Cancelled due to people having poor reactions :DF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter berty1979

What is your preferred race distance for this series?

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If anyone else is looking for co op partners from this championship try your team mate or if not post on here.

Etid- I know the game (ish) I am in a fantasy league for it, my driver is Coultard. Not sure on the year but maybe 06/07 looking at the cars.
After practicing on the F1 Championship Edition demo the only thing that scares me is braking, I'll have to practice breaking a lot earlier.

Brett I think F1 Championship Edition demo came out ages a go. Jenson is in Honda with Coultard what year is that?

Don't practice on it, its completely different to 2011 , just learn the tracks.

Its based on the 06 season. 👍
Guys, if I havent recieved a FR from any of you please get them sent. Also we are now coming up to the pre season soon so start letting me know if you cant make it, I will note your name on the 2nd post if you are not available 👍
Ah right. the demo has 2 tracks, Montoya and Catalunya. I'll get to learn Catalunya, as thats in the roster.
Yes mate, accepted. Ill put some notes in the 2nd post for all the drivers so have a look at it every now and again 👍
Hey berty,
You haven't accepted my FR and I sent it out days ago.

I'll be there for the pre-season test.
I already know 8 out of the 19 tracks pretty well so all is not bad. 👍
Yeah, NO AI in this series! seriously, because the ai are in the same cars (equal performance) so they are very rough!
Yeah what happened to you sandman?
I had one or two incidents with them being idiots but it wasn't too bad. And for my first online experience that was awesome :D apart from the silly penalties, i got 3 drive throughs :( got fastest lap though :D
That was a good warm-up apart from one accident cause by dumb AIs and a stupid penalty, besides that me and Brett had a good last lap battle for 2nd 👍

REMINDER: Brett FGT Tokyo tune pl0x :bowdown:
Falcon, ok cheers let me know for sure please nearer the time 👍

SM- I got a right beating at the hands of Perez and Petrov. Considering it now.

Pagey- Back to your old ways setting lap records :)

Indy- The second race was just a battering from the start. First was a good fight but I just couldnt hold you off :)
Tune on its way (again :lol:)

SimBOOT- Dude, I have not recieved one. Make sure you are adding rhyfelwr79
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I was to blame for the first corner :embarrassed:, relying on the driving line for the first corner isn't something I'l do again :ouch:

No problems with the AI but I do vote that you turn them off, they don't add anything to the racing except get in the way.
Tyrrell-Aha, it was you :D At least we have a reason. Yes you need to brake a little early and kind of match the pace through the first few corners. I will listen to people about the AI. This championship is going to take some getting used to and will be 25% luck I reckon.

Indy- Please tell me you were on softs on your last stint at Catalunya? you were like 3 seconds a lap faster than me!!!
I don't mind the AI being on, it adds something more to the race. We will get the inevitable no shows and as we have found in the FGTC when you are your own it can get pretty darn boring, so the AI solve that part. Plus it will sharpen your racing skills when you do come across them.
Also if you have a bad start you won't find yourself miles behind the car infront, you will have the chance to battle it out and work your way up the field.
And so on.

One problem I did notice however is when you are coming across lapped traffic they don't pull over and slow down in relation to where you are on the track, they come off the racing line. That's something to watch out for.

Also im pretty darn scared, I think a transformer has exploded here or something as there was a massive white light for a split second, it was like it was daylight. There have been a number of very large bangs that have been heard miles around, the light was seen 20 miles away. All the street lights have blacked out, everyone on facebook has seen it/heard it :scared:

Edit: I just heard another massive bang............IM GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!
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Brett - Yeah I was on soft tires, but I pitted once xD
Pagey - It's an attack, the French have finally launched an attack O_O
From what i have learned in two championships, is that the AI causes nothing but problems, we've had aggressive AI that would take you off the track. They don't abide by GTP rules, and are sometimes completely oblivious to you, like a bad driver that you would penalize.
I think having 16 drivers on a grid is plenty.
Pagey- Dont worry, if its the French just attack them and they will surrender instantly as usual :lol: (dont die on us, half the women in the south of England will be in mourning ;))
I know what the prizes are but I am just waiting for the sponsorship details to be confirmed 👍

Indy- Glad to hear that, I was getting worried about my pace!

Pawel- I hear you, I got smacked off a few times. I treat them as I would human players and this makes it a bit better. I have registered your concerns.

Jcm- That could be a very good idea :D
Brett getting scared eh, hhhhmmmmm me thinks to keep a close eye on ya, don't slip up boyo or it'll be your last
Since you are taking reserves sign me up for Lotus-Renault.....other preference would be Force India or for TC why not on medium?
Since you are taking reserves sign me up for Lotus-Renault.....other preference would be Force India or for TC why not on medium?

You canot choose, its either on or off.
nevmeh - I will sign you to the reserves. I use TC on medium but unfortunatley as Sandman says I can only choose on or off.

ALL- Check out our sponsor in the OP and have a look at the Simboot website to see the product. I would like to personally thank Randall of Simboot for his generous prize offers and look forward to battling him on track 👍
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