Now I'm not one for sniping, regardless of game I can't do it..... battlefield, nope, fortnite, nope, sniper elite, nope, COD also a nope but i saw the new one shot featured mode last night and gave that a go.
As I mentioned a few months ago, literally about 6 pixels that way^, I have stopped worrying about my KD and just played for fun. Now this is lucky or I probably would have had a meltdown at my first match with 2 kills and a small 29 deaths. Luckily it wasn't a TDM or I'd have a inbox full of abuse. The second game I did a 6-10, the third on Gustav I did a cheeky 7-5, for me I was very proud of that!
I hope it's a game mode which stays for a while because I actually enjoyed a game of COD for the first time in quite a while.