinion and trying to make himself seem clever while doing it.

I read the supposed 'humor' and had to respond. But I think Ghost C called it exactly as it was. At first I had a smile on my face, but when I continued to read I was pretty insulted. It actually lost any semblance of humor after about the 3rd point. That's way more prejudice than anything i've seen from my American fellows in this forum. That whole thing is just pissing on American culture, oh and the Aussies.
I suggest you take after your fellow UKer tacet_blue. He may or may not agree with the American opinion (whatever that is), but he definitely does his homework and knows what he's talking about and why he thinks what he does. It shows.
Why, thank you kindly sir :D

Even when I disagree, I hope I do it in a respectful manner.
Why, thank you kindly sir :D
It's my pleasure to see someone capable of independent thought. Thank you for contributing to this forum!
Even when I disagree, I hope I do it in a respectful manner.
It's not even strictly a matter of respect - you disagree (or agree, as appropriate) in an informed manner. That you do so respectfully is simply an added bonus.

I wonder how many of the knee-jerk Bush haters know that I'm not a Republican, or even care?