Bush Wins!!!!!

  • Thread starter PhatFat
This is why we can't have female presednetial canidates.

It was largely humor to lighten up a very serious thread, Skip. Though I do agree Dr. Rice is an attractive woman (for someone in politics, anyway), there's pretty much zero chance I'd cast votes on looks alone.

On a related note, several studies have shown that women tend to pick their candidates in the same manner that they choose a boyfriend or spouse. Interesting, isn't it?

I'm down, yo. Gotta wait for the lady to graduate college though. We're thinking something near a coast - great lakes don't count. Either that or the UK or Australia.
I am Canadian, and proud of it, but I would have voted for Kerry....Presidential Speaches often take over regularily schedualed TV programs even on Canadian Stations, and Bush was a terrible speaker....for that reason alone I would have voted Kerry, a different angle on speaches.
Jim X
Vancouver should be nice, warm ocean keeping it's climate mild.
Heh. Yup. East coast night be nice for two weeks in the summer, but other that it's boring. And you get the rockies, and Whistler as a bonus in B.C.

You have to Keep in mind though, that we do elect rather dumb prime ministers (Chretien) or dishonest ones (Martin) too. But I'd say that, as our army, I found them to be pretty much harmless...

Enjoy your stay! :P
Who is this Bush chap and what did he win?
He's the evil dictator of the 21st century, and he's won the right to sell the entire planet's natural resources to his friends in closed bids and at discount rates - in return for a healthy finder's fee and stock options.
You have to Keep in mind though, that we do elect rather dumb prime ministers (Chretien) or dishonest ones (Martin) too. But I'd say that, as our army, I found them to be pretty much harmless...
Chretien was not very dumb. He used this country as his personal piggy bank for himself and all his business friends (example: $6 billion gift to Bombardier, a company he is associated with, and I can come up with more if wanted). So, after having this tool in power for 12 years with absolutely no improvement to the country whatsoever, what do the people in this country do? Well, we re-elect his party! But the thing that infuriates me most about saying that is that Toronto basically gave the Liberals their minority government. Virtually this entire area went Liberal. I love Canada, but I'm starting to hate Toronto, mainly because of the increasing masses of stupid people who live here.
Chretien was not very dumb.
Sure about that? :P

To quote him:

- "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven."
(on finding no Iraqi weapons of mass destruction)

- "You have to look at history as an evolution of society."

- "Why buy repeater carbines and nuclear weapons-- if this is kept at home a child can play with it" (translated from french)

- "This is why I have to show the hon. Leader of the Opposition that it was only one project of $440 million that went belly-up. I do not say they made a mistake. I just say that it is not a success. They probably did it in good faith. "

managed to piss off the Palestinians, Israel, Syria and us in Quebec all in three days during a trip to the Middle-East

...to list a few.:ouch: With the look he had and his public speaking skills, those really were the icing on top of the cake. But I don't think Chretien's questionable business links are a match for those of Paul Martin.

I agree that the liberals are still in power mainly because of Ontario, but my guess is that he's only there because we saw him as the lesser of two (perhaps three) evils... frankly there was not much compelling choices for the last election.
He's the evil dictator of the 21st century, and he's won the right to sell the entire planet's natural resources to his friends in closed bids and at discount rates - in return for a healthy finder's fee and stock options.
It´s funny, because it´s true. :P
Do you have OIL in Brazil ? We want it and will invade you ! I want your OIL ! I am mongering WAR ! GIMME GIMME GIMME ! Oops I think I see a terrorist ! Gimme my rifle..I'll be back in minute gotta go shoot me up some A- rabs.
Bush slandered his opponents, he lied about his actions, he BSed about his policies.

But, he still got the votes. He won fair and square, and I won't challenge that.
YAAAAAAAY!!!!! Another four years of looking over my shoulder and living in fear because of a terrorist attack. Can't wait to get started. But the thing I find the funniest is a group of American Soldiers in Iraq who seemed to think that the Iraqi insurgents will give up now and admit defeat because Dubya has another four years ni office! who are they kidding? He's the reason they're there!

Of course, it's all well and good for Bush supporters to celebrate on this forum. Those of us who don't like him get branded stupid and flamed because of our political views by those of us who are his supporters.
I don't think anyone's stupid, but rather they share different opinions. What I think is unfortunate are people who would love to see another terrorist attack just to say, "I told you so". How sick is that? I just hope that decisions that are being made are the right ones regardless of who's making the decision.