Call Of Duty: Black Ops - PS3, PC, 360 - November 9

It'll help if he has a keyboard or a mic to communicate easily. Because in Shangri-La, the only communication bit is where you shout 'Napalm!!!!' or when you're matching up the tiles :P
Also, it'll be good if you change the sound settings so everything except for Voice and Master is turned down, then you turn the TV volume up so it makes the voices louder so people with mics are heard clearly...
On second thoughts, I shouldn't get one of my friends unless they are over mine. None of them have a keyboard or a mic.
I would really love it if you could answer these two questions so I can prepare for this.
What day? Tomorrow? Sunday? Next Weekend? Or even sometime during the week?
And what easter egg are we doing first? Moon or Shang?
Oh, and are we doing both on the same day or different days?
My friend said that he'll be on tomorrow and Sunday, so this weekend is perfect. If I'm able to find a fourth person, then it'll be Shangri-La first. But if it's just you, me and my mate then it'll be moon. And if we can finish the first Easter Egg quickly (i.e. 45 min if we're lucky - 1.5hrs if we're not) then we could try the Shangri-La one afterwards 👍
Sweet :D. I am looking forward to it. I will read up on both Easter Eggs tonight and a bit more tomorrow if I have time before we play.
Have you added me yet? I will be on later tonight to just play a couple times, so I could accept it during that time. And get you friend to send me a friend request.

Sorry for all the questions but I do have one more, I hope.
Time? Early morning, in the afternoon or at night?
I think that is it but I will probably come up with another one soon.:rolleyes:
@klassy It's in the War Room near Juggernog. In front of the right side of stairs that you walk down. [/QUOTE]
Thanks that really helped and if you guys need one more player ill help you guys, i dont have an eastereggs yet but i have all the map packs. Another thing is im 13 but i consider myself to be ok at zombies. And i have a mic
What sort of time zone are you in? I would be happy for you to join but we might not be able to find a time for all of us to be on.
I go to the same school as my mate and we're only three hours ahead of you (NZT) - so some time during the day tomorrow might be good 👍

EDIT: Nvm Saw that it was aimed at Klassy :lol:
I haven't received any friend requests. So can you please post your PSN ID that you will be using for the easter eggs. That way I can send a friend request to you.

After that, if we are all on at the same time we can start.
I haven't received any friend requests. So can you please post your PSN ID that you will be using for the easter eggs. That way I can send a friend request to you.

After that, if we are all on at the same time we can start.

Ill add asap
Finished the first part of Richtofen's Grand Scheme with Ashes and a friend from school - made it to round 22 as well :D
Yeah. I think we would of finished it on round 21 if your friend didn't kill the crawler.
Are we going to try it again? Or is that silver trophy good enough?
You only get The Big Bang Theory Achievement on Xbox, so there's no point in doing it again unless you're desperate for 8 perks :lol: We might be able to try next week on SG-L, but we've got exam leave after that week, so it's gonna be study 24/7 :grumpy:
I really want to see the Earth blow up to be honest.
If we are doing SG-L, then we are going to need to find another player.
Had a funny experience on Black Ops a few weeks ago and I thought I would share it:

I was playing Team Deathmatch on Firing Range and the timer was at 30 Seconds. I was running towards the open spot at the bottom of the map and saw another player and two care packages, one was a spy plane (I think) and the other was a Huey. He went to get the spy plane, and I, thinking that the person that called in the care package with the the Huey was killed, claimed the Huey. By the time I called it in, time was almost up and I got no kills with it. The game ended, and we were at the loading screen before the pre-game lobby, when I hear over the mic, "🤬 moron just stole my 🤬 care package!" :lol: I laughed, then hastily exited the lobby before he could send me any hate mail.

So, now I have a discussion topic: do you think it's ethical to "steal" other peoples care packages?
Depends on if he's dead or not, and it depends on what the reward is. If it's something like a Spy Plane, Ammo or an RC-XD just take it. If it's a really good killstreak (Valkyries, Huey, Hind or Dogs) I'll try to defend the care package until the owner comes and gets it. The problem is that others go ape-🤬 over it and everyone fights to get to it first.
If it's a really good killstreak (Valkyries, Huey, Hind or Dogs) I'll try to defend the care package until the owner comes and gets it.

That's really ethical and nice, but remember, you could get swarmed while defending it and next thing you know, you're getting hammered by that Hind you were trying to protect. :scared: Sometimes it's just easier to take it and benefit the team then risk it getting into the hands of the enemies.

What I'm trying to say is, if there's no sign of the owner, whether it be a Spy Plane or Dogs, I'll take it. But there is people who take Care Package theft to the extreme, and will literally back people into corners while they claim the Care Package for themselves, and then post the video on Youtube. It's hilarious, but extremely unfair to the "victim."
Classic Example.
My Killstreaks are generally set to Chopper, Blackbird, Dogs for TDM. If I'm ninja defusing, then it's a low Spy, C-Spy then Care Package. And if I'm using Hardline or feeling lucky, it's Blackbird, Chopper, Dogs. And most of the time, I'm always one off dogs :irked:
And most of the time, I'm always one off dogs :irked:
My Killstreaks are the same as they were in the beginning, I just can't get them up high enough! :irked: I only got the Cobra once, when I was camping on Firing Range. I'm only level 37, my K/D is only at 0.61, (FYI I only play TDM) and whenever I join a lobby it seems to be filled with a bunch of 50th Prestigeers (yes, I know thats not a word.) I've also switched to Hardline for my general all-around Class, but that hasn't seemed to help anything. :mad:
Has anyone seen the Verrückt glitch where on can jump though a wall barrer and get into the center of the map? I saw this dude done it today.
Anyone want to join up in an hour or so and play some games? Haven't played Black Ops in a while and playing it with some fellow GTPer's would be pretty cool, it's always better when you're in a team. PS3 ofc :D
Anyone want to join up in an hour or so and play some games? Haven't played Black Ops in a while and playing it with some fellow GTPer's would be pretty cool, it's always better when you're in a team. PS3 ofc :D

What mode will you be playing on? Multiplayer or Zombies? Either way count me in!!! 👍 I'll send you a FR.
Probably just Multiplayer, depends how I feel. If I feel like doing some mass slaughtering, I'll play zombies :lol:
How about we start with zombies, then go to multiplayer, I'd prefer to get all my rage out as soon as possible so I won't make stupid mistakes on multiplayer. :lol:
How about we start with zombies, then go to multiplayer, I'd prefer to get all my rage out as soon as possible so I won't make stupid mistakes on multiplayer. :lol:

Fair enough, I don't have too much time though so don't expect me to turn the power on :sly:
Fair enough, I don't have too much time though so don't expect me to turn the power on :sly:
That's alright, I rarely make it past round 6. :grumpy: What time do you want to join up? I'm currently in a short B-Spec race, and I can join immediately afterword.
OK guys, I've been looking for somebody to play zombies with, but I haven't had any luck just randomly joining a lobby online, so does anybody want to try to get together sometime to play zombies for a while? I'd like to get a group of four, that way so we can get all the way to the end, I'd like to attempt Five first. Heck, we could even play a bit of multiplayer, whatever. I MAY be able to get on for 30 minutes to an hour online tonight, just respond or PM me to see if we can work it out. 👍
EDIT: Wow, no takers? C'mon, anybody at all?
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I was wandering if anyone could help me out. There's a kind of forbidden weapon class out there which is definitely the best class in the game. It's banned from most competitions etc. All I know that it is a smg with rapid fire, lightweight and ninja. Has anyone heard of this at all? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.